The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 304: Get a grant for free

Veronica shot through a pirate's wrist, rushed over and kicked him to the ground, and immediately a riot police rushed up to put handcuffs on him.

Veronica almost took over the frontal battle, and the other team members became tools to deal with the pirates who had lost their ability to resist. The riot police did not want to help Veronica fight, but their captain was too fast, and this group of pirates was also very easy to deal with. When they saw the riot police rushing over, they had no sense of crisis at all, and some even took the initiative to approach and challenged them arrogantly, "Come and hit me, come and hit me"...

As a result, Veronica broke his nose on the spot with a punch.

Some pirates who were originally moving valuable items in the office grew black thorn-shaped tattoos on their bodies for some reason, fell to the ground and kept wailing, and they didn't even need to fight.

"Warehouse No. 6 has been suppressed! The two people with the first number stay, and the rest of the people follow!" Veronica left two people to clean up the mess, and then took the rest of the team to continue sweeping other areas.

"Veronica, an intruder broke into the warden's office!" A prison guard ran down the corridor to report to her.

Veronica immediately tensed up her nerves and sprinted faster. The team members behind her tried their best but couldn't keep up.

When she arrived at the office, she immediately saw that it had become a mess.

Two pirates were in the office, smashing things with long-handled hammers and chairs, and two pirates were preparing to install explosives in the safe embedded in the wall. Bookcases, coffee tables and desks were all overturned, office chairs and recliners had been dismantled to pieces, and various documents, books and tea sets were scattered all over the floor.

When Veronica rushed in, the pirates stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on her.

Veronica stared at the warden's office, which was almost smashed into ruins by the pirates, and her eyes quickly became cold.

"Hey, here comes a beautiful female police officer."

"Come and play with the brothers?"

The pirates all laughed wickedly. They didn't know that in other parts of the prison, their companions had all been wiped out, and the "Wordless Code" that protected them had already been in the hands of the owner of this office.

Veronica quickly drew her gun, and the pirates laughed without any sense of crisis.

"Ha, this silly girl is going to shoot at us--"

The continuous gunshots interrupted their laughter, and were replaced by screams-Veronica very fairly shot each pirate in the hand.

At this time, the other riot police followed up and saw Veronica holding a gun and four pirates holding bloody hands and howling in pain.

Now their job should be to go into the office and subdue the injured pirates, but at this moment, no one in the riot police dared to step forward.

Because they clearly saw that the captain who was silently facing away from them took off his hat, and the wolf's ears were already erected on his head. Not only that, her hair was faintly standing up, and the murderous intent emanating from her back was almost condensed into substance.

Werewolves usually only use their beastly abilities when they are furious and fighting seriously, and Veronica's current situation... is obviously both.

The riot police swallowed their throats at the same time.

"Wait for me outside for two minutes." Veronica said in a calm tone that they could hardly imagine, and then closed the door with her backhand.

At the moment the door closed, some riot police saw the pirates' expressions twisted with fear.

Then, a shrill howl came from the office that was so frightening that even the audience could be frightened to the point of weakness, mixed with heavy collisions and crisp sounds like bones being broken.

Under the full suppression of the prison, all the arrested escapees and jailbreakers were quickly arrested, and most of them were injured in the process of being arrested.

The most seriously injured were the four pirates who smashed Aiden's office.


That night, after handling most of the aftermath, Aiden stood at the door of his office, looked around his office, and shook his head: "It's miserable."

"...Although the incident was successfully suppressed, many facilities here were also destroyed by them. The most serious damage was your office." Flanda reported carefully on the side, "Well, basically all the equipment needs to be purchased again. I will ask someone to come and clean up later. You..."

"It doesn't matter. The funds for this loss will be allocated. After all, we have captured the pirate king of the Coral Sea of ​​the Empire. The bounty he gave to the Empire is enough for us to repair the things. "Aiden waved his hand calmly, "Have you reported the loss statistics?"

"It has been reported. After the incident, the prison administration came at three o'clock."

"That's good."

Frenda finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Aiden so calm: "From your appearance, you should have put the key documents in the safe, right?"

Office supplies such as desks can be damaged and re-purchased, but if more important work documents are torn and lost, many tasks will become very troublesome.

"Of course." Aiden made up a lie.

In fact, he didn't have much time to prepare when the pirates attacked. Now the important and unimportant documents on his desk were torn into pieces and mixed on the ground, and he didn't know how many times they were trampled.

"When Veronica broke in, they were about to blow up your safe. It was really dangerous." Frenda glanced at the safe on the wall.

"Yes." Aiden replied.

He knew very well that the pirates' explosives could not blow up this safe. This safe and even this wall were related to the mechanism that opened the underground passage to Melifilia's cell. They were all rebuilt with funds from the Inquisition. If the pirates really detonated the explosives, they would find that the wall inside the peeling wall was actually made of mithril.

"It will probably take some time for the funding from above. I will just buy a set of office supplies. I will let the golem handle the tidying up." Aiden turned to Franda, "You go ahead and get busy."


After Franda left, Aiden closed the door and began to chant the divine word of "return". The whole office immediately began to "go back in time": all the office supplies were quickly restored to their original state, the torn and trampled documents returned to their original state and automatically returned to the desk, the white porcelain fragments on the floor returned to the coffee table and reassembled into tea sets, and all the waste paper and garbage flowed into the wastebasket.

In just a few seconds, the office became much tidier than before it was smashed.

Looking at the results in front of him, Aiden nodded with satisfaction.

The other damaged facilities will be dealt with tomorrow.

After all, he restored them with his own ability, so it shouldn't be too much to get a grant for free.

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