The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 263 The Warden's Power and Reputation

At night, Aiden sat in Abigail's summoning space and explained the progress of the incident to her.

"... Because of this accident, I and the people of the Ancestor Sect directly dealt with that guy. Now he has been handed over to the Heresy Inquisition." Aiden told Abigail the whole story.

"Is it really okay to hand it over to the Heresy Inquisition?" Abigail seemed to doubt that the Heresy Inquisition could not handle such a prisoner.

"Although it is a bit... to say this to a witch, I still have to advise you, lady, not to underestimate the Heresy Inquisition."

After all, Aiden saw the ruler imprisoned by the Heresy Inquisition with his own eyes. A representative of a god should not be a big problem.

"Well, anyway, it seems that there is no chance for me to appear." Abigail said in a flat tone, "Anyway, for you, this is not a difficult problem, right?"

Aiden thought it was difficult, why not? I just want to manage the prison well, and I don't want to fight this kind of life-threatening battle in person.

He could see that Abigail didn't take the "special envoy" sent by the god of death seriously at all, because Abigail herself had the ability to kill this agent in seconds.

Because Aiden had previously shown an understanding of the power of God, Abigail had always regarded Aiden as a strong man of the same level as herself - or at least had a very powerful backer behind him.

Aiden could also feel that the Witch Assembly had always overestimated him. Abigail felt that the agent of the god of death was not a threat, so she judged it by herself and thought that it was not a big deal for Aiden.

This feeling of being treated as a fellow by a big boss is very subtle, just like having dinner with a rich man, who casually chats about various luxury goods that his assets cannot afford, and then turns around and asks without noticing: "What do you think?"

"Not bad." Aiden could only smile politely, and then kindly reminded, "Although this agent was dealt with by me...but from his trajectory, he should have found out who the authority of "reproduction" has been transferred to. I think you should pay more attention to it."

With Abigail's power, the agent of the god of death and even the blood clan of the entire Blood Moon Cult are not considered to be too big a threat, but the god of death worshipped by these blood clans is different.

The ruler of "authority" and the saint who is close to an authority are not the same in strength.

For the god of death, Abigail holds the remaining key elements under the throne of "life" and is the successor of the nameless witch who once betrayed him-if the god of death knew all this, he would most likely try his best to kill Abigail.

"I don't think we need to worry too much. I think the Death God probably doesn't have the energy to do it himself." Abigail was still surprisingly calm.

Aiden also hoped so. After all, this incident forced Aiden to take a side in the factional struggle within the blood clan.

If we use the favorability of the forces in the game as an analogy, he, the warden of the Rose Iron Prison, should have won a "friendly" reputation with the Ancestors, but a "hateful" reputation with the Death God.

In addition, his reputation with the Witch Assembly should also be considered positive. He is not only a partner in the past, but also a current business partner. For Aiden now, Abigail is a very valuable network resource, and he naturally does not want Abigail to be killed by the Death God.

So he calmly reminded: "Isn't your idea too optimistic?"

"My 'mother' has investigated the movements of the God of Death in the past. According to the intelligence I have accumulated, the power of the God of Death has been dormant for many years since the fall of the old Reise Kingdom two hundred years ago. Until now, it still relies on such an agent to take action..." Abigail said lightly, "The battle two hundred years ago may have caused unexpected damage to the God of Death."

"To be honest, I am a little surprised. The God of Death is the ruler of 'death'. He should be able to completely control the concept of 'death'. The ruler of death is actually immortal, right?" Aiden raised a question.

Not to mention the ancestor who is close to the power of "death", even Kyle and the agent have immortal bodies. Kyle once mentioned that the ancestor will not die even if he is burned to ashes. As long as he replenishes blood, he can restore his body.

If the dignified God of Death can't do this, it's too unreasonable.

How can a god who cannot die be so severely damaged that he cannot come out to cause trouble for two hundred years?

"For various authorities, crossing over 'death' is not a rare thing. The body cannot die, which does not mean that the spirit cannot be affected. You have to know that the one who fought against the god of death was the ruler of the 'desire' authority." Abigail obviously heard what Aiden meant, "That is the authority under the throne of 'spirit'."

"Your power over the 'desire' authority..." Aiden asked.

"I don't know much, but I can speculate. Didn't my ancestor almost have his spirit eroded by the so-called god of love?" Abigail said lightly, "I think one of the powers of the 'desire' authority should be to completely control a person's 'purpose'."

"Like hypnosis?"

"The power of the ruler is probably more than that. She should be able to impose all of her own 'purposes' on others, so that others' way of thinking gradually becomes completely synchronized with her own, and become another 'self' - I think this is the basis for her to gradually erode others' spirits."

"So she did the same thing to the God of Death?" Aiden followed Abigail's train of thought.

Abigail nodded: "At least that's what I think. The God of Death destroyed the body of the ruler of 'Desire', and the ruler of 'Desire' tried his best to erode the spirit of the God of Death - in the end it became a lose-lose result. I think the God of Death is probably still helpless against this erosion."

"It sounds like if the erosion is successful, the spirit of the God of Death will become the same as the God of Love, and the power of 'Death' will fall into the hands of the ruler of 'Desire'?" Aiden frowned, "Isn't this ability a little too unsolvable?"

"No, considering the status of the ruler, the effect of this erosion is definitely limited. But at least, it should be certain that the God of Death can't act on his own now." Abigail said firmly.

"Then I hope things are really as you said..." Aiden shook his head, "In fact, I have something else I want to ask you."

"Please speak."

"Have you heard of the organization 'Temple of Vengeance'?" Aiden asked Abigail.

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