The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 268 Pirates Thousands of Miles Away

Half an hour later, Aiden was sitting in his office, picking out the letter Kyle mentioned from the letters in the warden's mailbox.

The white envelope has gold paint patterns on the corners, and the dark red sealing wax has the noble family crest printed on it. With such a refined style, it seems that the statement that Azrael, the ancestor of the blood clan, was born into a noble family is probably true.

Aiden put on his gloves, found a letter opener, opened the envelope, and pulled out the letter inside.

"The warden personally signed it.

Thank you for your help this time..."

Aiden's eyes quickly glanced over, directly skipping the polite words at the beginning and jumping to the back.

Then, his eyes widened.

"...I have heard the description, and I guess that the power you use should belong to the power of 'order'. I think you should be interested in power, and I can provide you with some useful information to express my gratitude."

It seems that during the battle with the agent of Death yesterday, Kyle who rushed to the scene had already observed the effect of his power to some extent, and found a way to inform the ancestor, and the ancestor also had some knowledge of the authority of "order", so let's take a look The child guessed the power used by Aiden.

Useful information...

Aiden immediately read on——

"The only authority of Order is a blank leather-bound book called the Wordless Codex. It passed through my hands in the past and was eventually traded to a pirate. That pirate later took control of the entire land. In the White Ou Sea area, he was revered as the King of Pirates by the pirates of Jinghai Sea. After his death, the "Wordless Code" was circulated among different pirate forces. According to my intelligence network, the "Wordless Code" should be in the world now. In the hands of pirate Neville Drake who occupies Red Shark Island.

I hope this information can be of use to you, and I hope to continue to maintain this mutually beneficial relationship with you in the future. "

The final signature is Azrael.

After reading this, Aiden quickly searched for relevant information in his memory, took control of the White Ou Sea, and was respected as the King of Pirates by Jinghai...

Isn't that... the pirate king Ryan Gott who operated in the Tranquility Sea between the northern and southern continents five hundred years ago?

Aiden frowned and thought for a moment. The Ancestor had indeed sent a piece of important information. The sole authority of "Order" was very valuable to him now.

Most of this information is not false. It is hard to imagine that the dignified ancestor of the blood clan would go to great lengths to use false information to provoke him and a pirate. If he had any trouble with this pirate, it would be enough to just send the blood prince to kill them.

But, want to seize the sole authority from the pirates?

The autonomous prefecture is located inland, while Red Shark Island is near the coral peninsula on the north side of the mainland. There is an entire Dragon Backbone Empire between them. The Rose Iron Prison and the pirate group far to the north of the mainland can basically be said to be out of reach.

With Aiden's status and conditions, it is simply unrealistic to go to Red Shark Island to conquer the pirates and seize the sole authority. Of course, the Empire is also a party to the Convention. If the pirate leader is caught, he will most likely be sent to the autonomous prefecture for custody.

Just from the name, this pirate should be male. Even if he is imprisoned, he should be sent to the Iron Prison of Thorns.

Aiden scratched his head. Even if he wanted to get the sole authority at this moment, I'm afraid there's no way... he could only put it on hold for now.

He is not in a hurry. For him, the priority of obtaining the Word of God is far more important than obtaining the sole authority. If the sole authority cannot be digested, it can only be used as a unique prop.

Melifilia persuaded him to visit Melissa's divination shop today, but he had other plans today.

In the early hours of the morning, the Witches' Assembly first delivered a bag of materials and placed them directly outside the Rose Prison. With such an astonishing delivery speed, Aiden estimated that it was due to Habiness's flying magic.

Aiden looked at the wall clock to check the time, stood up, and left the office.

After getting the first batch of materials, he immediately arranged for a workshop in the textile factory to use these materials to make the first batch of test products. Before putting it on the market, he planned to let prisoners in the Rose Iron Prison try out the product.

Now, he is going to inspect the production progress.

He took the amalgam golem that had been standing in the corner like a sculpture and went to the textile workshop where the prisoners worked. He walked around in a circle before finally walking outside the textile workshop in the core area and looking through the patterns on the wall. Peering through the window.

The prison guard on duty in this workshop today is Veronica, who has been on day shift for a long time, and her partner is Isabella.

At this time, all the prisoners in the workshop were immersed in work, and no one noticed a face appearing outside the window of the workshop.

Veronica's senses were sharper and she immediately noticed someone outside the workshop.

She glanced at Aiden, her eyes stayed on her boss's face for a second, and then immediately moved back to the workshop. She just quietly nudged Isabella with her elbow, who was leaning against the wall and yawning.

Isabella then noticed her boss outside the window, stood up straight again, and consciously returned to her post in the other corner.

Aiden observed the scene carefully. Most of the people working on this new product were relatively unfamiliar on the first day, but the progress was pretty good.

After a while, Veronica looked at the clock and said, "First row."

This is to organize prisoners to go to the toilet in batches. Prisoners leave their cells and basically report to the prison guards wherever they go to the toilet. In order to save time and facilitate management in the workshop, prison guards will arrange for prisoners to go to the toilet at fixed times in batches.

The prisoners in the first row of the assembly line stood up and lined up.

At this time, Aiden noticed that a prisoner in the corner took this moment to pick up the product being processed and said something to Ophelia, who was sitting on her left, across the aisle.

The seats where prisoners work are basically fixed. This prisoner is the main criminal who had a fight with Ophelia in the workshop not long ago, and from the look on her face, she seemed to be mocking Ophelia.

Something is going to happen again - this was Aiden's first reaction. The prisoner obviously knew about Ophelia's current situation and was trying to set a trap for Ophelia. With Ophelia's impulsive and irritable character, I'm afraid that he would be attacked again on the spot. Want to fight.

Ophelia had just ended her observation period early due to meritorious service. If she had another fight in such a short period of time, she would be back to that state immediately.

Seeing the anger clearly building up on Ophelia's face, he picked up the police whistle and held it in his mouth, preparing to blow it as soon as Ophelia stood up.

However, to his surprise, Ophelia did not rush towards the prisoner in the end. Instead, she raised a hand and shouted to Veronica: "I said officer, this bitch is racially provoking me." Me, do you care?"

Aiden was stunned, and the police whistle in his mouth fell back into his hand.

That Ophelia... didn't start a fight and started to behave?

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