The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 361 Overwhelming Advantage

Go to jail?

Hearing this, Joey couldn't help but feel a sense of irony: "You look like a hired killer or mercenary, but you speak like an Inquisitor."

"Same here, same here, I know you are the real Inquisitor." Aiden's tone was calm, "But the style of what you do is indeed more like a wizard who ignores the rules. I have heard about what you did before and what you are doing now. There are many things that are enough to put you in jail, even in the Netherlands."

"The meaning of power is to allow people to transcend the rules, have more freedom, and do what they want. Live as you want." Joey glared at Aiden, "You can accuse me like this now, not by reason but by relying on your own power."

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of educating you, I just let you make a choice." Aiden raised his hand and pointed at Joey, "Transfer your divinity to me, or... let me deprive you of your divinity in other ways."

"Hehe, I think you must have been very lucky in the process of getting the power of authority, right?" Joey suddenly laughed, "Otherwise, with your kind-hearted style, you can't find a second way out except being exposed in the wilderness!"

He raised his hand and pointed the short-handled staff at Aiden.

The opponent's power only limits him to manipulate matter, the power of "All Things" is invalid, and the black magic of manipulating elements that he is good at cannot be used, but this does not mean that he does not know other attack magic-for example, the black magic that directly attacks the spirit!

The mysterious man who appeared in front of him with the appearance of a teenager was not in a state of war at all. Whether it was a gun, a cold weapon, or a spellcasting prop, none of them were taken out.

As for the order that just appeared in his mind, it was probably the power exerted by the other party. But this power obviously follows certain rules. As long as he does not violate the order, the power will not have a direct impact on him.

In the opponent's state full of flaws, he still has a chance to fight back.

He still has a trump card, the "empty" power. Before using this trump card to protect himself, he can still fight again!

However, just as he was about to recite the spell, he suddenly felt that his magic power had become a pool of stagnant water. No matter how his spirit called, he could not get a single response.

"Throw away the weapon, this is a warning." Aiden said to him.

Just now, he was eliminated by the "hiding" power of Qiqimora, so Joey Lawson could not see him all the time.

Before he appeared to block Joey's way, he had already launched the field of "returning" power.

Joey hesitated for a moment and finally threw away the staff.

"A wise choice." Aiden commented.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Joey pulled out another gun from his body - after becoming an Inquisitor, he also learned some other fighting methods.

Almost without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

The gun fired, but the bullet did not fire. The moment the smoke came out, it seemed as if time was reversed.

"I take back what I said just now." Aiden quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed.

He drew his gun much faster than Joey. In fact, when Joey drew his gun, he could have taken the lead in attacking.

The reason he didn't do that was because it was not necessary.

"Since you are so stubborn, you should have considered the consequences." Aiden said in a cold voice.

Joey realized that now was the time to use his trump card.

He opened his mouth and prepared to recite the divine words of the "nothingness" authority - as long as he used the "empty" power, he could turn himself into a "fictitious" existence that could not be interfered with by the outside world and could only be observed.

Then, he could escape from here!

But at this moment, a new order emerged in his mind: "It is forbidden to eliminate any existing physical entity. Violators will be punished with corporal punishment."

This damn order again!!

The rebellious mentality was immediately ignited. This time, Joey, who was forced into a desperate situation, chose to fight to the death.

He forced his mouth to speak the words of God, but before he finished speaking, thorns appeared on his neck and tongue. The pain that ordinary people could not bear made the words of God turned into screams in the middle.

Aiden looked at Joey who covered his mouth with his hands, and shot at his feet and right hand holding the gun without mercy.

Joey failed to stand firm and almost fell to the ground, but he did not immediately look at the wounds on his hands and feet, because the pain in his neck and tongue was much stronger. Although this "punishment" did not cause him any substantial damage, the pain it brought completely overwhelmed the two gunshot wounds.

"One power cannot directly interfere with another power, but if the effects of two powers conflict, the higher-level power will suppress the lower-level one, so even if you finish saying that divine word, it will be meaningless." Aiden stared at Joey and said slowly, "It seems that you have not fought against opponents with more power than you. I give you a choice not because of mercy, but because I can do it."

As long as the opponent's intelligence is known in advance, the "Wordless Code" can basically seal the power below the ruler.

With the intelligence provided by Sophie, Aiden is actually sure to win this battle. Controlling the amalgam golem to attack Joey Rosen is actually mainly to collect as much information as possible about the power.

"This is the last chance, transfer the divinity, and then surrender." Aiden gave a final warning.

Joey Rosen, who was almost unconscious due to pain, nodded to Aiden-he finally gave up resistance.

"Your Excellency, can I make a suggestion?" Chichimora also lifted his "invisibility" and stood next to Joey Lawson. "The divinity will be paid to you by me. This person can be given to you." A witches’ assembly trial?”

"Kikimora!?" Joey Lawson exclaimed.

"I haven't seen you for a while since you were removed from the list. Now should I call you...Mr. Rosen?" Kikimora laughed at Joey while smoking a cigarette, "You were originally as powerful as the Great Witch. , to become this virtuous because of a woman.”

"It turns was you who did it." Joey said while gasping.

"Leave it to the Witches' Coven?" Aiden turned his gaze to Kikimora, "What are you planning on suddenly? You won't say that he once killed a witch from the Witches' Coven, so you have a reason to try him, right? ?”

"I won't fool you with that kind of nonsense, but Your Excellency, the crimes he committed in this world are far more serious than anything he did in your world. I think it would be too much to just let him go to jail. It's easier for him." Chichimora advised, "You can't learn the power he possesses. In comparison, I suggest you... 'sell' this person to the Witches' Assembly."

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