The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 393 The Princess of the Tower and the Dragon's Treasure

At 8:50 in the evening, in the library in the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison, more than half of the reading room was occupied by prisoners, quietly turning over books under the supervision of prison guards. Only a few prisoners who were looking for books near the bookshelf occasionally whispered to each other. A few words.

There is a short period of time for prisoners to move freely in the evening in the prison. It is said to be "free" activity, but in fact it is just to go to the education room to receive additional skills courses, or to choose one of several options such as going to the library to read a book. The whole process is the same. Under the supervision of prison guards.

Many prisoners choose to go to the library. Reading is one of the few entertainment projects allowed in this prison. The reading room is also much brighter than the cell. As long as you have a normal treatment level, you can basically choose to sit and read for a while at night. room, and then borrow a book or two on your way out to return to your cell to continue reading.

At this time, Arsenal, the administrator of the library, was sitting in her seat, accepting the loan procedures for books. The time is approaching the end of the activity time, and prisoners who want to borrow books have already lined up in front of the reception counter early.

When the last prisoner finished borrowing books, the bell for the nine o'clock activity time also rang. The prisoners in the library lined up at the door. After the prison guards counted the number of people, they lined up and returned to their cells.

Arsenal and Saira both stayed in the library, doing final arrangements and inspections of the bookshelves.

It was usually enough for Arsena to handle this kind of trivial work alone, but Saira had always strictly followed Aiden's advice and tried to stay with Arsena as much as possible, so she also stayed to help.

While organizing the bookshelf, she glanced at the Necromancer who was ignoring her, and finally couldn't help but speak: "Miss Arsena..."

"Are you okay, Your Highness Princess?" Arsena didn't even look at her.

Saira understood that the other party's title was only sarcastic, but the word "princess" still made her shudder.

Although the other prisoners had left, there was still a prison guard waiting at the door for them to come out. Now that she was being hunted because of her identity, she couldn't help but become nervous when others called her that, in the presence of others.

More importantly, in the past, only Heinz would call her that. Just hearing this title would make her feel as if her heart was filled with lead.

"Please don't call me that..." Saira asked in a low voice.

"It's really weird. More girls want to be called like that but haven't had the chance yet." Arsenal replied.

"What exactly do you think I am lacking?" Saira carefully asked the question that she originally planned to leave until she returned to the cell.

In the previous conversation, she felt that Arsena seemed to have seen through the knot in her heart, and... seemed to have found some kind of answer.

But after the previous conversation, Arsenal's already indifferent attitude became even more alienated, and Saira had no clue about it.

But she wanted to know Arsena's answer so much that she could only find a chance to talk to Arsena.

"Mobility." Arsenal answered without hesitation.

"You think I lack mobility?" Saira blinked.

"I made it obvious enough last time. You are just like the princesses in those fairy tales. You will only stay in the tower waiting for someone to rescue you, and you will not do anything else." Arsena said without mercy. , "Put your destiny completely in the control of the prince who saves you. Once the prince gives up on you, you will only die."

"You -" Saira subconsciously wanted to raise her voice, but then she realized the presence of the prison guard and lowered her voice again, "You have no idea what I went through! I tried my best just to survive. I'm not like With your unique skills, I was chased from one city to another by dozens of people until I had no choice but to commit a crime and hide in jail. What else do you think I can do?”

Arsenal finally turned to look at her, and then said: "That's it?"

Saira was startled.

"Is it more miserable? Do you think there are very few people in this prison who have tried their best to save their lives? Many of the apprentices of the necromancers are orphans who were taken away by the necromancers when they went to collect corpses in plague areas. , This is not a charitable act. Sometimes the plague is caused by the necromancers themselves..." Arsena said with an indifferent face, "That's how I was accepted as an apprentice. If you learn necromancy well, I will be dead a long time ago. This kind of experience is nothing among the felons in the core area. You should be lucky that the warden didn't give you to the violent dragonborn. If she knew you were like this. The vice virtue will definitely blow your mind... So please don't act like a noble who comes to show sympathy for the people, even though you are indeed a noble. "

Saira was stunned. She didn't remember that she had mentioned her identity to her. The warden didn't tell her at the time, and Arsena also expressed that she had no interest in asking.

"You think it's hard to see? When I studied the impact of people's behavior and habits on the undead before, I learned about some noble etiquette." Arsena said slowly, "Your words are not so obvious, but the tone of your words "Every move you make shows that you have received some aristocratic education. Even if you are not a noble, someone has taught you aristocratic etiquette, am I right?"

Saira fell silent. She didn't learn much aristocratic etiquette, but she was quite serious when she learned it.

Because the person who taught her was Heinz.

Arsenal continued: "Don't be nervous. I don't have any particular aversion to nobles or upper-class people. After all, everyone is the same after death. I just don't like the way you feel sorry for yourself here. It doesn't fit in here. You said your prince couldn't save you, so why don't you think of a way for yourself? Just waiting here for the prince to change his mind is not considered to be proactive. By the way, why did he "painfully" give up you? Status or fame? Forget it, it doesn't matter. How attractive can a vase-like princess be compared to the dragon's treasure? You are not a peerless beauty. Why did the prince have to attack the wizard's tower instead of breaking into the dragon's lair?"

Sera felt a blockage in her heart when she heard this, and she couldn't say anything to refute.

At this time, a voice sounded behind them: "I really envy you. When I'm working so hard outside for this shitty thing, you can still chat leisurely here."

The two turned around at the same time, and Arsenal directly greeted: "Warden, are you on night shift today?"

The prison guard at the door was sent away by Aiden at some point, and now only Aiden was standing in the library besides the two of them.

"I was off work, but I ran back again." Aiden said, looking at Sera, "I want to talk to you about something. I met the person you mentioned."

Sera's eyes widened immediately.

Arsenal glanced at her, and was silent for a moment. She raised her hand and looked at Aiden: "Would it be convenient for me to sit in, Warden?"

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