The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 277 Sales Master Melissa

On the same day, Aiden found an opportunity to go out and once again visited the "Huanzhiyue" jewelry store on the black market.

Not only was Huanzhiyue open for business today, there were already customers when Aiden opened the door and walked in.

"...I suggest you give me this sapphire ring, the color of the ocean. This kind of jewelry is perfect for people who want to go to sea." On the surface, Mei is just a clerk, but in fact she is the owner of this jewelry store. Lisa is recommending products to customers.

"So, I heard from my friends that sapphire can bring the blessing of water..." the customer who looked like a lady asked with shining eyes.

Huan Zhiyue's divination is said to be quite effective, and it is so popular that reservations are required in advance. For customers who are aware of its reputation, this store should already be considered an authority on the occult.

"Unfortunately, this statement is just superstition." Melissa gave the answer without euphemism.

Aiden couldn't help but be a little surprised. Ordinary salesmen would like customers to be deceived, but Melissa did the opposite.

"Eh? This..." The customer couldn't react for a while.

"The store manager told me before that there is no need for our store to use such deceptive claims to sell things." Melissa said calmly, "Jewelry that can directly change your fortune does not actually exist."

"Then why do you recommend me to buy this?" The customer frowned.

"Since you're just giving a gift, just give it enough meaning. Sapphire doesn't really bring the blessing of water, but the statement itself is meaningful - just let your husband know your intentions. That's enough." Melissa continued her sales pitch calmly, "and..."

After hearing these words, the customer's frown relaxed a little, and she waited patiently for Melissa to finish her words.

"You will make an appointment for divination specifically for your husband, and also choose jewelry at this price for him. You and your husband must have a happy life, but I don't think you are wearing a ring..." Melissa turned her eyes to the woman hands.

"Well, we didn't have much money when we got married..." The woman rubbed the back of her hands in embarrassment, "When I make money and get older, I feel it's not necessary."

"It's very necessary. Your husband is going to the Northern Islands for business this time. I'm afraid he won't be back for ten days and a half. Of course I'm not doubting your husband, but let him wear a pair of gloves on the right finger. A ring can greatly reduce the possibility of being targeted." Melissa smiled, "This kind of ring also has matching styles. Buying them together can give you a discount."

The woman was obviously moved. She hesitated for a while, but finally bought the pair of rings, paid the money, picked up the items and left.

"What an amazing salesmanship." After the others walked out of the store, Aiden clapped his hands to Melissa.

"After all, the jewelry store itself has to make money." Melissa immediately put on a mature tone.

"This was also done by 'divination'?" Aiden asked.

"Why is it necessary to use a knife to kill a chicken?" Melissa shrugged, "This is something that can be easily accomplished by revealing a little bit of information and analyzing the other party's psychology."

"But actually when she asked about gems bringing blessings, you could just nod and sell the ring, right?"

"This customer doesn't have a deep belief in the idea that gems can change fortune. Even if I nodded and made her believe it, if something bad happens to her in the future, this belief will be destroyed immediately. She will no longer come to my store to buy jewelry.”

"So you chose to tell her the truth?"

"This is also to build a stronger 'faith', so that she believes that she has determined that the things I sold her have corresponding value through her own thinking. If necessary in the future, she will come to my store to buy jewelry. "Melissa explained, "The method of establishing 'faith' to guide the other party is not just to use lies to deceive, but also to use the truth in a controlled manner... Sometimes, this method is more efficient. "

"I see, I've learned a lesson." Aiden smiled politely.

This fortune teller, and the goddess imprisoned underground, probably relied on the information revealed by "partial truth" to guide and control his actions along the way.

"Did you just think that we did the same to you?" the fortune teller suddenly said.

Aiden didn't deny it, just shrugged. There was no point in hiding his thoughts in front of Melissa.

"You came to me specifically today. You must have an idea of ​​the prophecy I gave you before, right?" Melissa confirmed with him.

"That was really arranged by you, right?" Aiden finally revealed the purpose of his trip.

He just came to confirm whether Melissa was behind the "coincidence" of the ancestor's revelation of information and Anne Drake's sudden arrest and transfer to the Rose Iron Prison.

If all of this was guided by someone, the only person Aiden could think of who would lead him with authority in this way was Melifilia.

Melifilia cannot act in the outside world, but Melissa can freely execute her will. And before, when Death's Agent and Kyle appeared in Silver City, Melissa also "coincidentally" closed the store and went on a long trip.

"Yes, it was me who contacted the ancestor to reveal the information to you, and also entrusted him to send someone to capture the female pirate and hand her over to the empire for trial." Melissa admitted very straightforwardly, "In this way, the sole authority will automatically come to you, so there is no need to thank me."

"To be honest, I am still very happy about this, but the premise is that this sole authority does not come with a criminal who is preparing to break into the prison." Aiden spread his hands, "Since you are ready to help me, why not... just take the authority and give it to me?"

"Since you can imagine that I arranged all this, you should also be able to imagine how I will answer." Melissa narrowed her eyes.

"I still have to figure it out myself..." Aiden sighed.

"Don't be so lazy, Aiden Garrod. Since you have been chosen by my Lord, you must please my Lord. Only by passing my Lord's test can you be qualified to get the corresponding authority as a reward." Melissa pointed at Aiden and her voice sank. "If you can't even please my Lord, you might as well die in the hands of that man."

"Then at least..." Aiden tried to negotiate with the other party, "Give me some useful tips?"

When it comes to matters related to authority, you must not be overly restrained by decency and reserve. Since it is confirmed that everything is led by Melissa, then any useful intelligence you can get from her is a little bit.

Melissa thought for a long time and said, "Then I will tell you the weaknesses of the three "Wordless Codes."

Aiden immediately pricked up his ears when he heard it.

I only heard Melissa slowly say: "First, people who are not close to the authority of "Order" can only write three rules on it a day. Secondly, the rules are also mandatory for the writer. Finally, the rules in the "Wordless Code" cannot directly target the code itself."

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