The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 265: Melifilia's Purpose

The heavy cell door opened in front of Aiden. He grabbed the lantern and strode into the cell.

Melifilia was awake today, staring directly at him.

"Oh, your expression today is really...serious. If you don't know, I would have thought you were here to catch someone raping you." Melifilia grinned and gave him a teasing smile as always, "It seems that next... Is it another question-and-answer session?”

"You want to play a game?" Aiden asked.

"I would like to, but it seems you are not in the mood." Melifilia smiled.

"I don't care, you can just chat as usual." Aiden replied calmly.

Aiden really had no intention of playing board games with the goddess in front of him, but from the moment he came in, he realized that Melifilia had anticipated the purpose of his visit.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Aiden realized that it was useless no matter how impatient he was. In front of the calm goddess, no matter how darkly he asked loudly, he would only look ridiculous.

Melifilia's eyes widened slightly, as if she was a little surprised, and then she narrowed her eyes with pleasure: "Not bad, I like your attitude very much."

"What do you want to do?"

"Stay the same as before." Melifilia used her mind to move out the flying chess set they often played.

Aiden sat down at the table and placed the chess pieces with Melifilia.

"What do you want to ask?"

"You told me before that you were tired of the Blood Moon Order who worshiped you, so you abandoned them... In fact, it was the 'Mr. Bloody Clothes' behind you who betrayed you, isn't that right?" Aiden said as he spoke. One side rolled the dice.

On the first throw, he rolled a six.

"Oh, your luck is very good today!" Melifilia first commented on Aiden's luck, and then answered the question unhurriedly, "It seems that you already know the other aspects of the 'Hate' authority. Conditions?"

"Have you ever used him as your pawn to help you seize the power of 'hate'?" Aiden asked.

Judging from the information provided by the representative of the God of Death, Melifilia once gave Mr. Bloody Clothes her own protection.

The agent of Death obtained the power assigned by Death by killing people, and he acted according to the will of Death. Kyle received immortality from the First Ancestor because the First Ancestor needed him to do things for him.

Then Mr. Bloody Clothes was most likely Melfilia's "agent" at that time. He specifically snatched the power of "hatred" from the "Revenge Temple", and it was probably due to Melfilia's instructions. If you want to take away the power from one ruler, it will probably be difficult to achieve success without another ruler behind the scenes.

"Yes, you did not disappoint me." Melifilia showed a pleased smile, "He is a very good chess piece. At that time, I gave instructions to let him seize the power of 'hatred' and keep it for me - because 'I' couldn't directly absorb the power of 'hate', but that guy chose to betray me and take over the power without hesitation, which really disappointed me."

Finally it was Melifilia's turn. She rolled the dice and it was also a six.

"Disappointed?" Aiden picked up the dice, looked up at Melifilia, and suddenly sneered, "Stop joking."


"You are a god who can read minds. How could you not think that he would betray you?" Aiden replied calmly, "It would be difficult for a mortal to deceive you, right?"

"What do you mean?" Melfilia asked with interest.

"His betrayal is actually what you expected." Aiden stared at the chessboard and said while moving the chess pieces.

"Then why should I do this?" Melifilia asked, her tone was not a rhetorical question, but more like asking a question.

Aiden did not answer directly, but instead raised a question: "Tell me first, if a person meets the conditions of the promotion ceremony before receiving the divine word and the corresponding unique authority, in this case... "

"The moment he masters the motto of God and obtains the only authority, he will be recognized by the authority." Melifilia gave the answer before he finished asking, "Just as you thought, completing the ritual conditions and obtaining authority The order before and after has no effect, even if... the ritual is just completed unintentionally. "

"So, your purpose is to cultivate an 'enemy' and complete your 'revenge' in advance before you get the authority?"

Aiden said and rolled the dice again, and this time the dice gave six points - he could choose to let the next chess piece take off, or he could choose to let the chess piece move forward six spaces, and when this chess piece moved forward In the sixth square from the front, Melifilia's chess piece happened to be there.

"Oh, you caught me." Melifilia watched helplessly as Aiden knocked his chess piece back to his hometown, and happened to reach the grid of the same color as his chess piece and "fly" forward for a while. Here, Afterwards, the additional points were added to advance four spaces.

She used her mind to "pick up" the dice and throw them, but she only rolled one, and could only pass the round in vain.

"But the question is..." Aiden held the dice and looked directly into Melifilia's eyes, "Why don't you kill him yourself?"

"What do you think?" Melifilia tilted her head.

"I said you don't want to... use me as a springboard for the 'betrayal' ceremony?" Aiden frowned.

Looking at Aiden's situation today, it can be said that it was entirely caused by Melifilia.

Mr. Bloody, who killed the previous Aiden, had the power of ‘hatred’ in his hands obtained by Melifilia, and his betrayal was premeditated by Melifilia.

Later, Melifilia led the Inquisition to destroy the Blood Moon Cult, and secretly reached a certain “agreement” with the previous Aiden.

It is probably because of her actions that Mr. Bloody set “Aiden Jarod” as his enemy.

Then, she put an insurance on Aiden, so that Mr. Bloody could not kill “Aiden Jarod”.

After Aiden knew his situation, in order to protect himself, he could only rely on Melifilia and strive to obtain the power of God in order to obtain the power to protect himself from Mr. Bloody’s “revenge”.

And in this process, Melifilia can choose to “betray” him at a certain time.

But after hearing his answer, Melifilia shook her head helplessly, contrary to her previous relief and praise: "How can you doubt me like this? I treat you like this-"

"Don't say those dirty words that no one would believe, I will get goose bumps." Aiden interrupted her first.

"You are really unromantic." Melifilia muttered, and then smiled meaningfully at Aiden, "But you don't really think I need to do that, do you?"

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