The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 347 The existence behind the warden

"The words are twisted like must have been written with the left hand." Aiden commented, "The speech is full of nonsense, but he is a qualified pervert."

"The murder notice has been issued, and he should take action in the near future." Susan said.

"It has been confirmed that he is in Silver City, but your organization has not found him? You are an intelligence organization after all, right?" Aiden asked.

"I guess they have figured out his location, but the organization won't tell me." Susan replied, "I don't need to explain the reason."

Aiden nodded.

One of the conditions that Susan agreed to the Smiling Balance arrangement was that she would leave the organization if she survived. From Smiling Balance's perspective, if Susan learned the location of Joey Lawson, she would probably contact him privately and tell him the truth. , so as to deflect the fatal disaster directed at oneself.

Therefore, of course they would not and did not need to tell Susan the news they had obtained. For them, Susan could just wait quietly and wait for death.

"Without being able to monitor the other party's movements, this task will be very difficult." Aiden pondered.

In this mansion, it is not realistic to protect Susan 24 hours a day. It is a way to let him play Sophie Carter instead of Susan and let Sophie leave safely, but for Aiden himself, this plan is risky It's too big, and since he's not a professional stuntman, there's a risk of his secret being revealed if he keeps acting.

The best way is for them to find each other first and strike first before this stalker strikes.

"If you can go snoop in the hidden room, you might be able to find out." Susan whispered, "In addition to the secret passage leading to the outside, there is also a telegraph device. Mr. Mark...I mean the housekeeper, he is there to listen to reports. Organized, but I guess it’s not possible, the lock of that room——”

"Maybe I can do something about this." Aiden had an idea after hearing this, "Do you know the approximate location of that room in the mansion?"

Susan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Aiden thought that was enough.

He knew a witch who was very good at collecting intelligence by infiltrating. Before he got the Wordless Code, that guy could even come and go from his prison. I thought that no matter how tightly locked the hidden room in this house was, it probably wouldn't be as tight as his prison.

Maybe you can also invite her to help deal with the wizard, which can greatly increase the winning rate.

If Sophie can give information about the Hand of Annihilation, she should be happy to help as long as this information is shared with her.

The only problem is whether she can make it in time - but you have to ask before you know this kind of thing.

"Today I will help you guard the night. If I can find Joey Lawson's hiding place, I will try to find a way to get rid of him first." Aiden gave a plan, "If he takes action tonight ...Then maybe I can end things early."

"It sounds really reliable, thank you in advance." Susan smiled, "The killer... er, sir?"

Because Aiden still looks like the maid, Susan obviously hasn't been able to determine his true gender.

"Besides your bedroom, is there any place here that the housekeeper can't monitor in that room?" Aiden asked.

"The kitchen and dining room on the first floor, the second floor, and the roof." Susan answered.

"Then I'll go up to the roof and stand guard first." Aiden prepared to find a quiet place to communicate.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you." Susan lowered her head, "But there's no need to be in such a hurry now, you haven't finished your tea yet."

"Okay." Aiden realized that the other party still had something to say.

"To be honest, I'm a little surprised..." Susan started talking.


"I was going to hire someone to rescue me, but Sophie didn't choose to deal with the warden of the Rose Iron Prison." Susan said, "I wonder how much you know about that person, Mr. Killer?"

Aiden was not sure whether the other party was testing him or just chatting casually, so he could only reply vaguely: "I have investigated."

"I heard that the mother of the killer, Meiliu Jinu, was also imprisoned in the Rose Iron Prison there. Is this true or false?" Susan asked again.

"You want to dig information from me?" Aiden asked in turn, "As an intelligence dealer, you are too dedicated."

"I just want to say that if you need information about the warden of Rose Iron Prison, I can tell you everything as long as you let me live." Susan said calmly, "You should be interested."

Aiden saw Susan's thoughts. She was not sure whether the killer in front of her would do his best to save her life, so she made conditions on her own side as insurance.

If it is true that Meirujinnu was imprisoned in the Rose Iron Prison, and if this so-called second-generation dirty blood death has a plan to rescue her, he should be interested in Aiden Garrod's information.

It’s understandable that Susan would do this. This is probably the skill she learned from Smiling Balance, and it can also be seen that this is Smiling Balance’s consistent style.

Aiden's idea was confirmed. These intelligence organizations knew that his information could be leaked to people who were preparing to harm him at any time.

Fortunately, the identity of this second-generation dirty-blooded god of death is completely false. At the same time, Aiden has recently been officially included in the sight of Smiling Scales.

The advice from the Witches' Assembly was correct. It was necessary for him to keep a sufficient distance from the Smiling Balance organization.

"I am indeed interested. Miss Carter entered the prison not only to avoid danger, but also to investigate the warden." Aiden said, "I have investigated that the warden also has authority."

"This is part of the reason. Sophie herself happens to be more interested in that man..." Susan said slowly, "He is like a superhero, very powerful, and he is also an official. He looks like a Not a bad subject.”

"That's it..." Aiden picked up the tea cup and brought it to his mouth. It seemed that what the singer said was not entirely false.

Then he heard Susan continue: "Sophie did not choose to deal with that man, which was probably wiser. I think that man... is probably very dangerous, more dangerous than that stalker!"

Aiden's hand shook and he almost spilled the tea, but he managed to maintain his composure: "Why do you say that?"

"Just based on the analysis of intelligence, the organization believes that there is probably a very huge force behind him, an unimaginable force...or rather, it exists." Susan said mysteriously, "If you want to know, in I can have a good chat with you after this is over."

Aiden was silent for a while, and finally smiled and nodded at Susan: "I don't hate extra pay."

Sure enough, Smile Balance has noticed... there is a certain existence supporting him behind his back. If they can't find a way to hide it, these people will probably continue to dig deeper.

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