The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 370 Pure Neurosis

A few days later, in Baiyin City, the court.

A trial was being held.

"The defense counsel has no objection to the crimes charged by the prosecutor. Based on the facts and laws of this case, we now present the following defense opinions..." The defendant's lawyer stood in his seat and said loudly, "First, although the defendant did rob valuables, he did not commit any violent acts other than robbing the property in the process, and the crime was relatively minor. Secondly, the defendant confessed after being arrested. According to Article 66, Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Law..."

Although it was only a designated defense for criminal legal aid, the defendant's lawyer still faithfully performed his duties, providing defense for the defendant with the goal of reducing the sentence as much as possible.

As he read the pre-prepared words, the blonde girl stood in the dock with an indifferent look on her face. Not long ago, this seemingly frail girl suddenly robbed a passerby's bag on the street and ran away, and many passersby followed and ran away on the spot.

However, the girl obviously had no vision, because the place where she snatched the bag was only 300 meters away from the police station in a straight line. What's more, there were two policemen chatting while patrolling at the intersection less than 100 meters away from her direction. But compared with her final behavior of running headlong into one of the policemen, this was not the stupidest thing.

When the defendant's lawyer asked the girl about this, she replied: "I just wanted to knock him away so that I could run over."

At that time, the defendant's lawyer determined that the defendant was probably not only short-sighted, but also brainless. You should know that there were two police officers present at the time. One of them was of medium build, and the other weighed more than 100 kilograms and was as strong as a bear. After hearing the shouts of "Catch the robber", both of them were ready to arrest, and this girl... bravely chose to hit the more challenging one.

The ending was naturally no suspense. She was pinned to the ground by the two policemen on the spot and then taken directly to the police station.

Because she was caught on the spot, it was completely nonsense to want to make any innocent defense. However, it is precisely because she did not knock down the police that the defendant's lawyer has more room for negotiation. As long as it does not constitute assaulting a police officer, he has the hope of obtaining a suspended sentence for her.

Then, as long as she does not commit any crime during the suspended sentence, the defendant will not have to go to jail, which is a very good result to some extent.

"…The defendant is an orphan with no family. She drifted to this city alone, helpless and helpless. Because of a momentary thought, she went astray. Her crime must be punished, but her subjective malice is obviously not comparable to those habitual thieves. When deciding the sentence, should we also consider her situation? There are a large number of recidivists in prison. If she is directly thrown into prison, should we also consider the possibility that she will be influenced by these criminals after entering prison and completely go astray?"

The defendant's lawyer was talking and playing the emotional card, but the defendant suddenly turned his head and said: "No! I committed a crime, I deserve to be punished and go to jail!"

The defendant's lawyer was interrupted and was stunned for a moment, thinking that I told you to show a good attitude of repentance, but there is no need to interrupt me when I am speaking, right?

"Silence!" The judge knocked the gavel in time, "Defendant, now is not the time for you to speak. Defendant's defense attorney, please continue."

The defendant's lawyer hit and summarized: "Based on the above opinions, the defense attorney believes that the defendant Sera Rexia's crime is minor, his attitude of remorse is sincere, and he is a first-time offender and an occasional offender, which meets the conditions for applying probation in the Criminal Law. I hope that the respected jury and the judge will consider and adopt this and use probation for the defendant, so as to mobilize the defendant's enthusiasm for self-reform, consciously repent and reform, and at the same time avoid cross-infection between criminals after entering prison. 's possibility, and promote the development of the whole society. "

After the defense lawyer finished speaking, the judge gave the defendant a chance to speak: "Defendant, do you have anything to add?"

"I don't want any probation! Let me go to jail! Are you kidding! How can the purpose of punishment be achieved without going to jail?" The defendant, Sera Rexia, shouted excitedly, "Let me go to jail, I prefer to reform in prison!"

The defendant's lawyer thought that this little girl was okay at the critical moment, and she went against the grain by doing a bitter drama at this time. She acted quite like it, although a little exaggerated, but harmless.

What made the defendant's lawyer feel gratified was that in the following court debate, the defendant still insisted that he was not qualified for probation. His radical repentance attitude obviously left a very deep impression on the judge and the jury.

After the judge's step-by-step summary and legal reminders, the jury withdrew and deliberated in secret. After returning, the jury gave a guilty verdict. The defendant's lawyer was not surprised by this. If the girl had a seriously ill relative, he could still make an article saying that she robbed the bag to raise money to save her life, even if she was caught on the spot, he could play the emotional card to gain the sympathy of the jury.

However, the girl was just an orphan with no relatives, and it was unrealistic to release her in court. He could only try to rely on probation, which depended on the judge.

He glanced at the defendant, who was also nervous and stared at the judge with burning eyes.

After a while, it was finally the most critical part of the judge's verdict.

"Now announce the verdict..." The judge announced in a solemn voice, "Main text, the defendant Sera Rexia is guilty of robbery and sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years..."

The defendant's lawyer said in his heart that this verdict was exactly what he had worked hard to achieve. If he could win a suspended sentence, he had successfully completed his task——

But at this time, Saira in the dock suddenly widened her eyes and shouted loudly to the judge: "Fuck! Probation!? You actually sentenced her to probation? Are you kidding!? You don't let a criminal who robbed in the street go to jail? ?Are you crazy?"

"Are you crazy!?" The defendant's lawyer was completely shocked this time.

Is this girl so into the drama that she continues to act even after being sentenced?

The judge's face quickly darkened. He banged the hammer and issued a warning: "Defendant, I'm warning you, if you disrupt court discipline again -"

"Just let me go to jail?" Saira's eyes widened with joy, "Okay! Let me go to jail quickly!!"

The judge was stunned on the spot, while the defendant's lawyer was stunned and petrified on the spot.

At this moment, the defendant's lawyer suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration. He didn't realize that this girl was not mentally ill at all, but a pure... psychopath!

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