The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 261 The Splitter of the Blood Moon Cult

According to Aiden's speculation, Mr. Bloody Clothes should have poached a large number of human believers from the already declining Blood Moon Cult as pawns for his own actions, so he used the banner of the Blood Moon Cult.

Judging from his performance just now, the agent of the God of Death obviously hated Mr. Bloody Clothes.

Clarifying his position may help him get information about Mr. Bloody Clothes from the other party.

"You are also my master's enemy." The agent replied coldly.

"I actually have no grudge against your master. Strictly speaking, you insisted on coming to provoke me." Aiden shrugged, "You came to the city where I live to kill people, wanted to kidnap the prisoners in my prison, and finally wanted to murder my subordinates... You killed people everywhere and made enemies. It's not unfair for you to die in the hands of anyone in the end, right? The God of Death is really unlucky. How could he have such an unplanned agent like you?"

From Aiden's point of view, the agent's actions were actually largely ruined by his habit of killing people indiscriminately.

In fact, it only takes three people to obtain the power of the God of Death, but he killed one more person, so he had to dump the corpses, so that other forces could detect his existence and action patterns early.

In the end, he did not suppress his urge to kill, did not arrange a more careful plan, and rashly jumped out to attack Veronica. If he acted more cautiously and secretly, it would not be so easy for Aiden to find him.

The agent was silent.

He also admitted that he ended up like this, largely because of his "interest".

In fact, after accepting the mission of the God of Death and coming to the autonomous state, he had thought about suppressing his long-standing hobby of killing and focusing on the mission.

But for some reason, after coming to this city, the urge to kill began to become uncontrollable, and the inexplicably swollen desire tortured him every day-this was something that had almost never happened before. Although he often enjoyed killing people before, it was basically only once every few weeks or even months.

After seeing the female prison guard yesterday, his mind was full of thoughts of killing this top prey, so he acted impatiently.

If he could be more patient, spend time observing the guard's work and rest time, and find a suitable time to sneak attack... his ending would probably be very different.

Incredibly, after everything failed, this swelled desire disappeared without a trace like the ebb tide.

It was just like being possessed by a ghost.

"... Still unwilling to say anything?" Seeing that he seemed to have no intention of revealing any information, Aiden had begun to think of giving up.

But the agent spoke again: "Do you want to kill that man?"

"I just need to do this." Aiden replied calmly, "But he disappeared, and I can only collect as much information about him as possible."

He had always assumed that what Melifilia told him about Mr. Bloody Clothes wanting to kill him was true, because he felt that he could not afford the possibility of being assassinated by such a strong man without any preparation.

"Then I'll tell you." The agent suddenly laughed strangely under the mask, "After all, I'd like to see any of you finish in the end."

Aiden did not reply, but tapped the table with his finger to signal the other party to continue.

So the agent began to tell the story: "That man joined the cult about six years ago. He is an ordinary wizard. At first glance, he is no different from other human servants, just a little more capable. We usually assign humans to persuade more humans to join the cult as the lower-level personnel of the cult and the food of the vampires. That man has a good eloquence and can basically attract one or two new believers every time... We even considered pulling him to our side."

"You made him a vampire?" Aiden heard what the agent meant.

"Just considering it. We will not easily increase our own kind. After all, food is very scarce for vampires in this era." The agent replied.

Aiden thought to himself that you think it is scarce because you take ordinary people for granted as normal food.

"In the end, we all underestimated this human." The agent said slowly, "He actually split the cult in secret and persuaded other human believers to betray the god of death and convert to other gods..."

"What god?" Aiden asked knowingly.

"They claim to be the goddess of conspiracy who holds the power of 'wisdom', but who knows what kind of god she is in reality?" The agent said with disdain.

"Seeing how much you hate him... didn't you try to retaliate against him?"

Normally, when the blood clan serving the god of death noticed Mr. Bloody's divisive behavior, they should have killed him.

"We sent out several assassins, assassins who were blessed by the god of death, except for me who succeeded, all the others were killed by him... Damn it!" The agent seemed a little angry when he said this.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by success?" Aiden frowned, "Did you kill him?"

"Yes, I succeeded in killing him, and brought the guy's body back to offer to my lord." The agent said, "But my lord told me that he was not dead, and there was not even a trace of soul left in that body."

"What's going on?"

"You may not believe it, but that guy seems to have replaced his body, resurrected in someone else's body, and then turned to the dark to manipulate the cult. In the cult, he used this miracle to make those believers who pursued immortality worship him."

"So that's how it is." Aiden nodded.

"Warden, you accept it too quickly, right?" Kyle, who had been listening, finally couldn't help but interrupt, "How can such a thing be done so easily?"

"Unfortunately, there are prisoners in my prison who can do it." Aiden didn't even look at him, "It's not surprising."

Precia's unique secret method can replace the body, and he himself inherited this body through Melifilia's power. Naturally, he is not unfamiliar with this kind of thing.

Precia's secret method is to study the black magic of the spiritual system to the extreme in order to imitate part of the power of God. The agent's evaluation of Mr. Bloody Clothes is that he is an ordinary wizard, so Mr. Bloody Clothes can replace the body, most likely with the help of Melifilia's power.

"So you don't know what he looks like now?" Aiden felt a little disappointed.

"Yes." The agent replied.

"Any other information worth noting?" Aiden asked casually with a try-it attitude.

The agent tried to recall: "When he was in the cult, he suggested to us that the Blood Moon Cult should declare war on the Vengeance Temple and dedicate the authority to serve the Vengeance Temple to our Lord."

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