The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 319 Theft at a celebrity's residence

"Sophie Carter?" Aiden's eyes stayed on the newspaper.

He still had a deep impression of this name. He remembered that it was a singer who had held a solo concert at the Royal Opera House before.

Aiden remembered it so clearly, on the one hand because the report of this person's solo concert that day overwhelmed the news of him capturing the Empire Pirate King Neville Drake and grabbed the headlines of the daily newspaper. On the other hand, various reports about this person have never stopped in the newspapers in the past few days. Yesterday, he heard other prison guards talking about this singer during their break.

Aiden picked up the newspaper and glanced at it, and found that the report was actually just a very sparse and ordinary thing.

Sophie Carter, a singer from the autonomous state, is currently touring several cities in the state, and the Silver City Royal Opera House is the last stop of her tour.

After arriving in Silver City, the singer bought a mansion in the upper city, and it seems that she is planning to stay for a while. But during this period, something was stolen from her mansion, and a valuable piece of jewelry that was not properly stored disappeared. All the circumstances pointed to someone inside the mansion.

The investigation process was also unremarkable. In fact, the maid who stole the things could not withstand the pressure and confessed truthfully when the police just started questioning, and handed over the stolen jewelry that had not been sold yet.

Although she took the initiative to surrender and return the stolen goods, because the jewelry stolen by the maid was too valuable, the matter was finally reported to the court - the sentencing for theft in this world is heavier than that in Aiden's previous life. I think in a while, this maid will go to prison for a while.

"It's a star effect." Aiden shook his head.

Theft cases are not uncommon. There are many prisoners in his prison who have been imprisoned for theft, and there are even more detained by the police station. Theft cases are rare to be reported in the corners of the newspaper, let alone the headlines of the newspaper, unless there are some eye-catching techniques and plots.

The mansion was stolen by servants, which was a small matter that was not enough to be published in the Silver City Daily. However, if the owner of the mansion was replaced by a popular singer, it would immediately become a headline news.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing abnormal. It was the same in Aiden's previous life. The goal of the information in the newspaper was to read traffic, and celebrities were the benchmark for gathering traffic.

Even Aiden himself was the same. If it weren't for the name he had seen on the headline, he wouldn't have thought of picking it up and taking a few glances.

It's no wonder that Chichimora, who was forced to become less of a presence because of the "nothingness" authority, would be jealous of the singer in the newspaper.

Aiden put down the newspaper, returned to his office chair, and processed some documents in order. Then, he stopped his work and calmed down to think about the future.

He knew enough about the events related to Melifilia, and there were more things to consider.

Now he can confirm that the target he has to deal with is not only Mr. Bloody Clothes, but also Melissa, the ruler of "desire".

Melissa has been trying to give him the power of authority so that he can fight Mr. Bloody Clothes on equal terms in the future. He can use this, but he can only use it to deal with Mr. Bloody Clothes.

As for the "hidden mission" to get rid of the goddess' control, he can only rely on his own brain.

This is not an easy thing. The "Goddess of Conspiracy" let him know most of the truth at this point, which almost means that they are betting against him openly, because they don't care.

I think Melifilia and Melissa don't mind his pet's resistance, but regard this as a pleasure. This kind of playful contempt is his opportunity and a signal that his task is difficult.

Aiden quickly picked up his previous ideas again-introducing another ruler or a force that can help.

The rulers he knew were only Melifilia and Melissa, and the other was the Death God of the Old Blood Moon Cult.

As for the forces, he could only think of the Witch Assembly and the Ancestor Blood Clan to which Kyle belonged.

First of all, it is probably difficult to consider the Ancestor faction of the blood clan, although because of Kyle, he has a fairly good reputation in the Ancestor faction of the blood clan. But Melissa seems to have had direct contact with the Ancestor, and even directly used the Ancestor to do things, which shows that she has established a good relationship with the Ancestor.

It is probably difficult to use the Ancestor to deal with Melissa, unless he can bring more benefits to the Ancestor than Melissa can, such as helping him to take back the "death" authority from the God of Death - this is almost impossible to do. If he can do this, there is no need to worry about Melissa.

In comparison, the Witch Assembly is much more reliable. Almost all the big witches of the Witch Assembly now have some power, and the organizer Abigail is still a saint with the only authority.

Although in terms of strength, Aiden feels that it is probably difficult for them to confront a ruler head-on, but as a helper, there is not much to be picky about. Each of these witches was hungry for the power of authority, and because of their common business, Aiden and the witches' gathering had entered a honeymoon period.

Aiden estimated that as long as he found the right time to bring it up, the witches' gathering would most likely be willing to help him... At least, some witches who were willing to take risks would be willing to do so.

Moreover, to some extent, Abigail should also be considered to have a little personal grudge against the ruler of the "desire" power.

At this time, an idea came to Aiden's mind: if he could help Abigail become the ruler of a certain authority in "life" or "reproduction", and she was willing to take action against Melissa, his chances of winning would be greatly increased.

But he also knew that Abigail was not a philanthropist, but a witch. There was still a certain degree of separation and opposition between their fundamental positions, and he could not be completely sure that Abigail would not be unfavorable to him after ascending to the throne.

After thinking for a few minutes, he decided to observe for a while.

He could take a risk on this matter, but he couldn't afford to lose, so even if he was gambling, he had to think carefully before gambling.

After taking away the only authority from the Red Shark Pirates, the forces with a keen sense of smell would pay attention to him. If there were saints with the authority of "order" in this world, they could also directly sense that the authority was here.

More forces related to authority would pay attention to him, and the stalker who appeared before might come from one of them.

Among them, there might be someone who can help him... Of course, there might also be new enemies. So-called risks and opportunities coexist.

I just hope that the next "stalker" who appears will be willing to have a good chat with him.

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