The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 305: Build good relationships

Applause suddenly rang out in the office, and Chichimora appeared next to Aiden - it should be said that she had actually been beside Aiden all along, but other prison guards, including Flanda, could not notice her.

"Oh my god, I never expected that I would have the opportunity to participate in the big event of snatching the 'sole authority'." Kikimora said while applauding, "Your Excellency, have you... been fine with it from the beginning?"

"Which one are you asking about at the beginning?" Aiden glanced at her.

"I asked Dai Li and the others this afternoon and learned about the reason why these pirates robbed the prison." Kikimora walked around to Aiden, looked into Aiden's eyes and asked seriously, "Will this big pirate bring the only one?" The authority came to rob the prison, was it specially arranged by you?"

"Whatever you think." Aiden shrugged indifferently.

It was true that everything was arranged deliberately, but he was not the one who arranged it.

Chichimora was convinced of one thing in her heart. The man in front of her probably had hidden power that was not inferior to Abigail's.

Capture the pirate king's daughter and lure her from the empire to the autonomous prefecture to serve her sentence, leading the Red Shark pirate group all the way to this prison in the inland autonomous prefecture to throw themselves into a trap...

The pirate group with the sole authority is not difficult in itself, but if you want to arrange such a script, you must know almost all relevant information, just like a chess player overlooking the entire chessboard outside the chess game.

To put it bluntly, knowing the whereabouts of the only authority is by no means an easy task.

Every unique authority is unique. If you are not a "saint" who can obtain the corresponding authority summoned by the "unique authority", trying to find out the information and whereabouts of the unique authority is like looking for a needle in a haystack - this point, if you want to get "nothingness" "Chichimora, the only authority, knows it all too well.

But now, Aiden has obtained the sole authority and can basically be regarded as a candidate for ruler.

In other words, this man is undoubtedly a man worth least, he shouldn't be an enemy unless necessary.

"Sitting in prison and waiting, you can let the only authority come to your door. To be able to set up such a situation, you must have a pretty powerful intelligence network, right?" Chichimora tried to ask, "I wonder if you know about 'Annihilation' The whereabouts of 'Hand'?"

It took Aiden a second to realize what the other party was talking about: "The only authority of 'nihility'? Sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand this very well."

"Then if you 'want' to understand, can you understand it?" Kikimora asked.

Aiden heard what the other party meant. The other party was asking him if he had the power and intelligence network to find out the whereabouts of the only authority in "The Void".

"Maybe, I can't say for sure." Aiden shrugged, "The question is, if I can find out, can you give me equal compensation?"

Melifilia or Melissa may have relevant information, but Aiden feels that if they know it, they may not tell it easily.

For Chichimora, the value of this kind of information is immeasurable. If Aiden can get it, there is no reason to give it away for nothing.

"For a big shot like you, would it be too much of a disadvantage to care about a little witch like me?" Kikimora said jokingly, "I am a weak woman, and the price I can give is very limited. "

"It will be difficult to negotiate the price if you bargain like this." Aiden frowned slightly.

"It's just a joke, don't be so serious." Chichimora quickly waved his hand, "As I said before, if you have what I need, I will prepare the bargaining chips as much as possible. "

"Of course it's no problem." Aiden agreed without much hesitation.

The power possessed by Kikimora is quite practical, and there may be times when she will be needed in the future.

"Then, let's settle this transaction first." Chichimora smiled, "I've already done what you asked me to do. Then, the reward I want... you shouldn't refuse it, right? ”

"Of course not, I still have this bit of integrity." Aiden stretched out his hand, "Transfer divinity."

"It's rare that I have the sole authority. When such a good thing happens, don't you think you should reward me more-" Kikimora started to speak glibly again.

"You don't want it anymore, do you?" Aiden gestured to take his hand back.

"I want it." Kikimora quickly apologized, took off her long gloves, stretched out her hand and placed it on Aiden's palm, as if she was going to be invited to dance at the ball.

The moment the bodies came into contact, Aiden vaguely felt something invisible flow out of his fingertips and into the palm of Kikimora's hand. This feeling only lasted for a moment - because he promised to give Kikimora , it’s just one unit of divinity.

It does not require complicated methods for two people with divinity to actively transfer divinity. It only requires simple physical contact or spiritual connection to complete. Only when extracting from objects or remains, strict black magic techniques are needed.

"Then, let's settle it for now." Aiden withdrew his hand.

"You are very trustworthy." Although Aiden always insisted on the price negotiated at the beginning, Chichimora still seemed very happy to get the divinity. "Do you have time to have a meal together? The two of us will have a celebration. How about the banquet?"

She extended an invitation to Aiden.

"What are your plans?" Aiden was a little surprised.

"Let's be frank. I just feel that I need to build a good relationship with a strong man like you." Qiqimora smiled.

"I can still accept eating at a local restaurant or having a meal at my place. If it's your home or your base, please forgive me for refusing." Aiden spread his hands.

"What a pity. I am still quite confident in my cooking skills." Qiqimora sighed, "Then let's eat at your place. The thing that uses a big pot of soup to cook ingredients and dip in sauce is very interesting. It tastes good. I have always wanted to eat it again..."

"That's hot pot. It seems that the cafeteria has never made it during the two days you were here." Aiden narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Ah!" Qiqimora realized something.

"Have you sneaked in to eat before!?" Aiden couldn't help but smile bitterly, "If you really want to build a good relationship with me, don't use the divine words to sneak into my prison."

"Well..." Qiqimora pointed his finger at the side of his face, pretending to be considering.

"But no matter what you think, I'm going to use 'this' to prohibit you from doing this in the future." Aiden took out the "Wordless Code" and shook it in front of her.

"Hey, hey, hey?" Qiqimora dragged out a long tone and protested with a hint of coquettishness, "Can't you give your partners a little more trust?"

"What's the matter, it only means that you want to do this." Aiden opened the "Code" in front of Qiqimora with an expressionless face and wrote on it: "It is forbidden to deliberately conceal your whereabouts and invade the interior from the outside of the territory. Violators will be forcibly expelled."

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