The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 341 Advance Payment

"Are you exposed?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, strictly speaking, this is my fault." Sophie sighed, "The original plan of the organization was for me to conceal my identity and approach him to spy on his intelligence, and then I or Susan would be replaced by someone else. As a receptionist, we contacted him to get business from him, but because of this mistake, all our plans were ruined.”

"Because he's determined to kill you?"

"Yes, he came to kill me that day. I tried to use my power to escape." Sophie replied.

"In fact, approaching his idol was just to spy on his intelligence. He felt that he had been betrayed, so he became angry..." Aiden nodded thoughtfully, "It is possible, that surveillance magic... is because he treated you I added it to you because I was suspicious?"

"No, I guess... at first it was just a simple attempt to monitor my private life." Sophie shrugged.

"Stalker? A dangerous person prone to extreme behavior, which is consistent with the reason for killing." Aiden nodded, "But you said before that you were killed to silence you? I also prohibited you from lying."

"What I'm saying is that he doesn't want his secret to be known to me - as an intelligence agent." Sophie spread her hands, "So strictly speaking, I am not lying."

As Aiden thought before, there are still many loopholes in the "no lying" rule that can be exploited. In addition to silence and changing the subject, respondents can also give incomplete truths.

The intelligence was leaked to the intelligence organization, and even if the intelligence personnel were silenced afterwards, it would not be able to prevent the leak. The former wizard heresy judge named Joey Lawson wanted to kill Sophie mainly out of personal grudges.

"It's a shame that you can continue the tour under such circumstances. Normally, you shouldn't hide incognito or just change your identity?" Aiden asked.

"The organization doesn't want to abandon the value of 'Sophie Carter' easily. They trained me to be a star, and they will find ways to continue to use me as a star. But as long as Sophie Carter is not dead, that person will always be entangled. If he goes down, even if he changes his appearance, he will continue to investigate..."

"So you prepared a substitute. When he kills the substitute, his resentment will subside, and you can make your debut again with a new identity." Aiden understood Smile Balance's plan.

"This is the worst-case scenario, and the organization is also planning to solve this hidden danger. But... I think they don't care whether Susan dies or not." Sophie lowered her eyes as she spoke, "For them, Susan's life is very cheap. , far less than the divinity in her.”

"Your organization is already planning to kill him, so even if the divinity is taken away by the other party, there is still a chance to get it back with profit. Only the maid's life is a one-time consumable." Ai Deng raised his eyebrows, "It is indeed a very low cost for your organization. I have heard that Smiling Balance will select some customers who are easy to deal with as targets, sell his information to other customers, and join forces to target the targets. Solve it and get a piece of the pie in the end... It seems to be true. "

Sophie lowered her head and remained silent.

"You told me that Smile Balance's smile means that it will smile to everyone as long as it is a customer, but you didn't say that there is a knife hidden behind this smile. You said that you didn't mean anything bad to me, which should be true... but It’s just that you don’t plan to harm me now. Who knows in the future?” Aiden stared into Sophie’s eyes and said, “Now you plan to use me as a new customer to deal with your old customers. Isn’t this also you? The organization’s instructions?”

"I admit that I learned this approach from the organization... but it is really just my personal request and has nothing to do with the organization!" Sophie raised her head suddenly, "You can ask the female police officer to take the "Code" Confirm with me!”

"Then can you pay me first?" Aiden narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, I can teach you the divine words first." Sophie agreed simply, but then the subject changed, "But how can you guarantee that you will keep your promise?"

"What do I have to promise? The person who is dying now is your friend, and you are the one who should be worried, not me." Aiden spread his hands, "You should be the one trying to make me keep my promise as much as possible, right?"

"Are you... bargaining with me?" Sophie was startled after hearing this, "I thought you were the kind of person with a strong sense of justice..."

"Do you really think of me as a superhero?"

"I wasn't lying when I said I was your fan before." Sophie said slowly, "You helped unjust criminals reverse their cases, and you also arrested so many dangerous criminals..."

"But these are not the reasons for your moral kidnapping of me." Aiden replied calmly, "I think I have some sense of justice, but I am not the kind of good person who is willing to save people from wells, let alone you. Can’t you say it’s completely innocent? Do you really want to save your friend?”

Sophie was silent for a while and then said: "I will teach you the divine words first. If you save Susan, I can tell you any information you want to know as long as I know it! Also! Money, I... you can make a price!"

"Are you suddenly more generous with your actions?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to regret it," Sophie said seriously.

"You really have a good relationship as the outside world says?" Aiden asked smoothly.

"Actually, I can only say that it's okay... We don't have many topics in common, and we often can't talk. But we can be regarded as friends in times of need. She and I were both pledged to the organization by our parents," Sophie said.

"Human trafficking?" Aiden frowned.

"Strictly speaking, it's debt repayment. The organization has many industries that make money, one of which is loan sharking. Our families couldn't pay off their debts, so they mortgaged their children to loan sharks as apprentices. Some people couldn't pay off their debts, so they could only mortgage themselves as laborers. The organization occasionally selected some qualified people from these people for training and made them work for the organization."

"It sounds like... you are preparing to sell your misery?"

"No, we are actually very lucky. Becoming the organization's host was something worth striving for for us at the time." Sophie pointed at herself, "Look at me and you will know."

"I understand. Compared to being a laborer for loan sharks, it is naturally better to be a popular singer." Aiden nodded.

"It's just that there are not so many good opportunities like this. The organization's training will screen out a considerable number of people, and only a small number of them can really become intelligence personnel." Sophie said slowly, "Don't look at me like this now. In fact, I was almost screened out before, and it was Susan who found a way to help me."

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