The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 274 It seems that I gave you too much to eat

"Warden, check! Everyone, come to the door!"

The gate of the core area opened, and Aiden walked into the corridor of the core area accompanied by Flanda.

"Oh, so troublesome!"

"Is the prison boss too idle?"

"I'm ready to go to bed!"


Sporadic complaints came from the front, but the people in the cell basically gathered in front of the door.

"It feels much quieter after not coming here for a while." Aiden commented, and glanced at the duty room again, "Veronica is not on duty today."

Although there are still many complaints, compared with the previous tide of foul-mouthed scolding, the prisoners in the core area today are generally much more docile. Usually, such a scene would only occur when Veronica was on duty.

"After all, there are more people who have been trained and honest by you, the warden, and there are more "toys" in your hands." Flanda gestured to the back.

The amalgam golem was following them at the same pace as Aiden. This prop obtained from the witch gathering greatly improved Aiden's efficiency in subduing prisoners.

"But the biggest reason is that the treatment of prisoners has increased recently." Frenda added, "After all, the textile workshop has been very profitable recently."

The female products and diapers sold by the Rose Iron Prison brought considerable benefits to the prison as soon as they were launched. Orders came in like snowflakes, and a large amount of deposits were added to the prison's operating funds.

Aiden immediately used the newly acquired funds to expand the workshop and purchase better production equipment. Then he also renovated some facilities and objects that he had wanted to renovate for a long time, and by the way, he slightly improved the treatment of both prison guards and prisoners.

This increase is not large. For prisoners, it is just that the food styles have increased a little, the library has added new magazines, and the playground has slightly added some fitness facilities. Then the high-end sanitary products produced in the workshop will also be allocated to them...

But for prisoners who have restricted their personal freedom and live a monotonous life, it is indeed a refreshing feeling.

For a long time, privately complaining about food and facilities has been an indispensable common topic among prisoners. The more this topic resonates among the prisoners, the easier it is for the dissatisfaction of the prisoners to ferment and swell. But on the other hand, even if only some of the complaints are eliminated, the attitude of the prisoners towards the prison will change greatly.

"It's a good thing that the prison discipline has improved, but..." Aiden suddenly sighed.

"Why?" Flanda looked at her boss.

"I always feel that there is less fun." Aiden shook his head and sighed.

Although the ideal form of the prison is that every prisoner is well-behaved and behaves well. But the process of taming those arrogant prisoners to be obedient is also a different kind of fun.

In fact, since Tyrannosaurus Camilla began to help him deal with those troublemakers from the prisoners, Aiden felt that fewer and fewer prisoners dared to challenge him head-on.

In the past half month, Aiden found that not only the jailbreaks that occurred every once in a while in the past have completely subsided, but even the opportunity to personally order the prisoners to be sent to solitary confinement has not appeared many times.

"Lord Aiden, Lord Aiden! Over here, over here!! I'm here!!" In room 13, the succubus Fei'er stood in front of the cell door and jumped to Aiden, "You haven't come to talk to me for a long time, I'm so lonely!!"

Aiden turned his head to look at her, and said to Flanda: "Why does this guy feel more energetic than before?"

"Probably... it's because the conditions have improved recently." Flanda answered expressionlessly.

"When you are full and warm, you think about that." Aiden nodded, "It seems that she was too full."

"Lord Aiden, come to the room to accompany me and play a little game!" Fei'er began to act like a spoiled child.

"Oh?" Aiden raised his eyebrows, "What game?"

"Let's play the game of catching people. Lord Aiden, come and catch me. If you catch me, I will do anything you ask me to do! Hehehehe!" Fei'er's face showed a suggestive smile.

"Prisoner 3307, you've been arrogant for a while, haven't you?" Flanda frowned and scolded Fei'er.

However, Aiden immediately raised his hand to stop Flanda from continuing, and then nodded to Fei'er with interest: "It seems that I have really ignored you during this period of time. If you want to play, then I will play with you."

Fei'er's eyes lit up when she heard it.

But then she saw Aiden turned to the amalgam golem not far away: "Did you hear that? It's a game of tag. If you catch her, give her a set of cross armrests to make her remember it."

Seeing the amalgam golem that received the order and immediately walked towards her cell door, Fei'er's face changed instantly: "Wait, wait, wait! I don't want this mercury monster! I, I... ah, no, Lord Aiden, I was wrong, I was too proud!! Don't come over here!!"

Fei'er was so scared that she shrank to the innermost side of the room. The amalgam golem directly used its own characteristics to penetrate the railings and enter the cell.

Aiden and Flanda continued to patrol the corridor, leaving the succubus's howling and begging for mercy behind.

Opposite Room 13, Daly and Precia, who lived in Room 12, watched Fei'er jumping up and down in the double room as she was chased by the amalgam golem.

"Dally, can you analyze the mentality of this succubus?" Precia asked.

"To be able to enjoy it so much, I can only say that she also likes it. After all, she is a person who has not repented at all after coming in five times. I guess she is actually very aware of the consequences in her heart. Maybe she used this method to provoke the warden. "It's a rare pleasure for her," Dai Li commented.

"This... won't he be trained to be a masochist, right?" Precia frowned.

"Who knows? Look, what a beautiful crossbar!"

"Indeed, the control accuracy of the finished product made by Vera and Abigail is really high."

Both men spoke highly of the amalgam golem's movements.

In cell No. 13, the amalgam golem caught Faile and fixed her in a standard cross. When Aiden and Flanda came back from their inspection, Faile was already slapping the ground begging for mercy. .

Aiden called the amalgam golem back and asked Faile, "Has your memory improved?"

Mayfair immediately got up from the ground and jumped onto the bed, covering her face in the pillow, kicking her legs and pretending to cry loudly: "It's too much, Mr. Aiden! He is so rude to others! My heart is broken!! I need to be coaxed to get over it. That kind!”

Aiden shook his head, too lazy to continue dealing with this living treasure.

Sometimes he admired Fei'er. Under his training and management, no matter how other prisoners changed, the succubus remained the same.

To a certain extent, this can be considered a "strength".

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