The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 251 Give You a Hand

"You also want to... go out and help?" Aiden was a little surprised, and then straightened his face, "Stop it, do you think this is a restaurant? Just go out if you want to?"

He originally wanted to use the past events and Kyle's mission to stimulate Ophelia's self-esteem, so that she could have a clear understanding of herself and stay safe in prison from now on.

But now it seems that the effect of this stimulating method seems a bit unexpected.

"Don't you always like to use prisoners as coolies? Ben -" Ophelia suddenly paused at this point, swallowed the word "prince" after it, and changed her words, "I will force it this time." I'll give you a try, don't you know how to flatter me!"

"Who is not flattering?" Aiden suddenly felt angry and funny, "Do you think any prisoner can do things for me? I have standards for selecting people, okay? I must be a prisoner with a high enough disciplinary score. Take it into consideration. As for you, you escaped from prison, escaped from prison, and rioted. You are still under observation. You even gave me a fight during the observation period. You are full of misdeeds. Even a prisoner like you can go out and roam around. It’s better to dismantle the door and let everyone come and go as they please.”

According to regulations, it is impossible for a prisoner like Ophelia during the probation period to be allowed to leave the prison in the name of assisting in case handling or working outside the prison, as he did with Dai Li, Precia or Avansha. Just because he has great authority in prison does not mean that this authority is unlimited.

Of course, even if he could, he himself would not be stupid enough to easily trust a prisoner like Ophelia with numerous criminal records, and he would not make such an unwise move in public or private matters.

"After making so many excuses, you are obviously afraid of me, right?" Ophelia said provocatively with an unnatural expression.

"People like you who are not very smart should not use aggressive tactics." Aiden replied without hesitation.

Ophelia immediately clenched her fists, and finally resisted the urge to rush forward and punch the man.

"That's good. At least I'm beginning to know how to be patient." Aiden smiled, "But the things you can't do just can't be done. Now, don't think about getting out of this prison."

"Then at least..." Ophelia said calmly and put forward another plan with a cold expression, "Take one of my hands with you."

"What does this mean?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"Didn't you say that Kyle should turn into a bat and search for the smell of human blood on the enemy? I can do this kind of thing too!" Ophelia said seriously, "It doesn't matter if it's one hand or one leg. That’s fine, I can separate it and give it to you. The limbs separated from my body can be atomized and deformed, so they can be used to some extent.”

"Are you trying to escape from prison in batches this time?" Aiden joked.

"I just don't want to sit here and be a vase!" Ophelia said every word.

"Feeling unwilling? Well, that's understandable. But how can I guarantee that your separated limbs will be obedient? Maybe your hands will strangle my neck as soon as you get out of prison." Aiden looked at Aoife Leah's eyes questioned.

"Aren't there witches in the prison who are good at using magic? If you carve the familiar's runes on my limbs, or directly attach them with possessed demons, you can turn them into familiars controlled by you." Ophelia did not avoid his gaze, "Don't worry, I am staying in this broken prison that can seal magic power. It is impossible to control the limbs outside the prison from here. And there is no chance that you can defeat me by chance. Are you still afraid of one of my hands?"

Aiden narrowed his eyes. He understood the operation of black magic. There was nothing wrong with Ophelia's proposal in theory.

Taking Ophelia's limbs out of the prison, Ophelia, whose magic power is sealed, cannot control the limbs at any time, but the limbs can inherit Ophelia's will and act independently with magic power, just like independent low-level monsters. The idea of ​​using magic to control is feasible, and the risk is very low. Simple methods targeting vampires can be effective.

Today is different from the past. Now that he has mastered the word of "return", even Ophelia in her prime can confront her head-on. There is really no need to fear a mere stump.

"It's interesting. I don't mind giving it a try. Just give me... your left hand." After thinking for a while, Aiden raised the corner of his mouth, "But I still have to advise you, don't play tricks. In your current situation , if you do some extra little tricks..."

"Don't worry!" Ophelia interrupted him before he could finish. "Since you agreed, hurry up and give me the authority to cast spells!"

"Prisoner 3005, temporarily revoked the ability to cast spells." Aiden said this, took out the gun and put it on the table, aimed at Ophelia's heart, and supervised Ophelia to remove her hand.

After weighing the risks, he decided to give Ophelia a chance.

Ophelia offered to help, explaining that what she just said might have some effect. In this case, he felt it necessary to confirm it.

If this guy still has a chance to correct himself, then he doesn't mind using her.

Although the search task was left to Kyle, it would be somewhat beneficial if he also brought a radar that could detect the enemy - after all, the enemy had already set the Rose Iron Prison as a target, and it would not be surprising to find him anytime.

Even without the barrier, the spell on Ophelia's neck would still limit her ability to transform, but this degree was enough. Ophelia misted her left hand, and then the mist gathered again on the table in front of Aiden, turning it into a left hand surrounded by gray mist.

"Prisoner 3005, seal the casting authority." Aiden said again.

The mist dissipated, Ophelia frowned and covered her forearm. Before the casting authority was sealed, she used blood magic to seal the wound in time. The severed, pale left hand lay quietly on the table.

Aiden picked up the severed hand without any hesitation: "Then I will accept it without hesitation. I will ask Daly to help take care of it next."

"I feel goosebumps when being touched by someone like you." Ophelia showed a disgusted expression, "Let me make it clear first, don't do weird things with my hand!"

"Don't worry, my hobby is not so curious as to be interested in a severed hand." Aiden shook Ophelia's hand, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Ophelia hesitated for a while and said: "I say..."


"Even if I ask you, at least don't let that idiot die..." Ophelia said and looked away.

Aiden stared at her for a while and smiled: "Okay, I'll try my best."

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