The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 346: A qualified stalker

A few minutes later.

"...Sophie even told you such a private matter?" Susan brought out tea, sat down at the low table with Aiden, and chatted in more detail, "I was just hired to kill people, not It’s necessary to know the past history of the employer and the protected person.”

"Please forgive me. I just want to understand the reason for the employment so as not to fall into the trap of false entrustment." Aiden casually gave a reason, "You must know that in this business, your life is not guaranteed."

"Understandable. Since you have such an understanding of Smile Balance, you should also know our style. Aren't you worried that we are setting up a trap to take advantage of you?" Susan asked.

Smile Balance will use some customers to deal with other customers, providing information as dividends. Since they can do this, they may naturally benefit from leading two customers to fight.

"Miss Carter has already paid part of the remuneration in advance, and I believe in her sincerity in the transaction." Aiden replied.

With the "Wordless Codex" as a lie detection tool, the possibility of Sophie deceiving him was almost non-existent, not to mention that he had already received part of the reward.

"It sounds like she's spending a lot of money this time... Okay, it's just fun. Can you bring me a letter later? Just say that even if I die, I won't blame her." Susan grew a new look. tone.

Aiden could tell that before he came to contact Susan, Susan still had some resentment towards Sophie.

Of course, there probably must be a certain degree of emphasis on the relationship between the two parties to have such resentment.

"Your not bad?" Aiden asked the question he had asked Sophie.

"It's okay, I don't like her very much, but we are friends for now." Susan gave an answer that surprised Aiden a little.

"Can we still be friends if we don't like each other?"

"In such an environment, it's very rare to make real friends. You can't be too picky. We still have friendship, but our temperaments and pursuits are quite different. I've always wanted to get out of here, this kind of anything An organization that wants to absorb all value, they even sell gods, let alone people? The customers they come into contact with are basically dangerous people. It's just a problem to stay here and be consumed, even if they climb up, it will be useless. Meaning." Susan said slowly, "It's not that I don't want money and power, it's just that in comparison, I prefer freedom and stability."

"A very smart idea." Aiden nodded in agreement.

"Sophie, on the other hand, still prefers fame and fortune, even if it requires a little risk to obtain it. She followed the organization's arrangements and used the organization's connections to become a big star, gaining both fame and fortune, but the result was that she was in the limelight It also caused death."

"It sounds like your way of life is safer, but it turns out your organization arranged for you to die in her place," Aiden said.

"Everything in the world is unpredictable." Susan shrugged, "The organization probably saw how passive and sabotaging I was as a chess piece, so they decided to abandon me instead of her who was more active. It seems that I still...didn't do enough. wise."

"Isn't it too ostentatious for us to discuss while drinking tea like this?" Aiden looked out the door with some concern, "I remember Miss Carter said that there is a housekeeper in this room, who is actually your boss? He won’t notice our little moves.”

"The housekeeper is only responsible for the aftermath this time. He is not actually in the study. This mansion is actually owned by the organization. There is a hidden room connected to the escape route. He will stay there at night." Susan said slowly , "The hall, stairs and courtyard can be monitored from that room, but the bedroom on the second floor cannot be seen. It's okay if there are other people around during the day, but night is the most likely time for murders to occur. Of course he has to hide Get up, if that stalker man comes to kill you, he will definitely not want to be buried with you."

"Wouldn't the gardener who lives in Mengang also be buried with him?" Aiden said.

"He is not from the organization. This organization can even send its own personnel to death, so it would care about an ordinary person?" Susan replied lightly.

"Well, since this house was organized by you, then your organization should have many strongholds. This house also has hidden rooms and passages. It seems that your organization knows how to leave a way out. With such an arrangement, then they Why don't you think of a way to let Miss Carter hide for a while and wait for some time to come out and gather people?" Aiden asked, "Or you can just make Miss Carter disappear and debut with a new identity, anyway, wait for that guy to kill Sophie Carter? Then your organization will have to do the same.”

"Because Mr. Stalker's obsession is too deep and he is basically a lunatic. And Smiling Balance is an organization that operates completely on profit. The organization judged that if there is no way to resolve his hatred, he is likely to target him for revenge. The entire smile balance may cause even greater losses." Susan sneered disdainfully, "Sacrificing an insignificant receptionist to save the entire organization is a good deal, isn't it?"

"Yeah, he's pretty good at settling accounts." Aiden nodded, "But how crazy does that guy have to be to scare you like this?"

Susan did not answer the question immediately. Instead, she stood up and took out a stack of letters from the cabinet and handed them to Aiden.

Aiden was a little confused at first, but after reading a few letters, he understood.

Each was a fiery anonymous letter, addressed to Sophie Carter.

"...On the road to seeking power, you were the only flower that made me willing to stop. Only this time, I can forgive your crime of deceiving me, as long as you leave there honestly and come to me. At 10 o'clock tonight, come to the West Wind Tavern in the north of the city alone, and I will wait for your answer."

"You must choose a dead end that I will punish? Very good!"

"You are still ignoring me? Then let me stay in your nightmare. I have decided that I will kill you."

"Do you think I can't find you after moving?"

"I will chase you to the ends of the earth and never give up."

"I really look forward to you begging for mercy from me."


Aiden looked over and soon realized that these were harassing letters that Joey kept sending to Sophie during her journey from Black Iron City to Silver City.

Joey Lawson is indeed a qualified stalker. After Sophie Carter left Black Iron City, he kept sending threatening letters. It can be seen that he has been tracking Sophie's residence. The words are more intense than the last, which makes people's backs cold.

"That one was received the day before yesterday. It's right here." Susan pointed to the last letter.

Aiden pulled out the letter. There was only one sentence in it: "Soon."

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