The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 329 Veronica's Concern

Hearing the knock on the door, Aiden stood up quickly, quickly took away the sealed wine bottle and put it away, and then glanced at Sophie - at this time, she had replaced her existence with "Prisoner 1562".

After confirming that there was no problem, Aiden shouted toward the door: "Come in."

Veronica opened the door and stepped into the office. She was slightly startled when she saw Prisoner 1562 sitting on the chair, but she quickly turned her attention to her boss.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked Veronica.

"Sir, just now... some prisoners had a conflict in the playground and almost got into a fight."

"The fight hasn't started yet?"

"No, but it was very noisy..."

"Just a quarrel? Isn't that a common thing?"

If there is a fight between prisoners, it is indeed necessary to report it to him, but for ordinary quarrels, basically you only need to be criticized and educated, and the prison guards present can handle it on their own.

For this group of prisoners in the core area, it is not surprising to have a few quarrels on weekdays.

"The key is that there were four groups, a total of eleven prisoners, who started arguing in different places on the playground almost at the same time. The people on duty on the playground almost couldn't control them. In the end, I rushed to the scene and stopped them." Veroni Ka continued to report, "Do you think it was... someone deliberately arranged it?"

Aiden vaguely realized something and asked: "Have you ever asked them the reason for the quarrel?"

"These are all trivial things. Basically, I said a few bad words in person, or ignored people when I spoke." Veronica shook her head, "It sounds... it feels like it's all an excuse."

Aiden sighed: "Maybe it's really not an excuse..."

"Huh?" Veronica didn't understand.

He had already realized the reason for the prisoner's sudden quarrel - because when he just wrote down the "no lying" rule, he did not change the scope of the "Wordless Code".

In other words, during the few minutes he talked to Sophie Carter, the "no lying" rule also affected everyone in the prison.

Many fragile interpersonal relationships are likely to collapse quickly due to the loss of superficial politeness. This is the case for these prisoners in the core area. Basically, a disagreement can quickly escalate into verbal quarrels and physical conflicts.

It seems that when using the "Wordless Codex" in the future, you have to pay more attention to the impact this thing may have on the surrounding...

"Anyway, I know what's going on. It'll be fine." Aiden waved his hand, "Besides this, you can help me convey to Frenda that this prisoner will be transferred to the cell in the core area, and then you can come back. , I have something to tell you."

Veronica glanced at the prisoner in Aiden's office again, and Sophie smiled elegantly at her.

"Understood." Veronica finally obeyed her boss's instructions without raising any questions.

Shortly after she went out to convey the instructions, Flanders sent someone to take prisoner 1562 away to go through the formalities.

Then, Veronica returned to the office again and tried to ask Aiden: "Sir, what happened to the prisoner just now, or did he commit something?"

There are basically two reasons why prisoners in the general area are suddenly transferred to the core area. Either it was discovered during the surveillance that the prisoner was in danger of being missed during the prison check and had to be accommodated in the core area; or his behavior was too bad in the ordinary area and he had to be thrown into the core area to sharpen his edges.

"It's both, first of all, she does have special abilities, and secondly, she caused me some trouble." Aiden answered concisely, "Simply put, she has the ability to replace her appearance with anyone else's …Furthermore, the influence of the barrier can be ignored.”

"You still have such an ability?" Veronica was surprised, but she always believed in Aiden's words, so she quickly accepted it, " to deal with it?"

"Wear identification shackles on her, monitor her closely, and assign her a cleaning position in the core area when she is out of work. At other times, unless there are special circumstances, she is not allowed to leave the cell! She must apply to me to leave the cell." Aiden gave "If the person wearing the marked shackles is suddenly replaced by someone else, take control directly and notify me, that's it."

"Isn't this the way to handle it..." Veronica asked hesitantly.

"Yes, I want the same level of treatment as 'Crazy Hero'." Aiden nodded. "If she protests, just tell her, 'This is the best way to ensure her safety.' Just say this is my reason." Words. Her ability will be kept secret for the time being. I will explain it to those who need to know. You don’t need to tell others. "

Veronica suddenly felt a little sympathy for the prisoner in her heart. Most prisoners still enjoyed relative freedom during afternoon breaks and evening activities. They stayed in small single rooms. In fact, the conditions were only better than solitary confinement. A little bit.

In comparison, "Crazy Hero" may have a slightly more comfortable life, because at least Hero does not have to work.

"Understood." Veronica saluted in response. Before exiting, she hesitated, "Sir..."

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe I'm a little nosy. Did you... run into any trouble?" Veronica asked cautiously.

"Are you talking about the prisoner just now? It's okay. Although her ability needs attention, it's not a problem for the time being..." Aiden replied casually.

Sophie Carter claimed that she had no intention of doing anything bad to him, nor did she intend to cause trouble in prison - these were all true words spoken under the influence of the "Wordless Code", and Aiden thought that they could still be believed.

Although she was imprisoned for fabricating a crime, it was not very meaningful to use the "Wordless Code" to expose her - the theft case was fake, but fabricating a case to fool law enforcement agencies was also enough for her to go to prison, and because the victim was herself, the sentence would probably be shorter.

In that case, it would be better to let this woman stay in prison and accept his control.

The intelligence organization "Smiling Balance" does not seem to be false. For him who wants to get rid of the goddess' control while dealing with Mr. Bloody Clothes, it does have a certain value. Although the other party's offer is ridiculously high, as long as Sophie Carter is in prison, he has the opportunity to get intelligence directly from the other party - in fact, he already has an idea about this.

At least now, Sophie Carter is not a trouble for him, but a good source of intelligence. Before she becomes a hot potato, just let her stay in prison as she wishes.

At this time, Veronica shook her head: "I'm not talking about the prisoner. I just feel that you seem to be thinking more recently... Sometimes you don't look very happy. Have you encountered something that is difficult to solve?"

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