The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 332 The friendship can be broken at any time

Prisoners appeared in front of the door one after another. As usual, Aiden and Flanda entered the corridor to patrol, followed by the extremely loyal amalgam golem.

Sophie also came to the door and looked around.

"The discipline of this prison is pretty good. There are so many ruthless people incarcerated who don't seem to be easy to deal with, but they are still honest during ward rounds." She commented.

"It wasn't like this before." Feier whispered back.

When Aiden stepped in today, the entire prison was silent, and not even a word of complaint came out of the cell - overall, the discipline level was no different from the prisoners in the general area.

Veronica became the captain of the riot squad, Camila became a prison thug who supported Aiden, and then the prison's quality of life improved after the prison became fully funded... The influence of various factors resulted in a significant improvement in the discipline of the cells in the core area. A lot.

In addition, the previous collective escape was severely suppressed by Aiden. Many prisoners who participated in the escape were beaten up by other prisoners under Aiden's arrangement, and were also dragged to work as coolies in the textile workshop. Currently, this prison has no Who dares to openly resist Aiden?

"Hey, Master Aiden! This way, this way! I've been waiting for you for several days!!" Before she saw Aiden, Faile stretched her arm out of the railing and waved.

"Prisoner 3307, pull your hands back!" Flanda scolded.

"Do you have a good relationship with the warden?" Sophie asked in a low voice upon seeing this.

"Humph, that's not true!" Fei'er instantly started bragging mode, "Our relationship is very close!"

"How close is it?" Sophie asked curiously.

"You can imagine, anyway, he will come to me to help him every time he is in need." Feier said meaningfully.

It is true that Aiden would come to her whenever there was a need (using the succubus' ability to help). Of course, Faile thought to herself, this could not be considered a lie.

"Really or not? Then you must be able to get along well in this prison, right?" Sophie asked with interest.

"Of course!" Fei'er answered resolutely - after all, she is entering the palace for the fifth time and has basic financial skills, so she can naturally enjoy herself in this prison. "Don't worry, newcomer, I will take good care of you here. "

"Well...thank you very much, eh." Sophie thought that with the money in her account, there was no need to worry too much about not being able to survive in prison.

Soon, Aiden walked nearby.

"Sir Aiden, this way! Come and have a chat with me! Ah!" Faile greeted Aiden as usual and blew a kiss.

"Oh." Aiden responded without any emotion. He just glanced at her twice and then turned his attention to her roommate.

"What are you doing?" Pirate Annie, who also lives in Room 13, looked back at Aiden with some displeasure, her face full of exhaustion.

Without his father's Red Shark Pirates as a backstage, Annie Drake is now just an ordinary prisoner whose treatment level has been reduced to the lowest level. The continuous overtime these days has completely smoothed her edges.

Aiden sighed regretfully in his heart. When he first started to impose punishment measures, Annie still resisted a little. But now, the prisoner has completely lost the idea of ​​going against him, which makes him feel a little boring.

Then he jumped over the succubus who was still nagging him to come into the cell to "make out" and arrived at the front of room fifteen.

"Warden, you are here...are you here specifically to see me this time?" Sophie greeted Aiden with a smile.

"Okay, let me see if you can adapt here." Aiden replied.

At this time, Feier grabbed the railing and muttered: "Sir Aiden, you have never cared about me like this..."

"What do you have to worry about?" Aiden glanced sideways at Faile.

Mayfair has been a frequent visitor to this prison for a long time. Every time she comes here, it's like going home. Worrying about whether she can adapt is completely unnecessary.

"Warden, isn't this 'gift' of yours a bit... too much?" Sophie raised her hand and shook her handcuffs.

"I think it suits you very well." Aiden replied lightly.

Sophie's ability allows her to hide even her shackles when she changes her appearance to someone else's, but it seems that the only thing she can change is the "cognition" in other people's eyes, and the shackles on her hands are still real. Its existence can still limit her actions to a certain extent.

"A gift? What gift?" Faile couldn't see the situation next door and shouted anxiously, "Sir Aiden, you haven't even given me a gift! Others want it too!"

"Stop making noises." Aiden glanced at her.

"The police officer kept a close eye on me when he was on duty, and he would come over to me from time to time." Sophie said, pointing in the direction of the door, "I told you I won't cause any trouble to you. , wouldn’t you be distrusting me too much?”

The person on duty in the duty room today was Veronica, and Aiden had ordered her to monitor Sophie closely.

"Aren't you worried that your personal safety will be threatened? I'm worried about you too." Aiden completely ignored Sophie's protest.

"Sir Aiden, you never worry about me!" Fei'er protested.

Aiden simply ignored her this time.

Annie, who had been groomed by Mayfair with money, looked at her roommate without saying a word.

"Warden, would you mind whispering a few words to me?" Sophie waved.

Aiden thought for a moment, then stepped forward and approached the cell door.

Fei'er, who saw Aiden's actions, immediately shouted: "Lord Aiden, why are you so close to this newcomer, but ignore me? This is unfair!!"

"Quiet!" Aiden pointed at Fei'er.

Then, Sophie approached Aiden and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I really don't have any bad thoughts about you. Can you give me some face and not be so strict with me?"

"I'm sorry, my principle is not to trust prisoners casually. I must be a little cautious about your ability. You use my place as a refuge, so you should expect this kind of treatment." Aiden refused without hesitation.

"I thought you were a good person to talk to." Sophie took a step back from the prison door with a look of regret.

"It's hard for a good person to do this kind of work well." Aiden said and turned around to continue patrolling deeper.

After Aiden left, Sophie whispered to Fei'er: "You just said that you have a good relationship with the warden, right..."

Hearing Fei'er's bragging just now, Sophie thought that maybe she could try to soften Aiden's vigilance against her by getting along well with Fei'er. It just so happened that they just chatted quite well, and Fei'er just said that she would take care of her.

However, Fei'er's attitude just now was reversed, and she replied indignantly: "Are you showing off to me? Damn! Don't be complacent, I will remember this!!"

"Huh?" Sophie was stunned.

Just now they were chatting quite well, why do I feel that...the friendship boat is overturned at any time?

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