The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 301 After all, I am not a demon

Aiden raised his gun and fired through the railing, piercing the pirates' dominant gun hands one by one. Once the magazine was empty, he leisurely replaced a batch of bullets, and then continued shooting.

Screams came one after another, and the pirates covered their bleeding hands one after another. Their guns could not fire bullets. No matter how much numerical advantage they had in such a "shooting", they would always be living targets.

"Just use my divine words." Kikimora said while standing in Aiden, taking a puff from the thin cigarette rod.

"No need." Aiden replied between shots.

Before appearing, he recited the effect of the "return" divine words. Within the time and range of the divine words taking effect, the guns in the pirates' hands immediately returned to the state before firing the moment they were fired, because in the In Aiden's eyes, no one other than prison guards, whether prisoners or intruders, are allowed to possess or use weapons.

Seeing that the pirates who came to rob the prison were completely defeated, the female prisoners who escaped from the prison were already frightened and turned pale.

Some people quietly retreated towards the cell, trying to fish in troubled waters and sneak back to their rooms.

"Stand still, why don't you leave the cell without permission and pretend that nothing happened?" Aiden suddenly said, "Prepare emergency defensive measures."

The black magic runes engraved around the gate of the prison area suddenly lit up, and several traps that fired crossbows and corrosive liquids were also ready to go, all aimed at the pirate group and escaped prisoners in the corridor.

After the prison's operating funds became abundant, Aiden also slightly renovated and updated the defense measures of the cells in the core area.

These new countermeasures will not only be triggered urgently when the gate is destroyed, but Aiden, who has command of the entire prison, can also freely call it by manipulating the barrier.

Of course, for those red-level inmates in the prison, if they can use their strength, both the gate itself and the defense measures above can find ways to deal with it.

But for this group of miscellaneous female prisoners who escaped from prison together, let alone the fact that their power is still sealed by the barrier, even if there are no restrictions, they have no way to deal with the automatic defense measures in the prison.

At this moment, the escaped female prisoners present finally recognized the fact that Aiden could execute them collectively here with just a thought. You, the warden, will still be your warden after all.

"Just give up. I have just recorded all the prisoners who left the cell without permission. There is no need to beg me for mercy. If begging for mercy is useful, what else do the prison guards do?" Aiden said while loading the pistol slowly. Bullet, "I seem to have given you a chance yesterday. Now that you have made a choice, you must bear the corresponding consequences. And you, prisoner 3677, you are the main culprit of this collective escape."

He finally set his sights on Annie, and his tone was as calm as if he was talking about the weather, but it sounded bone-chilling to the ears of the escaped female prisoner, and the sound of each bullet being loaded into the magazine sounded like a countdown to execution. Anne Drake felt her whole body stiffen when Aiden looked at her like this.

But after Aiden loaded the bullet, he put the gun down.

"But I'm not a devil. Prison breakouts are not uncommon here. I won't arrest everyone and kill them. The workshop also needs people to work. I will try my best to get you back to the cell alive." Aiden Showing a "kind" smile, "But... I should give some rewards to the prisoners who stay in the cells honestly, right?"

The escaped prisoners looked at each other, and they all saw a bit of panic in each other's eyes. Aiden's "but" obviously would not let them go easily.

Aiden cleared his throat and said loudly: "Inform all the prisoners in the cell that you are now allowed to assist the prison guards in subduing all the prisoners who escaped from the prison and to fight against the intruders who tried to rob the prison. We only ask that we try to capture them alive. This is a rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds. I hope everyone will fight hard...Prisoners 3005, 3100, 3110, 3397 and above will unlock some spell-casting permissions."

His voice echoed in the corridor of the cell in the core area. At the same time, Ophelia, who had previously reported to Aiden, and Daley, Arsena, and Precia, who had signed a devil's contract with Aiden, all felt it. The magic power suppressed by the barrier became active again.

"Hey!" Ophelia, whose cell was closest to the door among the people, immediately rushed out of the cell and ran straight outside.

"Catch the escaped prisoner..." Aifansha rushed out after hearing the order. She was already accustomed to acting according to Aiden's instructions.

"Fuck! You damn kid, don't fight with me!!" Camila, who was in the cell opposite, kicked the cell open angrily and sprinted over.

"Hey, the fighting power of the three people who just left has been exceeded... Do we still want to go?" Precia had already begun to sympathize with the escaped prisoners in her heart.

"It doesn't matter, just practice your magic... The warden said 'try to capture him alive', which means you can do whatever you want as long as you don't kill him." Dai Li pulled Precia out of the cell.

Not only these red level and orange level strong men, almost all the prisoners rushed out of the cells and rushed towards the escaped prisoners and pirates blocked by the gate. A new carnival feast started in the corridor of the core area, but... This time there were a lot of frightened screams.

Aiden calmly watched the jailbreak prisoners and pirates who were beaten by the big guys in the core area, and opened the "Wordless Code" and wrote a line on it with a pen: "No stealing, violators will be punished with corporal punishment."

In this way, the "Wordless Code" will not be easily stolen or robbed from him.

If Neville Drake also wrote this sentence on it, he would never be able to use the power of Kikimora's divine words to steal the "Code".

However, the job of a pirate is to steal and plunder, and to occupy other people's property. Even if Neville wrote this sentence on it to prevent the "Code" from being stolen, he would never use this rule when doing his old job.

This arrogant pirate king holding a divine weapon eventually fell for the crime he committed.

"Such a powerful power, this, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary item with divinity attached to it? This can't be..." Qiqimora stared at the code in Aiden's hand with wide eyes, "Oh, Warden, stealing things is a small matter, you can let me do it for you!"

"If I let you do it for me, you will ask for a higher price when you get it and don't occupy it yourself, right?" Aiden turned his face and smiled at her, "Anyway, thanks to you this time, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation, it's rare to get such a good thing, don't you think you should give such a good partner a little more divinity?" Qiqimora smiled and came up to Aiden, holding Aiden's arm to get close to him.

"Don't even think about it." Aiden pulled his arm away instantly, "I am a very honest person. We agreed on the price in advance... That's the price."

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