The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 275 Pirate Princess

After patrolling the cells in the entire core area, Aiden and Flanda returned to the gate of the prison area again.

When passing by cell number three, Aiden paused for a moment.

He looked into the cell, and the "madman Hero" imprisoned here was sitting on his bed with disheveled hair, staring at the opposite wall with a dull look, with a half-smile on his face.

Hero was actually quite quiet most of the time, just sitting there with an obviously abnormal expression, and I don't know what she was thinking.

However, when she had an attack, it was very terrible. She would cry, laugh, dance, and occasionally hurt herself. If there was someone next to her at this time, she would try to attack the other person without hesitation and take off a part of the other person's body as a sacrifice to the evil god.

Aiden was not sure whether she didn't remember that the ruler she served had disappeared, so she tried desperately to contact the ruler again, or whether she actually knew, but wanted to use this method to revive the ruler.

After learning about the situation of "Madman Hero" from Melifilia, Aiden tried to communicate with her several times, but got nothing. Not to mention asking her for specific information about "Mr. Bloody" and the power of hatred, it was difficult to have a normal conversation with her.

When she was quiet, she was basically in a state of trance. At this time, except for life instructions such as eating, changing clothes or taking a bath, she would give a little response. When other words entered her ears, she would only look back dully, occasionally showing an abnormal smile.

If she was in a noisy state, sitting in a meeting room, even if she was fixed by the shackles of the amalgam golem and could not move, Hero would still try to stand up and attack, while talking nonsense.

At this time, Hero noticed Aiden's sight, slowly turned his face towards him, and turned his head 90 degrees like the common female ghost in ghost stories, with a twisted smile on his face.

"No matter how many years have passed, it's still scary to see her." Flanda didn't know what Aiden was thinking, but just sighed, "Fortunately, as long as she's locked up, she won't get into trouble."

Except for going out to take a shower, Hero will basically not be released from this cell. Although she is crazy, she still has the ability to take care of herself. There is a delivery port on the door of the cell, where food and clothes can be delivered to her. The purpose of imprisoning her in the Rose Iron Prison is not to make her reform, but purely to accommodate such dangerous elements to prevent her from causing harm to ordinary people outside.

Aiden took a step and left the core area with Flanda.

When the prison gate was closed again, Aiden heard a strange and unpleasant singing voice coming from room 3: "Who are you? Who are you? You can't be killed or broken, so pitiful, so pitiful, ahahahahahaha!!"

As soon as they left the prison, a prison guard strode over, saluted the two superiors, and handed over a document: "Warden, this is an urgent official document that has just been delivered."

Aiden frowned when he saw the file bag - the imperial emblem was printed on the file bag, but the seal was stamped with the seals of the Autonomous Prefecture's Ministry of Justice and the Prison Administration.

This means that this document was sent from the Empire to the Autonomous Prefecture's judicial department, and after many approvals, it was transferred all the way here through the superior department of the Rose Iron Prison.

The Empire sent an extradition request - this was Aiden's first reaction, but after thinking about it, he didn't expect that there was a criminal who was arrested in the Autonomous Prefecture recently and needed the Empire to send a special document for extradition.

He immediately opened the document and scanned it, then widened his eyes.

Flanda glanced at it from the side and was also stunned: "Hey, it's not an extradition application? Instead, they want to hand over the prisoner... to us. Sent from the Empire? Are you sure?"

Aiden and Flanda have actually seen quite a few similar documents, but it is rare to see one from the Empire.

Because of the special background of the signing of the Convention, the Autonomous State has a regulation that accepts applications from other countries, and "extradites" the prisoners who have violated the Convention who have been tried in this country to the Autonomous State, and then punishes the prisoners on behalf of the country.

To put it simply, on this continent, not every country's prison has the same accommodation conditions as the two major prisons of Silver City, Thorn and Rose. Some small countries find it difficult to find a prison that can perfectly accommodate S-level wanted criminals. At this time, the country will send the captured criminals to the Autonomous State to serve their sentences.

The reason why Aiden and Flanda were surprised is that the Dragon Spine Empire basically does not issue such an application.

As a large country occupying the northern part of the Southern Continent, the Dragon Spine Empire has quite complete judicial facilities. Although the prisons in the country may not be comparable to the two large prisons in the Autonomous Prefecture that were built by the countries of the Convention, the level is not much different. Most criminals who violate the Convention can be detained by themselves, and there is no need to hand them over to the Autonomous Prefecture.

"It's a pirate, his name is..." Aiden turned to the prisoner's file, "Annie Drake?"


Aiden was stunned, he had an impression of this surname.

Isn't this the surname of the pirate who holds the "Wordless Code" mentioned by the ancestor of the blood clan in the letter?

He immediately read the file attached to the file roughly and soon understood the reason.

This Anne Drake seems to be the daughter of the great pirate of Red Shark Island, Neville Drake, who is called the "Pirate Princess".

However, apart from the title of "Pirate Princess", Anne Drake seems to have nothing special. The archives record that she knows some simple black magic, is good at using guns, leads 45 pirates, and commits 26 robberies near the Coral Sea with a small warship named Deer Eagle Beast, and these robberies are basically completed "peacefully".

Generally speaking, she is a regular pirate, who knows a little black magic at most. Whether from the perspective of personal strength or the crimes she has committed, this guy may not even reach the average level here after entering the core area.

But at the end, there is a record of something suspicious.

In fact, four years ago, Anne Drake was arrested once in the Empire and was detained in the most strict capital prison in the Empire.

Then, this seemingly ordinary "Pirate Princess" successfully escaped from prison with the help of the Red Shark Pirates led by her father, and took away 29 other prisoners and stole some of the prison's supplies.

In the process, they did not cause any casualties.

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