In the evening, the warden's office.

"...Anyway, that's basically it. If you go to the riot squad, the work surveillance position in the factory will probably not be transferred to you. Usually, I will only bother you when you are taking a break and working." Aiden sat in the office. , handed two documents to Veronica, "This one is my new prison internal management rules, and this one is the prisoner's treatment grade list, which I also formulated. You can go back and read more." "

"Understood." Veronica saluted seriously, and then took the file.

"By the way, can you switch to night shift?" Aiden asked seriously.

"Okay, rather, I'm more used to working the night shift." Veronica smiled.

Werewolves have some of the physiological characteristics of nocturnal animals. They have excellent night vision but are less tolerant of bright light than ordinary people. They are more energetic at night than during the day. They like moonlight and don't like too strong sunlight. When she was in the Mounted Police, she often worked night shifts.

"That's great!" Aiden clapped his hands happily. "Actually, the night shift is much more leisurely than the day shift, but manpower is still relatively scarce. Many prison guards are unwilling to work the night shift, especially those with families."

He picked up the duty watch and looked at it: "Then, starting from the day after tomorrow, you will be on duty at five o'clock in the afternoon, okay?"

"no problem."

"Then you reported for work in the morning, now you can check in at the appointed time. Thank you for your hard work today."

"It's only because of your hard work." Veronica smiled.

Aiden nodded and looked at Veronica, but found that the other person had no intention of leaving the office.

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions?" Aiden asked proactively.

"Yes..." Veronica said hesitantly, "Actually, I am a little concerned about that prisoner 3201, the bloody god of death."

"Oh, no wonder you always feel a little absent-minded in the afternoon. Well, if you have anything to ask, just ask." Aiden sat upright.

"What's going on with the child? How old is she?" Veronica asked, looking seriously into Aiden's eyes.

"I don't know... don't look at me like that. No one really knows this. Even she couldn't tell her age, but based on the interrogation and examination results at the time of her arrest, she was probably not older than Twelve years old.”

"In other words, she is really not even fourteen yet!?" Veronica's eyes widened.

She originally suspected that Ivansa might be a few years older than she appeared. After all, the king of killers who was active in the underground world was a child in his early ten years. This was too unbelievable.

"Yes, that's why she can't be sentenced to death. Otherwise, with the murder record of the Bloody Death God, I don't know how many times she could be sentenced to death."

"How did she become like this?" Veronica frowned, "I remember you said before...she was trained by the killer organization from birth. Can she reach that level through training alone? "

She has heard of the reputation of the "Blood Death God". Legend has it that the Blood Death God can change his body shape and appearance at will, possesses master-level unarmed combat skills and has the power to easily break the necks of adults. He is proficient in firearms, blades, whips and ropes. , sticks, hidden weapons, explosives, and almost all weapons that can cause death.

What's even more terrifying is that it is said that the blood on his body contains a poison that can seal the throat at the sight of blood. Just a drop of it on the weapon can kill the target with a shallow cut.

Veronica couldn't imagine what kind of training could get a kid to that level in a few years.

"Yes, she is a tool trained by the killer organization. But what she has experienced is not just training, but also many extremely inhumane experiments." Aiden said expressionlessly.

"What kind of experiment?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you the details. The Inquisition does have some information, but it's all confidential. Anyway, it's basically taking and injecting alchemical potions, and signing a devil's contract. Her strange power, transformation ability, The poisonous nature of blood comes from this, but the price is also high. "

"The price..." Veronica was startled.

Aiden was silent for a while before speaking: "Her sense of taste is impaired, her sense of pain is completely absent, she has memory impairment for certain things, and her lifespan is short... According to the results of the doctor's examination, even if she continues to receive blood purification treatment, she will have no remaining life." The lifespan will not exceed twenty years, unless there are new breakthroughs in medicine in the future."

Veronica gasped when she heard this: "What kind of organization is so cruel?"

At the same time, in the small playground of the prison, prisoners in the core area who had eaten dinner were put into the playground in batches to breathe fresh air and wait to take a shower.

Aifansha was among them. As usual, she returned to the place where she had spent the afternoon, squatted down and started looking for traces of ants - she recently discovered that there seemed to be an ant nest nearby.

She quickly found the ants lined up in a row, and she also had an unexpected discovery - at the end of the ant queue, there was a butterfly with broken wings for some reason, and its body was covered by a dense swarm of ants.

The butterfly seemed to be still alive, but it was already dying. It was no longer able to struggle and resist the bites of the ants, and could only open and close its broken wings slowly occasionally.

Just as Aifansha was watching with great interest, someone approached her from behind: "Are you observing the ants?"

Aifansha turned around and saw a tall female prisoner bending over and looking at her with a smile - she had a strange face and seemed to be a female prisoner who had just entered.

"Hmm..." Ai Fansha responded and turned her face back.

She was a little surprised by the prisoner's initiative to talk to her - there were almost no prisoners in this prison who would talk to her like this.

However, she didn't care about other people's thoughts.

But the female prisoner did not retreat because of her coldness, and continued to chat with her: "Although ants are very small, they are the top killers among insects. Almost all insects will die if they are crawled on by a group of ants."

Ai Fansha ignored her, but the female prisoner continued to talk to herself: "I heard that the ants in an ant nest are all children born by the same queen ant, but to the queen ant, these children are just her tools."

The female prisoner paused and said in a nostalgic tone: "You still like this as before, Fanny."


Hearing this name, Ai Fansha turned back suddenly as if she was electrocuted, staring at the female prisoner.

In her memory, there was only one person who would call her by this nickname.

The female prisoner smiled lovingly and squinted her eyes as she said to Afansha, "I haven't seen you for two years. You've grown up a bit."

As if the disconnected part of her memory was forcibly reconnected, Afansha felt that some impressions in the depths of her mind gradually emerged, overlapping with the face and voice of the woman in front of her that seemed unfamiliar at first.

She suddenly remembered!

"Mom?" She stared blankly at the person in front of her.

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