The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 345 The Bloody Death Returns

This is not Sophie Carter, Susan Finger.

As soon as the idea came to Aiden's mind, in just a blink of an eye, the girl with beautiful features and beautiful eyes turned into a woman with a popular face - this face was none other than Susan, who had been jailed for theft. ·Finger.

As explained by Sophie, the primary "substitution" power can now only interfere with the observation results of bystanders. As long as the essence of existence is known and unswervingly believed, this illusion of interfering with observations will lose its effect.

But on the other hand, if you don't correctly see through the essence of the other party's existence, then even if you know that the other party is pretending, the interference of the divine words will still not be eliminated.

"Hello, madam, is Mr. Housekeeper here?" Aiden asked the other party, imitating the tone of the maid he just met.

"The housekeeper is helping me with some work in the study. Are you looking for him?" Susan asked.

"No, I came back to see you for something." Aiden waved his hands repeatedly. He asked the housekeeper just to confirm that the other party was not watching here.

"What do you want from me?" Susan frowned.

She had been gloomy since they met, and Aiden noticed that the bags under her eyes were a little heavy and her face looked a little haggard.

However, Aiden can understand that it is a normal reaction for a person whose life is being targeted and may be killed at any time to have restlessness. Not everyone can be open to enjoying the last moments of his life.

"Someone slipped a letter to me on the way and asked me to come back and give it to you. He also said it was..." Aiden said and took out a letter from his body. "It was sent from the prison in the city."

"Prison?" Susan was startled, then walked down quickly and took the letter from Aiden's hand.

"The person who sent it said to please read it immediately after you get it." Aiden reminded.

Susan was a little confused, but when she saw the signature "Sophie Carter" and the familiar handwriting on the envelope, she couldn't wait any longer and immediately tore open the envelope and took out the letter inside.

There are only two sentences in the letter: "The initial favor is always the biggest, and it's time for me to repay it. The person who brought the letter was hired by me to help you. I hope he can succeed."

Susan suddenly looked up at the "maid" in front of her.

"Can we have a good talk in private?" Aiden lowered his voice.

Susan was obviously taken aback. She suddenly looked back at the still closed study upstairs, and lowered her voice and said to Aiden: "Follow me."

Aiden followed Susan upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Who are you?" Susan asked straight to the point after locking the door.

"The second-generation dirty blood death, I wonder if you have heard of it?" Aiden directly put on the vest he had used before, "Nice to meet you, Miss Finger."

The other party did not immediately think about Sophie Carter's cooperation with the client, and Aiden felt that there was no need to reveal his identity at this time.

Maybe Sophie will tell Susan about it after the matter is over, but at least for now, Aiden still wants to avoid unnecessary leakage of information as much as possible.

"The Bloody Death God?" Susan frowned, "Children of Meiliu Jinnu?"

"I'm honored that you know our sign." Aiden bowed, "Save me more time to explain."

"What's a hitman doing here?"

"As the letter said, I was hired by Miss Carter to help you. Of course, the main reason for coming here this time is to confirm with you and assess the risks of the mission." Aiden replied, "After all, I can't fully trust what my employer has given me. information."

"You know? Speaking of your disguise, could it be..." Susan pointed at Aiden in surprise.

She was all too familiar with the way of disguising herself, from appearance to voice to clothes, into another person.

"Probably what you think." Aiden replied frankly.

"Mei Liujinu...has begun to involve authority?" Susan's face became solemn.

Meirukinu's name is quite famous among the underworld and wizards, because it has some relationship with Lamia, the great witch who is involved in the power of "chaos" in the Witches' Assembly. There is also a handful of this person in Smile Scales intelligence.

But as far as Smiling Balance's information is concerned, there is no information that shows that Mirukinu has discovered the secret of power like the great witches of the Witches' Assembly. And there is news that Mei Liujinu has been imprisoned in the Rose Iron Prison.

However, there is also news that about half a year ago there seemed to be signs that a killer who claimed to be the second generation of the Bloody Death was operating in the underworld.

If it is true that the newly trained killer of Mei Liujinu has the power of authority, either the intelligence of Smile Balance needs to be updated, or Sophie made a deal in violation of the organization's regulations in the Rose Iron Prison...

Seeing that Susan remained silent, Aiden simply interrupted her thinking: "Don't think too much about this. You just need to know that Miss Carter hired me through the connections she found in prison."

A sad smile appeared on Susan's face: "I don't want to thank her at all. If she had done it from the beginning...well, it would be better than nothing."

"She offered a pretty good salary, not just money, but she was quite sincere in my evaluation." Aiden said, "She told me a lot of relevant things, and I don't really want to know more about your relationship. But. I'm curious, why would you be willing to be a substitute who could die at any time?"

"We were sold here with debts. For us, disobeying the organization's arrangements means being deprived of everything and returning to the days of poverty and debt." Susan answered.

"I don't understand. If you die, it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, right?"

"But when you are alive, the difference is huge. Poverty is sometimes more tormenting than death." Susan shook her head.

"I heard that your organization gave you enough compensation? A large sum of money can buy your life?" Aiden asked.

"In addition to money, there is another item, which is freedom. I may not die, but there is a high probability. The organization promised me before this mission that if I can survive under such an arrangement, I can get a sum of money to leave the organization." Susan replied.

"Not a bad pursuit." Aiden commented, "I hope your organization can keep its word..."

"How much do you know about the mission?" Susan asked.

"Ms. Carter told me most of it, and I just came to confirm it with you." Aiden said.

"I think she should be telling the truth, so you should have known that the enemy is not easy to mess with. To be honest, I don't know how capable you are. Do you really have the confidence to win?"

"I think there should still be a chance." Aiden answered calmly.

The status of "Wordless Code" is far superior to that of its opponent, and if it is really necessary... Aiden feels that he may be able to ask for external help - the divinity in Joey Lawson should be a pretty good bait for the big witches in the Witch Gathering.

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