The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 34 Bloody Death

Hearing Veronica's exclamation, Aiden just glanced at her calmly: "She has been living next door to you, and you just found out now?"

Veronica looked at Avansha who was huddled in the cell with a look of shock. When she was in the cell as a death row inmate, she had never paid attention to other prisoners.

At that time, she didn't want to have much interaction with these criminals, so she never noticed that there was such a young girl living next door - she looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing the smallest prison uniform, her face and There is a bandage on the hand.

Aifansha also felt her gaze, turned her head and looked over, her expression as calm as a pool of stagnant water: "Is something wrong?"

"No..." Veronica shook her head subconsciously.

Afansha turned her face back mechanically and continued to look at the wall opposite the bed.

Veronica instinctively felt that this girl exuded a very strange aura. She could not feel the slightest trace of humanity from the girl's tone and demeanor, with an extreme calmness that seemed to have wiped out all emotions, just like a machine.

"Her situation is quite special. She is not old enough to work, and she is also one of the prisoners who helps me, so she does not have to work. She only needs to receive corrective education regularly. Someone will pick her up to go to class at 8:30 every day. " Aiden explained to Veronica.

The prison laws in this world are not that detailed, and there are no correctional institutions specifically for juvenile offenders. How to manage juvenile offenders like Ivantha is a problem for most prison administrators.

But for Aiden, this is not a particularly difficult matter. After all, he still has experience in his previous life to refer to.

"She is also helping you? What can such a young child do?" Veronica was surprised.

"Don't say that, this kid is my gold medal fighter." Aiden smiled.

Veronica was startled: "Thug!? She..."

"She is a red-alert-level felon." Aiden nodded, "Have you heard of the 'Blooded Death' who was arrested by the Inquisition two years ago?"

"Of course, isn't that an S-class wanted criminal?"

"That's her." Aiden said lightly.

Veronica looked at Aiden with a confused look. After a few seconds, Aiden nodded to her: "It's true."

This time, Veronica's expression was completely frozen in shock.

When she was a mounted police officer, Veronica had heard of the name "The Grim Reaper."

"The Bloody God of Death" is said to be the recognized king of killers in the underground world. He became active about four years ago and has only been active for less than two years, but the number of people who have died at his hands is in the triple digits. , without exception, they are all powerful, rich or other top criminals. He single-handedly completed many legendary assassinations, and was issued a wanted order with an exaggerated reward.

About two years ago, the Inquisition announced that their elite troops had captured the "Dirty Blood Death", but all files about the "Dirty Blood Death" were sealed up by them. To this day, most people still think that the "Dirty Blood Death" "Has been secretly executed, and some people believe that this killer king is just a made-up urban legend.

Veronica never imagined that the legendary King of Killers was actually in the prison where she was transferred to work, and... he was still such a young child.

"She also helped a lot when I overturned the case for you. I won't disclose the details. If you want to thank her, you can buy her some food, but don't let other prisoners see it." Aiden was in Vero Nika whispered in her ear, "Okay, let's go to the next place."

After leaving the core area, Aiden took Veronica to the work area where prisoners participated in labor.

"This is where the prisoners go to work. There are three work areas in our prison. One is a textile workshop, the other is a garden for cultivating flowers, and the third is for assembling children's toys. We mainly supply flower shops and clothing stores in Silver City. Workshop supplies..."

"Prisons, and businesses?" Veronica was a little surprised. This was the first time she knew of such a thing.

"Yes, each prison has different industries. Over there are quarries and carpentry workshops in the Iron Prison of Thorns. There are hundreds to thousands of prisoners in a prison, all of them are laborers. There is no reason to let them idle. They enter The prison is not here for vacation. Letting them work can not only subsidize the operating expenses of the prison, but also allow some idle prisoners to learn a trade and accumulate some work experience. In addition to the work in the work area, there are various aspects of prison cleaning. Such chores are also left to the prisoners."

Veronica nodded and began to observe the situation in the textile workshop. There were about fifty workstations in a small workshop. The prisoners sat in front of the sewing machine and processed the fabrics in a uniform manner. There were only two prison guards monitoring their work.

"On weekdays, inmates start working as a team at seven o'clock. They start working at around 7:30 and finish at 4:30. It is common to work overtime. The arrangements after work are almost the same as what you have experienced before, including regular meals, relaxation, and bathing. , you can stay in the room for the rest of the time, or you can apply to go to the reading room, count people at 8:30 in the evening, turn off the lights and go to bed at 9 o'clock - that's about it."

Aiden explained to Veronica in one breath the prisoner's schedule during the working day.

"I understand." Veronica answered quickly. After all, she had been in prison herself. Apart from the details of work, she had personal experience with other schedules.

"Basically, there are two surveillance posts in one workshop in the textile workshop. One person handles the situation and the other stays behind. Every hour, the prisoners are organized to go to the toilet according to the assembly line. There is one hour for lunch and rest at noon." After explaining, Aiden turned around and waved his hand, "I will take you to other workshops and tell you what to pay attention to in each position."

They left the textile workshop and entered the main building of the prison, preparing to go to other workshops.

As they were walking in the corridor, an elderly prisoner wearing handcuffs and shackles appeared opposite them, walking towards them under the escort of two prison guards.

"Oh, warden, what a coincidence." The old man smiled at Aiden kindly.

"Prisoner 1081, oh, by the way, you are "going out" today." Aiden nodded as if remembering something, and then took off his hat to the old man, "Have a good trip."

"Okay, okay." The old man nodded, then glanced at Veronica, "The little girl looks unfamiliar."

"New here." Aiden answered casually.

"Very good, very good, and pretty." The old man smiled with his eyes narrowed into slits, "Little girl, you should do your job well."

"Um...thank you." Veronica nodded blankly.

"Okay, it's almost time, you should go out too." Aiden pointed to the other end of the corridor.

"Yes, goodbye, warden." The old man bowed his head to Aiden and walked slowly over there accompanied by the prison guards.

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