The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 322 Class Teacher Aiden

Aiden slowly moved to a place closer to the guard on duty - she hadn't noticed it yet, still listening to Susan Finger's "one-man comedy" with a smile on her face.

Aiden coughed softly, but the other party still didn't hear it, so he could only lean over to pick up a small stone from the ground and bounce it across the wire mesh like a class teacher throwing chalk at a dozing student.

The stone fell on the back of the other party's hand, and the guard on duty came back to her senses as if she had just woken up from a dream. When she turned her head, she saw the highest officer of the unit smiling at her "kindly".

The guard's face turned pale on the spot. There are two types of people who are most afraid of Aiden here, one is the prisoners who violated the discipline and were caught, and the other is the guards who were caught for being lazy.

However, just when she was trembling and preparing to blow the whistle to control the prisoners, Aiden stopped her with a gesture.

Then Aiden walked along the wire mesh to the bench and stood behind Susan.

"There is a more exciting story about the banker suitor that Miss Carter met in Black Iron City. He..." The maid Susan was still talking about her former employer's emotional experience, and she was unaware of the figure outside the wire fence behind her.

But the prisoners who were surrounded here soon noticed Aiden and changed their faces.

A few people poked their companions who were still listening with relish with their elbows, and then left consciously. Two prisoners who had a little conscience coughed twice before turning away to remind Susan who couldn't see behind them.

Everything looked like the head teacher appeared outside the classroom window, only the unlucky guy with his back against the window realized it later.

Susan didn't realize the real reason, but just spread her hands to keep the audience: "Huh? Don't you like this story? Then I'll..."

"I think it's interesting." An abrupt male voice sounded behind her.

Susan realized the real reason why the audience dispersed and turned around.

Unlike the prison guards and other prisoners who changed their faces when they saw Aiden, Susan seemed very calm.

"Huh? Is this gentleman here to show his support as well?"

"That's not the case. Just by looking at my uniform, you should know what I do." Aiden said slowly, "Prisoner 1562. Benches are for people to sit on."

"Oh my, this is really... rude." Susan quickly got off the chair, glanced at the prison guards on duty in the distance, and then immediately started a conversation with Aiden, "Mr. Officer, you must be in a very high position here, right? The officer on duty looks very nervous."

"Of course she would be nervous if someone who can deduct her salary saw her slacking off and listening to the prisoners' talk shows while working." Aiden smiled, "I'm the warden here."

"The top leader of the prison is so young?" Susan covered her mouth in surprise, then quickly glanced at Aiden's hand, "You're not married yet, right?"

Aiden realized that the other party was observing whether he had a ring on his hand.

"Indeed, I'm unmarried." Aiden asked.

"Are you interested in considering me?" Susan boldly put her hand on her chest and recommended herself.

"Are you planning to change your career from a petty thief to a marriage fraudster?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I'm not particularly short of money..."

"Why would you steal your employer's jewelry if you're not short of money?" Aiden continued before she finished.

"Alas, I didn't know my dead father had such a sum of money, otherwise I wouldn't be so obsessed..." Susan sighed.

"I asked someone to investigate the source of your control funds. The statement you provided sounds like an excuse."

"That's the fact. You don't believe it... What else can I do?" Susan showed a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face. She thought about it again and suddenly took a breath, "Ah, you policemen are not targeting this money, are you? You can't confiscate it with a sentence of 'unknown source'?"

"Don't worry about this. It's not really related to the money of the crime, it shouldn't become like that." Aiden replied.

"Is it a crime or not? It's not a matter of your words. I'm in prison now. How can I resist?" Susan suddenly began to lament.

"You are so dramatic." Aiden commented, "Sorry, our prison is not really short of money right now..."

"I know that." Susan quickly changed her expression and brought up a new topic with interest, "Is it because of the production of that thing called 'sanitary napkin'?"

"You work in the textile workshop?" Aiden asked.

The products produced by Aiden's prison are basically sold by cooperative sellers under their own brand. Most consumers outside will not know that the products they buy are actually made by prisoners in the prison.

"No, no, I was assigned to the greenhouse." Susan waved her hand, "I like taking care of flowers and plants."

"Did you hear that from others?"

"No, I just saw that the prison gave this to prisoners." Susan answered calmly, "This kind of consumables are sold outside... It's not particularly cheap, it seems too generous to give it to prisoners in the prison. The only explanation is that this new product is produced here."

"That's a good reasoning, so what you mean is..." Aiden paused, "You are not an ordinary maid?"

"Huh? I didn't say that?" Susan was stunned.

"I think you've been emphasizing this to me. You've been a bit too eye-catching these past two days, prisoner 1562." Aiden stared into Susan's eyes and said, "You are very expressive, as if you were acting in a drama. . You are also very talented in acting. Even the prison guards here are attracted to you. Your conversation and speech are completely different from that of an ordinary maid."

"After all, I am Susan Carter's maid, so I am always a little bit influenced..." Susan explained.

"I don't like beating around the bush." ​​Aiden used a gesture to stop her from continuing, "Why don't you be more straightforward? What do you want to do in this prison?"

If Susan Finger had the large amount of money in her account from the beginning, then there would be no reason for her to steal jewelry from her long-term employer - all this was like asking the prison authorities to Claiming that she was imprisoned on purpose.

The same goes for the performance in the prison, where Aiden can clearly feel the other person trying to get his attention.

"Is this a new way to strike up a conversation?" A reserved smile appeared on Susan's face. "You are the warden, why bother beating around the bush? You are the highest official here. You want to talk to a prisoner alone, so you need to consult me. Opinion?"

Aiden understood that this meant that the other party wanted to talk to him alone.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to come over and 'invite' you later." Aiden turned and left.

"I'm looking forward to it." Susan waved her hand.

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