The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 318 Police Investigation

On a quiet morning, Aiden sat in the office, listening to Veronica's report.

"It has been confirmed that there is indeed a record of the visit. Isabella was on duty at the time, and she said she also had an impression. The prisoner... has also confirmed that the person is indeed a family member who visited that day." Veronica said.

"Is that so..." Aiden nodded thoughtfully.

Four days ago, he was followed in Melissa's store, and he failed to catch the follower.

Melissa claimed that the other party had no hostility, but Aiden was somewhat alert to the appearance of such a stalker at the moment when Aiden just took over the "only authority".

For safety reasons, Aiden tried to report the case to the police station, saying that he was followed on Sunset Boulevard, but he ran away after questioning the other party - in the matter of investigating a suspected thief stalker, ordinary police are obviously more professional than the Inquisition.

Ordinary people report such things that have no consequences, and the police force generally does not mobilize too many police forces to investigate. But Aiden was still a former judge of the Inquisition after all, and he had the right to carry a gun and use black magic. Recently, he personally arrested several important criminals. Even the most obtuse person could smell the smell of a big case when being followed by such a person. Rather than letting the unidentified person cause trouble and then taking action, of course, it was better to find a way to catch the other party first. In addition, the leaders of the Mounted Police still respected this side because of the past incidents of Veronica and Camilla, so the police side was quite concerned.

Thanks to his professional qualities, Aiden still remembered the other party's appearance clearly. He also inherited some portrait sketching skills from his predecessor Aiden, so he directly gave the other party a fairly clear portrait.

In fact, he did not have much hope for this channel. If it was a local of Silver City, it would be easy to say. It would be difficult to find the floating population from other places as long as they hid well or left the city as soon as possible.

But the police team found the person in the portrait in just two days and notified Aiden to go over and identify him. When Aiden came to the police station and saw the confused "suspect" through the window of the interrogation room, he immediately recognized that the other party was the woman who followed her that day.

However, after the interrogation, the police team gave him an unexpected result: this woman was a resident of the upper city, and she had a clear alibi that morning, and the place where the proof could be given was the prison managed by Aiden - she was a family member of a prisoner in the ordinary area of ​​the prison. When Aiden was followed, she applied to visit her family members who were serving sentences in prison.

And from the investigation of the police team, this woman was just an ordinary civilian in Silver City. Except that her family members were imprisoned for embezzlement, there was no problem with her resume.

So Aiden went back to the prison to confirm, and the result was just like Veronica's report, which was completely consistent with the investigation results of the police team.

At that time, Aiden realized two possibilities. The first possibility was that he had seen it wrong, and the second possibility was that the person who followed him had the ability to disguise himself as someone else - and it was very likely that when he was monitored outside the prison that day, he randomly selected an ordinary person who came to visit the prison as a disguise object.

"Sir, what is going on?" Veronica asked in confusion.

"Well, maybe I saw it wrong." Aiden answered casually.

"Sir?" Veronica frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy, "If you don't want to say it, I won't ask, please don't be so perfunctory!"

Aiden told her the reason for reporting to the police. She also thought of what Aiden just thought of. She didn't think Aiden would easily misjudge the target, and even if he did, it would be too coincidental to see it as another person in this city.

"Uh..." Aiden was stunned for a moment, realized his slip of the tongue, and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, sorry, subconsciously... To be honest, I'm not sure, but I always feel that this matter may involve some confidential things."

Although there is no definite evidence, Aiden thinks that the "disguise" effect of the stalker may also be the effect of the divine words.

If it was just a simple disguise, he could use the life alchemy-related technology of physical transformation to achieve it, but to accurately transform into another person, it would take more time to use similar methods, unless he could use power directly like Abigail.

A more feasible method is to use mental spells to hypnotize him to cause a dislocation of cognition - this trick Precia used on him, but this kind of cognitive dislocation is not a powerful spell, it must follow the other party's inertial thinking to work, that is, when Aiden subconsciously believes that the prisoner's family will appear in the jewelry store at that time, he will be hypnotized.

It is too much trouble to use hypnosis to make Aiden recognize the customer entering the store as a prisoner's family member who he has never seen in the Rose Iron Prison.

Moreover, Melissa happened to mention that he was about to attract the attention of the power-related forces, and he also thought so. The timing of the appearance of this stalker... is too subtle.

Now that I think about it, the old man who bumped into him might be...

"Okay, I won't ask any more questions." Veronica's expression eased, "It's okay if you don't tell me, but if you need me, you can just let me know."

"It's not always work-related. I can't ask you to work overtime for nothing." Aiden smiled.

"Then..." Veronica hesitated, then looked away slightly, "I can accept a meal or something."

This girl's thoughts are really clear at a glance... Aiden thought.

"I remember." Aiden smiled and nodded, "But there is no clue about this matter for the time being... and there is nothing to do."

"Is it really okay? You are being followed." Veronica said with some concern. After all, stalking is often a preparatory act for a crime.

"It shouldn't be a problem for the time being. If there is, I will find a way to solve it." Aiden replied calmly, "Don't worry about me, go back to work first."

Melissa once said that the stalker did not show hostility, and Aiden still believed this. In the past few days after the stalker disappeared, he has been calm around him.

And Aiden thinks that with Melissa's control, she probably knows the details of the stalker. She didn't say it and let the other party enter her store, which means that the stalker and the forces behind her are not currently threatening.

After Veronica left the office, Aiden poured himself a cup of tea and glanced at the newspaper on the coffee table that Veronica had just brought to him.

The headline of today's news was "Sophie Carter's House Burglary Case Solved".

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