The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 31 The Imprisoned God

"This time, my strategy was helpful, right?"

"Well, thanks to you, everyone is happy."

In the underground Mithril Prison, Aiden and Prisoner 4001, "Saint" Melifilia, were several meters apart, playing chess and chatting on a small table - this time they were playing a simplified version of Monopoly.

This time, the successful case of Veronica, the death row prisoner, was overturned, thanks to the secret strategy provided by Melifilia. Therefore, Aiden also kept his promise and came to the dungeon to visit her again recently - it just so happened that Aiden had the obligation to monitor her regularly.

"Then, I wonder if I have any extra rewards?" Melifilia grinned.

"Didn't I play games with you for a whole night before?" Aiden looked up and glanced at her.

"So that's sending me away? You're not so harsh to the prisoners who are most opposed to you."

"Why, you still want to go out for a walk? You are different from them. You are not a prisoner of the Rose Iron Prison, and the applicable management regulations are different." Aiden responded calmly, "The holy nails on your body, just touching them is enough to send me to prison."

"I am a god after all, how can I be so humiliated in front of you?"

"You are just a prisoner in my eyes. How can a prisoner have dignity?" Aiden rolled his eyes at her without any scruples.

"If you ask me, this is the biggest difference between you and other people in this world. You lack reverence for God."

"Unfortunately, I come from a world where God does not exist - well, at least I believe so." Aiden stared at the chessboard, "By the way, I see that people in this world do not revere you much, otherwise how dare they put you in prison?"

"It is precisely because of fear that they locked me up. Except for you, all humans who come to see me, whether they come to monitor me or to worship me, will cover their faces and dare not even breathe in front of me. Only you dare to You are so arrogant in front of me. "Melifilia moved the chess piece with her mind power, "I was thinking, since you are willing to overturn the verdict for an innocent person, why are you not willing to help me fight for my freedom?"

"You?" Aiden raised his face, "You want to say that you are innocent? I have the memory of this world. The crimes committed by your cult in this world are too numerous to list. Let alone other things, just the body you are using now is a life. "

Melifilia was found and taken in by the former Aiden and the elite of the Inquisition when they destroyed the base of a cult called "Blood Red Full Moon".

She is the god worshipped by the Blood Moon Cult. However, Melifilia is not the name of the god, but the name of an ordinary girl who was captured as a living sacrifice by the believers who summoned this god. Because of some reasons, she came to this world in the form of occupying the body of a girl named Melifilia.

And as a price, the memory and personality of the girl Melifilia were completely swallowed up by this god.

"If you must say, the crimes were committed by my followers. I didn't ask them to do anything... It's the same when I was summoned to this world. I just became a little interested in their prayers and rituals. In the end, I got tired of them and helped you destroy the cult. As a result, you treated me with stricter standards than ordinary prisoners. Don't you think this is unfair?"

"No." Aiden shook his head without hesitation.

"Oh, you humans always say that everyone is equal before the law. I thought you advocated justice." Melifilia showed a surprised expression.

"You may have a little misunderstanding. Human rules, or laws, have never been equal and fair. Sometimes a country will introduce laws that harm other countries in order to protect its own interests, and the ruling class may also use the law to exploit other classes. The law is a tool to protect the interests of the ruling class. Sometimes it is fair and noble, and sometimes it may be immoral. But if you look at it from the perspective of all mankind, all the rules set by humans, whether it is laws or moral standards, at their core, they really only maintain the stable order on which people rely for survival, and order is not always fair and reasonable."


"Yes, there are too many humans, so many that if there is no order to maintain the operation of the group, individuals cannot survive. Answer me a question first. Are you willing to abide by the rules set by humans?" Aiden asked, looking into Melifilia's eyes.

"Of course not." Melifilia answered straightforwardly, and then asked in return, "If you found a group of ants on the ground, would you be willing to follow the rules of ants?"

"That's right, you are not willing to follow human rules. You are a huge risk factor for the concept of "order" of human groups in this world. The law maintains order, and the existence of God poses a great threat to human order. In other words, the existence of God itself is a sin for mortals." Aiden expounded his theory, "This may be immoral, but maintaining one's own survival is the first justice of all races that want to survive."

"The theory of God's original sin?" Melifilia raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, if God appears in the human world, the safest thing for humans is to lock him up in prison. Only fools will pull him out to worship him, unless doing so can really prevent God from destroying human order at the lowest cost. If God can show goodwill, not destroy human order or even maintain it, humans may not consider controlling it for cost considerations, and can even worship it for moral reasons, in this way to minimize the risk. But you are obviously not such a God. From what I know about you, if you have a button that can destroy half of humanity, you will probably press it for fun. Release a God like you? Unless I'm crazy."

"Oh, it's so strange, I actually think you have a point..."

"But to be honest, I'm more worried about your believers than you." Aiden sighed, "You just ignore human laws with a playful heart, but those crazy people will target the law and fight against the law."

"If 'he' knew I was here, he might come to jailbreak." Melifilia grinned.

"Don't do that. I don't want to be shot in the chest again." Aiden touched his chest helplessly.

The "Blood Red Full Moon" cult was indeed destroyed, and even the god worshipped by the cult was imprisoned, but the founder of the cult was still at large, and even his true identity had not been exposed.

Judging from the memory fragments inherited by Aiden, the former Aiden was probably killed by the mysterious founder of the cult.

Aiden did not mean to "take revenge". After all, he and the previous owner of this body could not be considered the same person at all.

But he also knew that in this world, the unidentified fanatic was a threat to him.

"If you are afraid, I can help you. As long as you are willing to help me pull out a holy nail, I can give you a little "blessing." Melifilia persuaded in a bewitching tone.

"My principle is not to trust prisoners casually." Aiden refused without hesitation, "By the way, what reason do you have to choose to help me instead of worshipping your own believers?"

"The respect of mortals is useless to God. Compared with ordinary chess pieces that only act according to the will of the chess player, I am definitely more interested in chess pieces like you who can run around on the chessboard by themselves and I can't predict." Melifilia looked at him with interest.

"So this is actually the reason why you summoned me to this world?"

"Who knows?" As usual, Melifilia showed a secretive smile.

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