The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 27 Everything is ready

"Just...let me stay here tonight?"

Looking at the single room in front of him, Bruce was a little dumbfounded.

After being taken to the Rose Iron Prison by Aiden, Aiden arranged such a room for him and asked him to "make do with sleeping for one night."

The single room looks a bit cramped, but overall it's relatively clean. There was a single bed fixed to the wall, a cabinet, and a toilet with a small cubicle. The configuration looked similar to that of a police dormitory.

The difference is that the door is an iron fence, and only the outside can be opened. Even the windows are sealed by iron fences.

This is a single room cell.

"Is there any problem?" Aiden looked at him knowingly.

"This is... a prison cell, right?"

"Don't think too much, it's just for one night. Compared with the prison guard's lounge, this cell configuration is more complete." Aiden smiled and patted Bruce on the back, and then added meaningfully, "And …You will have to go in sooner or later, so it’s not a bad idea to get used to it now.”

"But..." Bruce obviously still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

"How about I book a hotel for you outside? Actually, it doesn't matter..." Aiden pointed in the direction outside, "I just don't know if I can see you intact the next day."

"Then I'd better live here." Bruce nodded.

All the way here, he had a vague feeling that someone was quietly following him and Aiden in the dark. There were even a few times when he looked back and saw a mysterious figure flash past and hide in an alley or around a corner.

The killer might have been watching him, and he might have been shot in the head with a black gun from the dark as soon as he took a few steps out of the prison.

In comparison, prison is really the safest place.

"This area is full of empty cells. Don't worry. If you need anything, just tell the prison guard." Aiden put Bruce into the cell with a "kind" look on his face, and then quickly left the prison area and returned to his cell. office.

"Are all the things destroyed?" As soon as he entered the office, he asked Aifansha who was sitting inside and waiting.

"The clothes have been burned and then buried." Aifansha, who put back on her prison uniform, nodded.

Bruce felt that he was being followed along the way, which was not because of his disgrace. In fact, Avantha had indeed been following them and followed them back to the prison.

"Well done, thank you for your hard work. Go back to your room first." Aiden nodded, and then called a prison guard to send Aifansha back.

Then he immediately began to rummage through the filing cabinet in the office, sorted out several prisoner files, checked them, and then wrote down their numbers.

He called another prison guard on the night shift: "Call all three prisoners here. I have something to ask them."

A few minutes later, the three prisoners he summoned gathered in his office and lined up in a neat row.

These three prisoners were all ordinary prisoners from outside the core area. They were old and young. Everyone looked nervous. They were obviously worried about whether they would be punished or notified of being transferred to another prison if they were suddenly called out by the warden.

"You don't have to be afraid. It's actually a good thing to call you out today. I have a chance to make meritorious deeds here." Aiden smiled peacefully at them. "The three of you are all guilty of illegal gold-related transactions or selling stolen goods. Recently, the procuratorate is investigating a piece of stolen property and wants us to assist in the investigation. It is a rose gold pocket watch that was sold to the black market on the afternoon of March 27th. It belongs to a family called "Golden Gold" in the black market in Xiacheng District. I don’t know where it went from Pan’s store. Is there any way to get it back? It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it. Anyone who has connections can get someone from that store to testify.”

After he finished speaking, he looked back and forth at the three prisoners: "If we can successfully recover him, I can improve that person's treatment level by one level, and I can also seek a reduced sentence."

The expressions of the three prisoners relaxed a little, and Aiden's offer was quite generous.

But seconds passed and no prisoner raised his hand.

Aiden looked at them for a while, and finally let out a sigh of relief: "Really? There are no clues, so okay..."

He also knew that he could not always count on finding relevant personnel with connections in his prison. After all, the types of criminals in women's prisons were not as comprehensive as those in men's prisons.

But at this time, the eldest old woman among the prisoners spoke: "Warden, I would like to ask first, if stolen goods are found, will the acquirer be held accountable?"

Aiden was startled for a moment, then realized that this guy seemed to be up to something, and immediately responded: "As long as you actively assist in the investigation, you will not be held responsible."

"In that case, I might... have a way." The old woman said slowly, "My son is currently doing part of the gold business in Gray Finger Alley, and the 'gold plate' is actually a store we handle... in rose gold. The pocket watch, if the craftsmanship is good, we usually won’t melt it down casually. Maybe it’s still in his possession now, and I can ask him to find someone to testify.”

Aiden realized that the same kind of stolen goods received by many stores in the black market would sometimes go to the same oligarch operator with many connections for disposal.

He picked up the old woman's case file and looked at it carefully, then nodded in realization: "I see, you took all the charges yourself before and let your son continue to take over the black market business... No wonder you are There’s so much money in custody.”

"Warden, this really won't affect my son, right?" The old woman still looked a little worried.

"As long as you take the initiative to assist in the investigation, there will be no problem. However, maybe you have to take the initiative to hand over the stolen goods for free."

"That's no problem. I will explain it to him in the letter. Then warden, if the treatment level is improved, the number of meetings can also be increased, right?" The old woman asked cautiously.

"Of course." Aiden gave an affirmative reply.

"Then I will definitely cooperate, I will definitely cooperate!" The old woman nodded repeatedly.

For these prisoners in prison, treatment and rights are more real than money. The treatment level can not only determine the quality of life of prisoners in prison, but also determine how many times they can receive family and friends to meet in a week. Even those with high treatment levels can apply for temporary leave from prison to visit their relatives. As the warden, Aiden controls these resources that are more valuable than money.

Now the problem of evidence has also been solved. What remains to be prepared is just a retrial application written by Veronica.

Everything is ready, it's time to take the step of completely defeating the opponent.

"Go notify the core area and bring prisoner 3308 from cell 13 here." He opened the door again and instructed the prison guard on duty outside.

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