"Here we go again." Looking at the extremely familiar scene, Aiden said "Oh" as if he couldn't bear it.

Veronica squinted her eyes and looked over there, vaguely making out the cell Flanda was facing...it seemed to be the one she had lived in before.

Speaking of which, wasn't Prisoner 3307... the succubus who was in the same room with her at that time?

"Ouch, Ward Chief, I'm really not feeling well today! My head hurts!"

Sure enough, the voice of the "roommate" she was very familiar with came from the room.

That guy was still the same as before, and when he lived with her, she would seize any opportunity to mess around with the prison guards.

"You've been living with Mayfair for half a month. You should have seen how to deal with this situation, right?" Aiden pointed in that direction, "Here, it's a little internship test, you get that guy come out."

"Understood!" Veronica accepted the order without saying a word and walked over with her head held high.

At this time, Frenda was about to warn Faile, when Veronica came to her side and whispered: "Supervisor, please let me do it."

Flanda looked at her in surprise, and then looked at Aiden who was not far away. She immediately understood the situation and nodded: "Okay, you give it a try."

After Veronica finished speaking, she stood at the door of the cell. At this time, Faile was still curled up on the bed wrapped in a quilt and did not notice her.

"Prisoner 3307, you said you don't feel well?" Veronica spoke to Feier.

"Huh?" Fei'er heard a familiar voice and turned around while lying on the bed, "Sister, why are you back again? Did you commit another crime and get caught?"

"Don't talk nonsense, keep your eyes open and see clearly." Veronica said expressionlessly.

Only then did Mayfair notice the prison guard uniform on Veronica.

"No, you actually work here!?" She suddenly smiled brightly, "That's great! Then you must remember our friendship in the past and take care of me."

"Stop trying this trick and get to work quickly." Veronica didn't give her a chance to get close.

Fei'er immediately started rolling around: "Oh, I'm not feeling well! Just—"

"That's it. Okay, then you don't have to go to work today." Veronica agreed before she finished speaking, "I'll carry you to the doctor now. But first, if The doctor also said that you are really sick, so everyone is fine. But if the doctor says that there is nothing wrong with you, I will pull out all your hair on the spot."

"Ahaha, sisters, you are only joking..." Feier laughed dryly.

"I'm not kidding you." Veronica raised a cold face and pressed her knuckles with one hand, "Or should I pull out a few for you before you believe it?"

"I suddenly feel better, let's go to work!" Feier jumped up from the bed, folded the quilt at the speed of light and walked out of the cell to form a team.

Veronica turned around and saw Frenda nodding towards her with an appreciative look on her face: "Okay, newcomer, you have a bright future!"

Veronica also smiled. During those days when she lived in the cell, she had observed up close how the prison guards dealt with these stalking prisoners, and she had learned some skills.

"Well done." Aiden also came over and praised her, "In prison, there are many prisoners who like to pretend to be sick. Even if you are dealing with habitual criminals who pretend to be sick, you must be cautious to a certain extent—— After all, if one day the prisoner becomes seriously ill and cannot be treated, it will become very troublesome. Of course, we cannot be too lenient with the prisoner, otherwise the prisoner will take advantage of it. "

Veronica nodded and watched Frenda direct the prison guards to send the prisoners to different work areas.

She glanced around the cells again and unexpectedly found that there were still a few prisoners in the cells, but the guards turned a blind eye to them.

"Sir, are all those in the cells death row prisoners?" she asked Aiden.

"No, it's not just death row prisoners and patients who don't have to work. Some prisoners who are incapable of working don't have to work either." Aiden explained to her and pointed to Room 3 in the distance, "For example, the one over there. 'Crazy Hero' is locked up in a single room in Room 3. She is not in a normal mental state and is not capable of ordinary work. Under normal circumstances, she is kept in her own cell."

Veronica looked along and saw a woman with disheveled hair standing in front of the cell door of Room 3. She was mumbling something while banging her head against the railing repeatedly. The expression on her face changed, crying and laughing. , it’s scary and inexplicable to watch.

"It looks really creepy..." Veronica commented.

"Well, this madman is a priest of a cult. It is said that he had spiritual contact with the god he believed in, and lost his mind after hearing the voice of that god." Aiden clasped his hands behind his back and nodded, "Although he can't go to work , it’s troublesome to take care of. But this guy is actually quite useful. If the prisoner threatens to move her to the same room, he will basically stay calm.”

"Well, I've seen this before." Veronica recalled the scene in the past when Aiden threatened the thief Catherine and the pirate Anna.

"In addition, you should also pay attention to the fact that this guy has the special ability to rebound physical damage. If she makes trouble, do not suppress her violently, just use restraints to control her." Aiden added , "Basically, the prisoners in the core area have special skills or weird characteristics. I will make a list for you later."

"Hey, little sister, do you remember me?" At this time, the witch Daly from the 12th cell opposite also came to the door and greeted Veronica.

Veronica nodded in confusion. She remembered that when she went crazy in the prison in the past, it was this witch who subdued her with magic.

"Prisoner 3110, Daly, is a witch who is good at summoning demons. She is a red alert criminal. You must be more careful." Aiden introduced her.

"That's too much. It makes me sound like a dangerous monster." Daly protested to Aiden.

"Doesn't she have to go to work?" Veronica asked in a low voice.

"She is one of the model prisoners I specially selected to help me manage other prisoners in the core area. I usually arrange other work for her." Aiden explained to her.

"Select prisoners to manage prisoners?" Veronica opened her eyes wide.

"Well, this is the most efficient way." Aiden nodded.

"I'm the warden's loyal dog." Daly smiled and waved at Veronica, looking proud instead of ashamed. "I also contributed a lot to help you, little sister, overturn the case. Thank me now."

"Don't flatter yourself. If you insist, Avansha contributed more than you." Aiden said, pointing his thumb towards Room 11.

Veronica subconsciously looked in the direction Aiden pointed to Room 11 and saw a girl curled up on the bed with her legs hugged, resting against the wall.

"Such a young child is also locked up in prison!?" She widened her eyes.

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