The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 262 This is not something you should care about

Rose Iron Prison, cafeteria.

After the interrogation of the deputy, Aiden and Kyle sat here eating a late dinner.

"This cafeteria of yours is really interesting. You actually thought of cooking with blood." Kyle used a spoon to cleanly chop the stir-fried pork belly on the plate and burped, "All I can say is, great!"

"Your sister is not the only vampire we imprison here. Every day when we purchase meat from the slaughterhouse, we get some fresh blood. Because it cannot be stored for a long time, the extra blood is used for cooking. In fact, there are You can eat blood sausage," Aiden, who was sitting opposite him, replied calmly.

"It's great. For vampires like me, the most important thing to worry about every day is food. If all restaurants could be like this, we wouldn't have to go to ranches and slaughterhouses all the time." Kyle shook his head and sighed, "People only have In the past, when we were poor and there were wars, we would remember that the internal organs and blood of livestock can also be eaten.”

"That's true," Aiden agreed.

Vampires can basically only eat blood. Although the Convention stipulates that registered Vampires can purchase blood as food from formal channels, such "regular channels" are not available everywhere. Sometimes, vampires who abide by the rules are more likely to have problems eating than those who wantonly attack humans for food.

Even a vampire with a high bloodline like Kyle will still encounter a lot of inconveniences in today's society. Things like rules are not always perfect enough to ensure fairness and justice to everyone.

"Is there anything to drink?" Kyle suddenly asked after dinner.

"Tea? Or blood?" Aiden asked.

"Water is enough... Sigh!" Kyle said this and suddenly sighed for no reason.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked as he handed over the kettle.

"Suddenly I remembered a joke I didn't like very much, saying that vampires would use women's sanitary products to make tea." A bitter smile appeared on Kyle's face.

Aiden had heard this joke in his previous life, and similar jokes existed in this world.

But for the real vampires in this world, this joke is probably not very funny.

"Although today's matter is a bit unexpected, it is always a good thing that it can be solved so quickly. It just makes your friend easier." Kyle poured himself some water.

"That's not necessarily true." Aiden realized that the other person was talking about Abigail, "She still owes me a favor that she has not repaid."

The matter of Death's representative was resolved by themselves before Abigail could take action, and there was no chance for her to appear. But in other words, the favor Abigail owed him... should be said to be unpaid.

"So does this mean you owe me a favor today?" Kyle grinned.

"We defeated the common enemy together, why should I owe you a favor?" Aiden also smiled, "Although you sacrificed a lot...but didn't I also arrange for you brother and sister to meet tomorrow?"

"There is no advantage in cooperating with you." Kyle sighed again, but immediately put on a smile as if he had a different face, "Speaking of which, I have something to discuss with you. So I haven’t seen this silly sister of mine for a long time, I want to give her some work..."

"What do you mean?" Aiden didn't understand.

Kyle lowered his voice and told Aiden his plan.

"...How about it?" After finishing speaking, Kyle asked him for advice.

"It's up to you, as long as you figure out the consequences yourself." Aiden gave a serious reply, "Just don't come to me if you are cut off later."

"It's okay. I've worked as a wage earner for the ancestor for twenty years, so it's not too much to just make a joke on her, right?" Kyle said he didn't care.

"How does it feel to work for the Ancestor? Or I should ask...what do you really think?" Aiden asked smoothly.

"I don't care. The ancestor is actually a decent boss. As long as we complete the things he told us, he won't interfere too much with us. Now that we have become a vampire, we can only live in this capacity. I originally also I don’t have any ideals in life, I just live one day at a time. Working for the ancestor, in the end, it’s just a team within the vampire clan.” Kyle leaned back on the chair.

"You're quite free and easy," Aiden commented.

"Speaking of it, Warden, you are on the team now." Kyle said with a smile, "You have arrested the lackeys of the God of Death and cooperated with the people of the Founder. From now on, you should be regarded as an ally of our Founder Faction. "

"This time, the Blood Moon Order came to the door on their own. This position... I have no choice." Aiden replied calmly, "To be honest, I personally don't like to get involved in this kind of thing."

"But you have been in contact with the Blood Moon Order since before, haven't you?" Kyle asked, he was somewhat curious about the topic that Aiden mentioned when he interrogated the agent, "You mentioned the 'bloody clothes' to the agent Sir, who is he?"

"It's just a fugitive from the past who tried to assassinate me once. I have always wanted to capture him." Aiden replied briefly, "I have said before, this Blood Moon Cult, and the Blood Moon Cult of the Death Sect. The group is no longer the same organization, and this is not your concern.”

Kyle stared at Aiden for a while and nodded in agreement: "That's right."

Kyle picked up the cup and took a sip of water, remembering the voice he heard in his head just now while sitting in the cafe.

He lied to Aiden about something. In fact, he didn't rush over when he heard the gunshots. He was not on the road at that time. He had arrived at the agreed place early and sat at the innermost part of the coffee shop. He didn't notice anything outside.

What really made him rush to the prison was a woman's voice that suddenly appeared in his mind. That voice ordered him to rush to the Rose Iron Prison immediately.

When the voice appeared, he felt his heart hurt as if it was being tightened by someone - he immediately understood that the ancestor was using the blood contract to remind him to obey this order.

It was because of that voice that he could appear at the right time and help Aiden Jarod defeat the agent of the god of death.

Kyle knew very well that it was not the ability of the ancestor. It should be someone else who conveyed this order to him as the agent of the ancestor through the ancestor.

There was something high and above, beyond the ancestor...even the existence of the god of death, who helped them, to be precise, it was helping Aiden Jarod.

But it seemed that the man in front of him had not noticed it yet.

Kyle wisely kept silent on the matter - because it was really not his concern.

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