The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 271 Female Pirate Captain

The crew members on the deck were quickly cleared and everyone hid in the cabin.

The other two vampire princes came out and stood with Kyle.

"Is it really necessary to go together?" The female vampire prince looked back and forth at his two companions.

She has a bit of reserve as a noble. Three prince-level vampires, which are three S-class wanted criminals according to the wanted standards of the Inquisition. Against a ship of pirates, their combat power is a bit too much.

"Don't take it too lightly. I heard that some pirates know a thing or two about black magic, or have strange props in their hands." Kyle waved his hand, "Since we have sent three people here, we must try our best. Make sure nothing goes wrong.”

"It's okay, just have a 'light meal'." Another prince said.

"What a pity, Kyle. It's obviously an opportunity to indulge in sexual pleasure, but you put on a 'collar'." The female prince glanced at Kyle.

Among the three people present, only Kyle had the status of a legal alien. In other words, he was the only one with the prohibition of the Heretic Tribunal.

"I have my persistence...Okay, the ship is coming, get ready to work!" Kyle motioned for the two of them to turn their attention back to the pirate ship.

Since the merchant ship gave up resistance early, the pirate ship approached slowly and anchored together with the merchant ship. The pirate ship was obviously more than an order of magnitude larger than the merchant ship. In order to board the ship smoothly, the pirate ship lowered the boarding ladder.

The five pirates responsible for inquiring first went down the boarding ladder to the cargo ship, only to find that there was no one on the deck except for three hooded strangers.

"What's going on with you?" The pirates immediately became suspicious, and the muzzles of five guns were pointed at the three of them.

Revolvers, shotguns, and even flintlocks that are now rare. Pirates' weapons are basically from the underground black market or plunder in port cities, and the equipment in their hands is uneven.

Kyle was the first to speak: "I don't know much about the news on the sea here. I dare to ask your ship, but is it the Deerhawk led by Captain Anne Drake?"

Anne Drake on the Deerhawk——This was the main target of the three people's mission. However, due to the limited mission time, they did not find out any more information except for the opponent's main sea areas of activity. In the end, they could only package A merchant ship came near here and tried to fish the other party out.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll give you five minutes. If you don't want to be thrown in as bait, go and move the valuable things out of the cabin yourself!" A pirate threatened viciously, stepped forward and kicked him.

Kyle used unimaginable agility to grab the opponent's ankle and flipped the opponent to the ground.

"It seems we can only change the way of asking questions." Kyle raised the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the two vampire princes standing on both sides of him took action, slicing their wrists open with a wave of their hands, and bright red blood spurted out and turned into weapons.

The pirates were all startled and pulled the trigger almost reflexively.

Three people were shot at the same time, but they only staggered. Kyle even stood there without moving. The bullet penetrated his chest directly without any resistance - for the vampire prince who could turn his whole body into mist. It is said that for most physical damage, it is enough to atomize it and then transform it back. If it is atomized in advance, even the injury can be directly avoided.

The two vampire princes standing on both sides each turned their blood into two short daggers, threw the daggers out with a wave of their hands, and directly pierced the pirates' arms.

When the pirates were howling like ghosts, the blood prince had already rushed in front of them, knocking down two of them first, then each grabbed a prey, bit the other's neck and sucked the blood.

A sharp horn sounded on the pirate ship, and the flag on the mast was replaced with red. After witnessing the three men neatly knocking down the pirates who boarded the ship first, the pirate ship immediately entered battle mode.

Kyle stepped forward unhurriedly, preparing to board the pirate ship along the boarding ladder set down by the pirates. Immediately, two pirates rushed over to cut off the way to board the ship.

Seeing that the opponent was about to overthrow the boarding ladder, Kyle opened his wrist and flicked his hand, and the blood spurting out turned into a flexible whip.

The long whip quickly wrapped around the railing of the deck as if it were alive. The pirates who reacted quickly grabbed the boarding ax and slashed at the entangled blood-red long whip. As a result, the ax blade could not cut in at all.

With the help of the blood whip, Kyle successfully boarded the pirate ship.

The pirates witnessed with their own eyes that their opponents were not only immune to being shot, but could also cast strange blood magic. They were all horrified. They all surrounded the enemy with swords and axes, but no one dared to step forward to fight with them.

"Damn it, what are you idiots doing here? Why don't you kill him when he comes up alone?" A majestic shout came from the center of the deck, and a young female pirate wearing a captain's hat waved a long knife. Supervising the battle, "Do you believe that I can hoist you all to the mast if you stay still?"

The first group of pirates gained some fighting spirit under the threat of their leader, and stepped forward with weapons, trying to fight with their numerical superiority.

Kyle shook his head. Ordinary swords, axes and guns were completely ineffective against high-level vampires. You must know that when the inquisitors of the Heretic Trial Institution fight against vampires, they always have to wear concentrated holy water and consecrated demon-eating bullets on their bodies. .

He waved the bloody whip in a circle, slicing open the chests of the pirates easily. If he was unlucky, even the hand holding the weapon was cut off, and large pools of blood spurted out, and the seriously injured pirates lay on the ground. A piece of it fell, wailing on the ground.

Ignoring these small fish, Kyle smiled and looked at the female captain in the middle of the deck, and said to her: "This beautiful lady——"

He was responded with a gunshot and a curse: "Die and feed the sharks, monster!!"

The bullet hit his shoulder, and Kyle tried to atomize this part to treat the wound. At this time, he suddenly felt a burning pain spreading in his left shoulder.

This strange pain felt incomparable to the magic-eating bullets used by the Inquisition against the Undead, but it was obviously not caused by ordinary bullets.

"Silver bullet?" He reacted quickly.

This female captain was not too stupid. After seeing that he was a vampire, she asked her men to come up to delay time, and she took this opportunity to change into equipment that was enough to hurt the vampires.

At this time, the other two vampire princes also boarded the ship in the same way.

"Female pirate captains are rare." The princess said, "This should be our target."

"It doesn't matter, I'm too lazy to ask." Kyle, who was shot, said helplessly, "The order is to capture him alive, so try to be... a gentleman."

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