The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 367 You are dreaming again

A week later, Rose Iron Prison, afternoon exercise time, core area playground.

After finishing the work for the day, Aiden walked to the playground for the first time in a long time to inspect the situation in the core area.

He took the amalgam golem and looked at the playground through the railing for a while. At this time, a prisoner looked over. After squinting and observing carefully for a while, she walked over.

"Warden? It's really you, good afternoon." The prisoner took the initiative to greet him.

Aiden nodded and greeted. He stood in the shadow. He even used the square pillars on the side of the playground to cover himself, but he was still noticed immediately.

I don't know if it's because of the influence of the "existence" word, Aiden vaguely felt that his sense of existence became stronger and stronger-of course, it may also be an illusion. Judging from the situation of the "order" word, this effect should take some time to slowly emerge.

But in any case, judging from Sophie Carter's situation, it is probably only a matter of time before she becomes an extremely eye-catching existence like her.

Not all good things...

More prisoners noticed this side, most of them just waved at him from a distance and walked away, but one prisoner, after hearing the news, immediately ran over with all his strength.

"Lord Aiden!!" Fei'er ran over and squeezed to the railing, shouting at Aiden, "You finally came to visit me! I missed you so much!!"

"Who came to visit you? Just a casual inspection." Aiden waved his hand.

"You haven't been to the cell for a long, long, long time!" Fei'er pouted, "Do you have another woman?"

"Can you be more rude?" Aiden was so angry that he laughed.

This month, the frequency of his visits to the core area cells has indeed decreased a lot, mainly because the discipline level in the core area has been unprecedentedly improved, and the number of jailbreaks and fights in the past few weeks can be counted on one hand. Aiden usually goes to the core area for inspections, which is also a way to establish prestige in front of the prisoners to intimidate them to some extent. Since the discipline in the core area is gradually approaching that of the ordinary area, he doesn't need to be so nervous about the core area.

"Every time I talk to you, I feel that time is wasted very quickly. Let's go back." Aiden didn't want to have too much entanglement with this guy.

He was about to turn around, and Fei'er called him again: "Wait a minute! I have something to consult, serious business!"

"It's better to be serious." Aiden stopped and said, "Go ahead."

"Well, can you tell me a little bit..." Fei'er put on a flattering smile, "When can I get parole?"

"You? Parole?" Aiden laughed when he heard it, "What are you thinking about again?"

"I'm serious!" Fei'er jumped in dissatisfaction, "I've served half of my sentence, right? I only committed a minor crime, right? I behaved very well in prison, right? The robber in room 23 last time I've been released on parole, so I'm sure I can be released on parole, right? Right? Right!"

"I asked you this question the last time I came in." Aiden suppressed his smile, "Do you remember what I told you?"

"Hey, this..." Fei'er was confused for a moment. She thought about it for a long time, and finally smiled flatteringly, "Hey, I can't remember it a little bit."

"Then you should remember it well in your mind this time..." Aiden smiled kindly, and then said word by word, "Tired, offended, not, allowed, release."

"How could this be possible? You are joking again." Fei'er smiled and waved her hand.

"I'm not joking with you, go to the reading room and read the "Criminal Law of the Autonomous Prefecture". The explanation of parole is in Article 81." Aiden also smiled.

"How can this be! This is not fair! ! " Fei'er protested against the railing.

"Parole is for prisoners who show repentance. You, who have nothing to do with the word 'repentance', still want parole? It's only been a few days since you were released last time and you came in this time? The speed of your reentry is already ranked second in the history of this prison!"

"So what - eh? Second? Is there anyone faster than me?" Fei'er was a little surprised.

"Yes, it happened a long time ago. A prisoner was imprisoned for several months because of severe domestic violence against her husband... On the day she was released from prison, she quarreled with her husband who came to pick her up over trivial matters and beat him up again." Aiden shrugged, "It's a rare story."

"It feels hard to surpass..." Fei'er muttered.

"You still want to surpass!?" Aiden glared at her.

"No, no! I mean... I really repented this time. Can you think of a way?" Fei'er put on a pitiful expression.

"Let's not talk about whether I believe it or not. It's not me who decides whether I can be paroled. What's the point of you begging me?" Aiden was indifferent.

"You forgot that I helped you before! I have done meritorious service for you and helped the prison! You can't do this to me!" Fei'er said confidently.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that you tried to seduce me that day? It seems that I was too polite to file a case for this." Aiden raised his eyebrows.

Fei'er thought for a moment and lowered his voice again: "Then I donate money to the prison, can I get parole? Five thousand pounds should be enough?"

"Sure." Aiden nodded.

"Really?" Fei'er opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"You can stay in prison for a few more years! Let me calculate how many more years you can be sentenced for attempted bribery..." Aiden replied calmly.

"Don't waste your time, you pimp!" Camilla appeared from behind Fei'er, grabbed Fei'er's horn and pulled her aside, grabbing the special seat closest to Aiden, "What about me? Prison boss, what I did last time should be considered a major meritorious service, right? Can I be paroled?"

"You should serve half of your sentence first, then talk about this." Aiden dealt with it lightly.

Before he finished speaking, another prisoner raised his hand behind him: "What about me? What about me?"

"Wait, don't push, I came here first!"

"What? Is there a parole list recently?"

"The warden can tell me!"

"What are you talking about?"

"It seems that the warden said there is an amnesty?"


More and more prisoners gradually gathered here because of the increasingly outrageous things. Just when Aiden was about to get serious and order them to disperse, the whistle of the prison guard on duty sounded first.

Then, Veronica shouted: "What are you doing there? Disperse in three seconds! Three, two--"

Most of the prisoners left on the spot, and Aiden took this opportunity to leave the scene.

Another... peaceful day.

Aiden thought boredly, touching the Great Witch's certificate in his pocket.

Half a month has passed, and it seems that the Kikimora heading to the Kingdom of Gistas...still has no progress.

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