The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 278 The Greedy Prisoner

A week later, Rose Iron Prison, the warden's office.

"...All the prisoners in Room 4 apply for the library to increase subscriptions to the magazines "Fashion Girl" and "Women's Gang"." Frenda stood in the office and read the applications submitted by the prisoners in the core area to Aiden who was working. Book.

"No, the library has already added enough magazines of this kind. By the way, what are a bunch of guys who can only wear prison uniforms doing reading so many fashion magazines?" Aiden didn't even raise his head.

"The prisoners in Room 5 applied to add croquet facilities on the playground..."

"No." Aiden frowned, "You still want to play ball with a mallet on the playground? These brainless guys should take another education class."

"Catherine and Anna in Room 6 applied to buy dumbbells, saying they were just for exercise..."

"They are very courageous to apply for purchasing dangerous equipment during the observation period. Let's punish them by going to the greenhouse to weed at night." Aiden replied with a sneer.

"Camila in Room 9 applied to buy a sandbag to hang in her room. She said that she hadn't beaten anyone for too long and needed to vent..."

"Let her hold it in," Aiden sighed.

"Room 11, Aifansha applied to purchase the complete set of comics of "Naval King"."

"How does she know about that kind of comics?" Aiden raised his face in surprise.

"Probably, you saw it in the new magazines ordered by the library." Flanda thought for a while, "Didn't you order an additional batch of comic magazines?"

"It's okay for this kind of comic book, that's right." Aiden thought about it and finally nodded.

"Room 13, the succubus Faile said... uh..." Frenda Ka paused.

"What kind of work does this girl come out to do again?" Aiden frowned.

"She said she hopes to remove vibrating crystals from the prohibited list, and also hopes to send one to every cell in the prison, saying that it can effectively relieve the stress of prisoners..."

"No," Aiden replied simply.

"Want to warn her?"

"Forget it, don't waste your efforts on useless things." Aiden shook his head, "Just punish her to clean the corridor."

Three minutes passed, and Frenda finally finished reading the prisoner's application form. At this time, Aiden had also finished reviewing the documents in hand and leaned back on the chair.

"It feels like there are more applications from prisoners." Aiden commented.

After the conditions in the prison have been significantly improved, the number of applications submitted by prisoners to the prison has indeed increased rather than decreased.

"Yes." Frenda agreed, "It's not surprising. If these people really had the concept of contentment, I'm afraid they wouldn't enter a place like this."

"A bunch of greedy birdmen seem to have overfed them." Aiden shook his head and sighed, "No matter what, at least the discipline has indeed improved significantly."

"Warden, now is not the time to worry about such trivial matters." Flanda said seriously, "The new prisoner transferred from the empire will be delivered tomorrow."

"Yes." Aiden nodded solemnly.

"Is there really no need to strengthen the prison's defensive measures?" Flanda asked, "After all, Curry's funds are rare now."

Frenda also knew very well about Anne Drake. After all, she had collected and organized much of the information Aiden saw.

After learning about the legendary case of the Red Shark Pirates robbing people from the Imperial Capital Prison, she couldn't help but worry about the possibility of this prisoner being abducted from this prison in the future.

But Aiden shook his head: "No, we have already renovated everything that should be renovated now. And no matter how many measures are added, it will be of no avail. No matter how fast we work now, it is impossible to upgrade the prison to the level of the capital." It’s quite a prison.”

There is absolutely no point in adding ordinary precautions. The power of authority is effective against "concepts". Any measure, as long as it belongs to a "concept" that the power can affect, will be easily cracked by the power.

If the Red Shark Pirates directly write the rule "No restriction of personal freedom" on the "Wordless Code", no matter how many measures are added, it will become a decoration in the end.

"Oh, it's so sad...what method did they use to escape from prison?" Flanda frowned.

Aiden knew it, but he didn't choose to say it because it would be of no use.

The use of unique authority as a prop has many limitations, but in terms of the person of authority, it seems to be higher than the saints and second only to the ruler of the corresponding authority.

In other words, if the effect of Aiden's use of divine words conflicts with the rules of the "Wordless Code", the "Code" will directly suppress his divine words.

"Judging from the case of the Capital Prison, at least their prison robbery operation will not cause casualties." Aiden shrugged, "And with the case of the Capital Prison before, even if the same accident occurs, the Prison Management Bureau should not It’s too harsh on us.”

Melissa told him that the rules written directly on the "Wordless Code" also have restrictions on the writer. If the Red Shark Pirates use the code to require prison guards not to attack them, then the pirates cannot harm the prison guards within the area where the rules are in effect.

This is probably the fundamental reason why there were no casualties in such a large-scale prison robbery four years ago.

"Warden, you are already assuming that the prisoners will be kidnapped." Flanda looked at Aiden helplessly, "If something goes wrong, it's impossible for us to be completely safe. Moreover, I saw that pirate group kidnapped many other prisoners at that time."

"It's really a trouble." Aiden leaned back in his chair and let out a long breath, "But now we have no clue, it's useless for us to worry here, let's wait until the prisoners are delivered tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll go back to my post first." Flanda saluted and left the office.

Aiden picked up the teacup and drank a sip of black tea. The work at hand came to an end. Usually at this time, he would read the newspaper for a while to rest, but he was not in the mood at the moment.

Being robbed by the Red Shark Pirates is indeed a big problem. As the highest administrator of this prison, guarding the prisoners here is his most important responsibility. If someone wants to take the prisoners away, he will naturally do his best to stop it.

Moreover, he really wants to get the "Wordless Code".

Mr. Bloody is not only a saint of "hatred", but also holds the sole authority of "hatred". Being a saint of "order" alone is probably not enough to confront him head-on.

He can only formulate a strategy before the deadline.

However, before that, he has to see what kind of prisoner Anne Drake is tomorrow.

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