The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 39 You are really good

The next day, Veronica came to work in the Rose Iron Prison as usual.

After punching in, she walked straight into the locker room, put her personal belongings in the cabinet, then took off her clothes and prepared to change into her uniform.

The young female prison guard who was changing clothes in front of the cabinet next door glanced at her and suddenly opened her eyes wide: "Hey! Miss Wolfe? Your cabinet is actually next to mine."

"Ah, yes, yes." The sudden conversation made Veronica take a moment to react.

She looked at her colleagues around her and felt they looked familiar, but she couldn't remember them for a while.

She came to work in the prison for the first time yesterday, and she had been running behind Aiden. She also saw a few prison guards in the core area. She was not sure if she had met this person somewhere.

Judging from the momentum of the other party, he must know her. It would be too embarrassing if the other party introduced himself to her but couldn't remember her.

Fortunately, the female prison guard saw her embarrassment in time and smiled at her: "You must not remember me, right? My name is Isabella. I am the surveillance post in the core area. I am responsible for the prisoners' relaxation and bathing. You The day you had a fight with someone in the bathroom, I was the one who ordered you to be detained."

"Oh, hello, senior." Veronica shook hands with the other party politely.

"No, just call me by my name! I've actually only been on the job for three months. You are different from me. If you are transferred here with your police rank, your position will definitely be higher than mine when the position is assigned." Isabella used He poked her with his elbow, "I'll have to ask you to protect me later."

"Ahaha, you... are too polite." Veronica nodded. She was not particularly good at interpersonal communication.

However, she didn't feel disgusted when her colleagues greeted her so warmly. I think the prison guards who work in the core area are exposed to all kinds of dangerous prisoners all day long, so they shouldn't be too taboo about her werewolf.

"I saw you were with the warden yesterday."

"Yeah, he's giving me newbie training."

"I was the same at that time." Isabella nodded, "Fortunately, I have such a big boss to protect me. To be honest, when I was assigned to the Rose Iron Prison after the exam, I was completely in despair. I asked about it. It’s said that this prison is in chaos. The warden was killed by rioting prisoners in the past. But after I came here, I found that it was surprisingly relaxing and the food in the cafeteria was delicious.”

"Yeah, I think so too." Veronica responded politely.

At this time, a discordant voice sounded behind them: "Of course you feel relaxed when you come in now. You don't know how troublesome it was when the reform was first launched."

The two turned their heads together and saw a female prison guard who looked to be in her thirties and had short shaved hair standing behind them. While looking at them sideways, she put her uniform on her body: "That is to say, the new officer is the first to take office. Mao The top guy always wants to achieve something, regardless of whether the people below him can adapt to it or not. Only you girls think he is okay."

Isabella said nothing - the other party's sudden intervention made her a little uncomfortable, but after all, the other party was an old prison guard with much more seniority than her, and offending her would only lead to trouble.

However, Veronica had no intention of spoiling him. After staring at the old prison guard for a while, she said: "At least he has really achieved results. If you think you are better than him, why don't you move up?" ?”

Veronica's on-the-spot confrontation left Isabella on the side stunned.

The old prison guard frowned slightly: "How come you, a newcomer, don't understand the rules?"

"What, you want to teach me?" Veronica stared back directly. The corners of her eyes were originally a bit fierce, but when she glared, she was full of momentum.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, the old prison guard couldn't hold it any longer, but he didn't want to lose face just like that, so he sneered and looked away.

At this time, someone poked their head out from the other side of the changing closet - it was Flanda, the warden of the core area. She was changing clothes in front of the closet on the other side and happened to hear the movement here.

"What are you guys doing? Why are you arguing so early in the morning? Go to work quickly!" She shouted over here, then glanced at the old prison guard, "Meghan, it's almost time to leave for work. Why don’t you go to the factory and open the door?”

In terms of position, Flanda was taller than everyone present, and the old prison guard named Megan did not dare to challenge her. She buttoned her uniform and left the dressing room without saying a word.

Isabella looked at Veronica and gave a thumbs up without saying a word.

"What?" Veronica was confused.

"When I make this gesture, it means you are really good!" Isabella said seriously, "Yes, you are indeed a woman who even the warden has criticized!"

"I was just a little angry when she came at me for no reason..." Veronica felt a little embarrassed by her being so mean.

"Don't mind, Megan is not targeting you. She has had problems with the warden from before." At this time, Flanda came over and talked to them.

"Superintendent." Isabella and Veronica saluted each other at the same time.

"Superintendent, why does she have a problem with the warden?" Veronica asked bluntly.

"Meghan has good work ability, but she is a bit greedy. She used to be in charge of the general prison area. At that time, the prison management was relatively chaotic, and her job was more lucrative. In charge of the factory, she let the prisoners work overtime at will, and then resold the factory. Materials, and then she was in charge of the cell, and she hinted that the prisoners would take bribes to solve the problem," Flanda said slowly, "The current warden required the factory's income and expenses to be disclosed after taking office, and also transferred her to the core area, so she can't make any money. , naturally he has opinions about the warden.”

"Why keep such a person?" Veronica frowned.

"No way, the prison is short of people." Frenda shrugged, "Besides, people in the unit can't be fired just like that. She is also an old sly, how can she be caught so easily?"

Veronica didn't say anything after hearing this. Workplace problems can happen everywhere, and the atmosphere here is much better than that of the Mounted Police.

She changed her clothes and came to Aiden's office again, ready to receive training.

"...Have you read the information I gave you yesterday?" Aiden asked when he saw her.

"I've read it all, you can test me anytime." Veronica looked confident.

"Oh, you are very motivated. I originally expected you to spend two or three days." Aiden nodded with approval, "Then you can take a look at these when you have time later."

"Prisoner information... and a list of prohibited items?" Veronica took the information and glanced at it.

"Well, although it's not as important as the information I gave you yesterday, you still have to write it down."

"Huh?" Veronica suddenly realized something she was concerned about, "Are playing cards also contraband?"

"Yes, it was allowed before, but then the prisoners used that kind of stuff to gamble privately, and the scale became larger and larger, so it was banned." Aiden nodded, "Now prisoners are only allowed to play in the chess and card room under the supervision of prison guards."

"But..." Veronica hesitated.

"Oh?" Aiden noticed something and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Ah." Veronica realized what she had exposed.

"Well, it seems that it's time to organize a surprise search." Aiden showed a sinister smile.

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