The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 264: The Ritual of the Authority of “Hate”

"Revenge Temple? That terrorist organization known as the 'Madhouse'?" Abigail replied, "Does this organization have anything to do with you?"

"Just asking about other cases." Aiden waved his hand, "It seems you have some understanding."

"But I know probably not much more than the Heresy Tribunal. You must know that this organization declined after the appearance of the Convention... Strictly speaking, it was killed by the Heresy Tribunal in various countries." Bigel said slowly, "Your Excellency, I'm afraid you know more than me."

Aiden does know about the organization of the Temple of Vengeance. The predecessor of this organization is a political extremist organization called "Temple" that emerged in the Netherlands about fifteen years ago.

At the beginning, the activities of this organization were mainly to oppose the domestic reforms of the Netherlands and to train killers and armed personnel to carry out some assassinations and terrorist attacks. Later, the Dutch reform was successful, and the Templar organization was designated as a terrorist organization by the Dutch government. The core members were arrested, and the remaining members had to flee the country.

Subsequently, the remaining members of the organization changed its name to the "Temple of Vengeance" and evolved into a purely terrorist organization targeting the Dutch government. Over the course of several years, the terrorist organization's behavior became more and more extreme, even including voluntary human sacrifice. A large number of mentally abnormal and crazy terrorists have emerged in the organization. This is the fundamental reason why Abigail calls it a "madhouse" when she mentions it.

At this time, unfortunately for this terrorist organization, the Netherlands joined the Convention.

According to the provisions of the Convention, religious organizations that engage in human sacrifice will basically be put on the purge list.

As a result, the "Temple of Vengeance" immediately "upgraded" from an extremist organization only related to the internal affairs of the Netherlands to a purge cult group that violated the Convention, and became a street rat that everyone in the world wanted to beat up. The judicial authorities cracked down hard.

At this point, the "Temple of Revenge" has lost its place of survival in most countries on the mainland.

By six years ago, the "Temple of Vengeance" had actually already collapsed in the crackdowns of various countries, split into several small unorganized groups that spread across the mainland, and were defeated one by one.

In fact, three years ago, the autonomous prefecture also destroyed a small religious group that was judged to be a remnant of the "Church of Vengeance", and its leader is still incarcerated in the Rose Iron Prison.

That person was none other than "Mad Hero" who was protected by the evil god.

But it was only today that Aiden learned from the representative of the God of Death that Mr. Bloody Clothes had used the Blood Moon Order to deal with the "Temple of Vengeance" in an attempt to seize the authority of the "Temple of Vengeance".

Judging from the special abilities of Madman Hailuo, the Vengeance Temple does believe in a real ruler and has received a response from this ruler.

Then, he split the Blood Moon Cult and convinced the human believers to worship the goddess of conspiracy, Melifilia. Moreover, he seemed to be protected by Melifilia. After being killed by the agent of Death, he was well prepared to replace his body and continue to lead the activities of the new Blood Moon Order, relying on God's miracles to win the worship of believers.

According to common sense, after taking control of the new splintered Blood Moon Order, he will probably continue to try to seize the authority served by the "Church of Vengeance".

According to Melifilia, when the Blood Moon Order was destroyed and he assassinated his predecessor Aiden, he had become a saint with the authority of "hatred" and obtained the sole authority of "hatred".

Judging from Abigail's answer, she admitted that she did not know much about the organization "Temple of Vengeance", but this did not mean that she did not know the information about the "hate" authority.

Aiden thought about it carefully and tried to ask a question: "Then do you know that the Vengeance Temple once served the authority of 'hatred'?"

"I still know that," Abigail replied.

Sure enough - Aiden confirmed his suspicion.

What the "Temple of Revenge" serves is the power of "hatred" that was taken away by Mr. Bloody Clothes.

The ability of "Mad Hero" to rebound damage should be the effect of one of the powers of "hatred".

"I know, but you didn't inquire further? I think the members in the assembly have always wanted to gain power." Aiden couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"I banned it." Abigail replied calmly. "I explicitly prohibit members in the assembly from trying to contact the authority of 'hate'. Once someone shows their intention, they will be removed."


"Don't you know the conditions for the 'Hate' authority promotion ceremony?" Abigail asked.

"I only know that I want to complete a 'revenge'." Aiden first gave the information he knew.

"There are two rituals left. One is to find a person and sacrifice for yourself completely voluntarily, and then the rest... is said to be to complete a 'betrayal.'" Abigail replied, "If someone in the witch assembly tries to Pursuing the word of 'hate', and even starting to pursue power, is a dangerous factor for the Witches' Assembly, and I must eliminate it."

Aiden was stunned after hearing this.

One of the rituals to advance to the authority of "hate" is to complete a "betrayal"? Mr. Bloody Clothes has completed this ritual, which means...has he betrayed anyone?

Could it be... Melifilia? The idea came to Aiden naturally.

I feel like this information, as a result, can extract a lot of information from what was learned from the mouth of the Death Agent.

"Thank you for your answer." Aiden nodded.

"Don't be so polite. You are our ally." Abigail replied calmly, "I want to ask, how is your workshop prepared?"

"It's almost finished, and we can start work once the materials are complete." Aiden replied.

"That's great. Vera has prepared the first batch of materials, about 200 kilograms. How can I give it to you?"

"Just ship it to the station in Silver City the day after tomorrow." Aiden replied calmly, "I will hire a carriage to bring it back. I will handle other formalities. You just need to give me the materials."

"Okay, then I wish you a prosperous business."

"I wish us a prosperous business." Aiden added, "Then, I'll take my leave today."

"Goodbye." Abigail said goodbye calmly and waved. ,

The gray fog quickly rolled up, and the scene in front of Aiden switched to his office.

Aiden sat in a chair and thought for a long time. He stood up and took the lantern in the corner of the room.

As for the remaining questions, it would be better to ask the goddess directly in person.

From the information he got today, it seems that this conspiracy goddess has really hidden a lot of things from him.

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