The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 382: Don’t read the story of the minotaur

In the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison, Aiden brought Sera to the library.

"Arsenal." Aiden greeted the prisoner who was sorting books by the bookshelf, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

The young necromancer glanced at this side expressionlessly, stopped his work, climbed down the wooden ladder, and walked over slowly.

"What do you want, warden?" Asena asked.

"I remember your cell is a two-person room, right? From tonight, this guy will live in the same room with you." Aiden pointed to Sera beside him.

"I don't want it, warden, you know I don't like to get close to others." Asena protested.

"Look at you, I'm not negotiating with you, I'm just notifying you." Aiden replied, "Can you please be more aware of yourself as a prisoner? I wouldn't even notify you if it was an ordinary prisoner."

"When I helped you do something, the conditions you agreed to included arranging a spacious cell for me to live in alone. Do you want to regret it now?" Arsenal adjusted her glasses and negotiated with Aiden calmly.

"Our agreement is to arrange a spacious cell for you to live in alone 'depending on the conditions'. In addition, there is another clause. When what I need you to do conflicts with the conditions given, completing the task I give you will take priority." Aiden also refuted her calmly, "With your memory, you shouldn't need to look up the contract to confirm it."

"Tsk." Arsenal made a slightly dissatisfied sound expressionlessly, and then turned her eyes to Sera, who was ignored by her, "What about this woman?"

Sera was stared at by Arsenal, and she felt that the other party's eyes were like two scalpels, slowly analyzing her, and she couldn't help but tense up.

"She is just an ordinary person, but her identity is a bit special. She has offended a relatively large force outside. They might send assassins to the prison to kill her." Aiden summarized succinctly, "Before the storm passes, I hope you can keep an eye on her for a while."

"Worried about being assassinated? That's easy to solve..." With a poker face, Arsenal said in a calm tone, "Let me kill her directly and turn her into a corpse demon, so that the dead people don't have to worry about being killed."

Sera took a breath when she heard this, and Aiden just looked at Arsenal expressionlessly.



The awkward silence lasted for a few seconds, and Arsenal spoke again: "It's just a joke, you don't have to be so cold suddenly, right?"

Aiden sighed: "I mentioned it to you before, your expression and tone are so cold that it almost freezes people to death, who can hear that you are joking?"

"This lady is... a necromancer?" Saira asked hesitantly.

"Do you have any objections?" Arsenal glanced at her coldly.

Sera immediately fell silent and shook her head.

"It's good to have a bodyguard. Don't be picky. She is the most suitable candidate available at present." Aiden glanced at Sera, "You are not qualified to be picky. I am making the arrangements. Don't say too much."

"Why do you have to hand this matter to me?" Arsenal looked at Aiden again, "Warden, you should have a lot of prisoners you can use, right?"

"Can prisoners be used? Daly and Precia live in a double room. The poison in Avansha has not been washed away. What about Camilla... Who knows what will happen if we give her to her. And Ophelia, she lives in the smallest single room, and she can't be a bodyguard because her magic is sealed." Aiden calmly gave an example.

"Don't you have a sweet succubus?" Arsenal teased expressionlessly.

"She is a bodyguard? It's good enough not to be buried with her." Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"Alas." Realizing that she couldn't escape this responsibility after all, Arsenal sighed helplessly, "By the way, what is the origin of this girl?"

"You don't know the better ones." Aiden smiled.

"Then I don't know." Arsenal replied coldly, "I only guarantee her safety when she is in my sight."

"Then, when you are in the cell, you should stay together as much as possible. I will arrange for her to clean the library on weekdays." Aiden said.

"Even work together?" Arsenal asked.

"Don't you often complain about the lack of staff in the library? To be honest, I really don't want to reduce your workload. You sit there all day long reading books and doing research, and you breathe heavily when you walk a few steps of stairs. If you get sick one day and need treatment, won't it cost the prison money?" Aiden shrugged, "Letting you move books and do cleaning is also considered exercise."

"I would rather apply for a corpse to be approved for me, and I will make it into a zombie to help..." Arsenal said.

"This joke is too cold." Aiden commented.

"You really take care of this newcomer." Arsena said expressionlessly, "New target? I see her looks and figure, not to mention Daly and that succubus, even the werewolf police officer next to you is a step behind."

Aiden had no reaction to this, because she knew it was another joke from Arsena.

A major topic of necromancy is the separation of the soul and the body, which is to separate the human spirit from the body and preserve it as a dead spirit. Necromancers often do this kind of experiment on themselves, which is the so-called soul leaving the body. The result is that mental changes are increasingly difficult to affect the body, and emotional fluctuations are rarely reflected in facial expressions and body language. Arsena is a typical facial paralysis. If you don't spend some time with her, it's really hard to tell when she's joking and when she's serious.

But Sera was embarrassed because she didn't understand the joke: "Don't talk nonsense, I... I have--"

She got stuck here.

"Do you have someone you like? Oh, it doesn't matter. What our warden likes to do most is to take what others like, just like in the story." Arsenal raised a thumb expressionlessly, and then looked at Aiden, "Sorry, warden, I shouldn't doubt your taste."

Sera immediately looked back and forth at the two of them in doubt.

"Don't read those weird stories!" Aiden rolled his eyes at her, "If you keep joking, I will limit the import of books from the library!"

Arsenal immediately raised his hands in surrender: "Okay, okay, I will perform my duties well. At worst, if she is accidentally killed, I will save her spirit in time and make her a ghost."

"This... is also a joke, right?" Sera asked cautiously.

"Of course I'm serious, what are you thinking about?" Arsenal replied coldly.

"Huh?" Sera was stunned.

"It seems that you get along well." Aiden nodded with satisfaction, "Then I feel relieved."

"But compared to someone sneaking into the prison to assassinate, I think you should pay more attention to other loopholes, Warden." Arsenal reminded again.

"I know, I will arrange it." Aiden replied.

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