The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 325 Smiling Balance

"It sounds like it's very powerful." Aiden nodded, "but I haven't heard of it."

As the predecessor of the superior judge, Aiden knows a lot of intelligence dealers and intelligence associations, including large intelligence groups with a reputation throughout the southern continent. It can be said that as an ace investigator of the Autonomous State Inquisition, as long as it is a reliable intelligence channel, he will at least know a little bit.

But this so-called "Smiling Balance", Aiden really has never heard of it.

"Because we only serve a special group of people-people who are on the road to becoming gods, we sell intelligence related to authority." Sophie explained, "You didn't hear about it before because you are not on our customer candidate list."

"Does it mean that I have only recently caught your attention?" Aiden asked.

"This..." Sophie was about to reply with some polite words, and then she was warned again that "no lying" was prohibited. She had to confess helplessly, "We need to conceal our existence. If it is not a particularly valuable customer, we will not contact the other party directly."

"So your purpose is just to make me a customer?" Aiden asked.

"Well..." Sophie was vague.

If they cannot give a positive answer to this question, it means that their purpose is not or not only to do business with him.

"Your main purpose should be to find out my intelligence, right? Otherwise, there is no need to go through so much trouble." Aiden asked.

"After all, the intelligence of major customers is also an important resource for us." Sophie had to confess.

"In other words, after you find out my intelligence, you can also sell it to others, right? For example, my enemies, or someone who wants to take something from me?" Aiden's eyes became cold, "How dare you be sure that you have no intention of harming me?"

The divinity of this world is limited, which determines that the struggle for divinity in this world is destined to become a zero-sum game, the process of pursuing to become a ruler. Although there are occasionally cooperative relationships like his and the Witch Assembly, the general tone is still the law of the jungle.

It is self-evident what it means to expose one's intelligence in such a world. If Mr. Bloody Clothes now knows that he is beginning to approach the authority of "Order", he may come directly to kill him first.

But Sophie said she would not harm him when the Code prohibited lying, which shows that she really believed so.

"I don't deny that we may sell your intelligence to others, but we can also sell you the intelligence you want. If it causes an adverse effect on you, it should be blamed on the people who planned to harm you. The meaning of the Smiling Scale is that our position is always neutral, and we will not lean towards any party. We will keep smiling to all customers." Sophie showed a very standard business smile after she finished speaking, "I am the receptionist assigned to you by the 'Smiling Scale'."

"Neutral..." Aiden fell into deep thought.

He should have thought that such an organization would exist long ago. The power of God's Word is so powerful, but it is unknown to most people in the world. How could there be no one who uses this thing to make a profit. Not everyone yearns for supreme power, but those who are interested in "profit" must still account for the majority.

An intelligence organization related to God's Word that claims to be neutral, and its members also hold the power of God's Word, is like a deep pool of water. No one knows what is hidden under the water, but it seems that everyone has the opportunity to drink a sip of the water here.

Such an organization regarded him as a client and sent a "receptionist" to his prison to contact him directly...

It is worth further communication-Aiden quickly came to the conclusion.

Everything was just as he thought before. An organization related to authority took the initiative to find him, and it was an organization that took an absolutely neutral position.

He basically obtained the information about authority from Melifilia and Melissa, and only a small part came from the Witch Assembly.

In terms of the source of intelligence, he was still subject to the "Goddess of Conspiracy" to a considerable extent. Finding other intelligence channels would help break through his current situation.

Moreover, maybe he could get news about Mr. Bloody from this intelligence association.

"How much do you charge for your intelligence?" Aiden asked about the price.

"To explain a certain power of the designated authority, one thousand pounds. To provide the whereabouts of the designated divine words, two thousand pounds. To provide the whereabouts of the only authority, ten thousand. If you want to inquire about a person related to the authority... the fee depends on the specific situation." Sophie gave a price list, and then said, "Is it cheap? If you settle with money, we don't accept any bargaining."

"..." Aiden was silent.

His salary is not low, but it is still not a price he can easily afford, unless he embezzles public funds from the prison.

It was not until now that he had a clear understanding of how valuable the free services provided by the "Goddess of Conspiracy" in the past were.

"If it's free..." Sophie saw Aiden's thoughts and added, "Equal information exchange is also possible. After you raise a question, we also raise a question. After you give an answer, we will provide information - this matter can be negotiated."

Aiden thought for a while and said, "You should answer my question first. What is your power? How do you turn yourself into someone else?"

"This is also valuable information, at least one thousand pounds." Sophie replied.

"You're starting to mark the price now?" Aiden didn't find it surprising.

"But this kind of information doesn't involve the organization, it's just my personal information. I also like to make money, but I don't need this little money for the time being." Sophie smiled meaningfully, "If you can let me have a drink, I can tell you directly."

"Do you really want to drink?" Aiden asked.

"Actually... I can be considered an alcoholic. This matter must be kept secret from my fans." Sophie said, raising a finger in front of her lips, "I am in the outside world..."

"I understand, the personality of a star, right." Aiden nodded, "Okay, I happen to have a bottle of wine here that should be pretty good."

In fact, he had already roughly guessed Sophie's power, but for safety reasons, he still wanted to get her personal confirmation.

The condition proposed by Sophie Carter was not harsh. It happened that he had received a bottle of reward from a goddess who opened a jewelry store and didn't know how to deal with it.

Aiden took out the bottle of wine from the locked locker. When Sophie saw the bottle of wine, her eyes widened: "Huh? Isn't this the out-of-print commemorative edition of the Griffin Brewery ten years ago? Where did you get it?"

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