The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 403 Deep Personality

"It seems to me that she only reacts so strongly to you. Did you really not do anything to her while her mind was not so clear?" Precia said suspiciously.

As a result, before Aiden could speak, Mayfair took over the topic: "How could it be? Is Master Aiden like that? This lunatic has an average appearance, a mediocre figure, and his skills can't be as good as mine. Why should he treat me like this?" Not interested in her? Right, Master Aiden, you must be more interested in me, right?"

"Thank you very much for defending me, but please don't bring any personal information." Aiden said expressionlessly.

"You can't tell for sure. Some men are better at... this one?" Precia said.

"How much do you doubt what I did to you that day?" Aiden glanced at Precia coldly, "That's right. Sometimes I feel that I am at a disadvantage for sticking to my principles. Okay, didn't you hear what this lunatic shouted? Use your brain a little. What can you resist when I tell you my principles? When I’m really rude, you won’t have a chance to regret it.”

Precia felt the pressure and shrank her head subconsciously: "I was just...joking."

But Fei'er still smiled carelessly: "Master Aiden, you don't have to follow principles here, I will never let you suffer!"

"That's what I said about kicking your nose and your face...and don't take the opportunity to hold my arm!" Aiden took a step away from Mayfair, "Isabella, put this guy back in his room, I'm here Dealt with it.”

A few minutes later, the infirmary.

Aiden and Precia stood beside the bed of the tied-up Hero, who was already snoring.

"You have already probed her spirit once before. If you have any impressions, please pay attention to whether there is any difference between this probe and the previous one." Aiden instructed.

Precia nodded and began to cast spells. This time she recited a very long incantation and also added some gestures - she was strengthening her spiritual spells through rituals.

Reading the minds of others is not an easy task. In terms of privacy, everyone has a huge home field advantage in their own spiritual world. When a person is on guard, it is basically impossible to successfully cast this kind of mental detection spell on him. This kind of magic must be done when the other party actively accepts it, or when it is completely unprepared... and also when it is asleep.

No matter what the situation, you can force the other person's spirit to spread out like a scroll. Reading other people's mental state, inner thoughts and even hidden memories is completely the realm of spiritual authority.

After a while, Precia finally felt that she had sneaked into Heroine's consciousness and performed mental exploration on the hypnotized person. In fact, it was the same as Mayfair's dream infiltration. The difference was that one relied on magic and the other relied on innateness. Special abilities brought by blood.

She felt that Hailuo's consciousness was an indescribable ruin, and the memory fragments that were difficult to piece together were scattered like countless glass shards, floating in a chaotic space.

The human spirit is invisible, and these are actually illusions that can be understood by the caster after analysis using black magic. The images presented by illusions are often sufficient to represent the true state of the mind.

It was similar to what I saw last time. It was a completely broken spiritual world. It was difficult to maintain normal personality and cognition, and it was impossible to reverse it.

Ordinary psychological problems and mental trauma will basically not lead to such serious results. It is difficult to rely on mental spells alone, or use spiritualism to separate her body and soul, and then use necromancy to tear her soul apart. After the flesh is separated, her body will also become undead. Generally speaking, only severe trauma or lesions to the brain can make mental problems so serious and irreversible.

Want to find out from this pile of rotten cotton wool the reason why she went crazy against a certain person? Basically impossible.

Precia immediately had the idea of ​​giving up.

But at this moment, she suddenly and inexplicably felt that she was being stared at by someone.

Precia immediately became alert. This kind of intuition occurs when the spirit sneaks in, which often means that other consciousnesses appear in this spiritual world and are aware of her existence.

In most cases, this awareness comes from the masters of the spiritual world. In other words, the person who has been mentally probed realizes that someone is reading their mind, or they wake up from their sleep.

But Precia was relatively confident in the hypnosis she had performed. With the enhanced hypnosis of two spells, she told the warden that she could sleep until tomorrow morning, which was a pretty safe bet.

Is there anyone else who has also sneaked into this madman's spiritual world? This is impossible. Mental spells have very strict requirements on the casting distance. The warden is watching from the side, not to mention that there is a magic-forbidden barrier here.

She could feel that this strange "sight" came from a deeper consciousness.

This didn't happen the last time the lunatic was investigated. Is this the reason why she suddenly started to go crazy towards the warden?

Following this intuition, she continued to delve deeper into Hailuo's subconscious.

Those memory fragments and broken cognitions in her consciousness went away, and what she finally arrived at was a dark deep consciousness, where she could only "see" a mirror that was so broken that only a few fragments remained.

Prescia knew that this was the entrance to deep memory and self-awareness. If it was locked, it meant that someone had cast a spell to block the memory. Being broken like this meant that the mental damage had seriously affected the personality and memory.

In this broken mirror, she saw a blurry figure of a woman.

The image that appeared in this mirror represented the self that a person saw in the mirror, which meant Hero's perception of himself. The blurry image meant that her self-awareness was so bad that she couldn't even recognize herself - the mental blockade that Prescia had used on Rebecca before could also have such an effect.

This time, Prescia finally found the source of the "sight". Although she couldn't see the other person's face clearly, she could clearly feel that the person in the broken mirror was staring at her.

This was very unusual. Hero was now asleep. She should have been unconscious and would not have noticed her infiltration.

It was as if... another independent personality hidden in Hero's deep consciousness had awakened and stared at the invading Prescia.

Prescia observed the person in the mirror, thinking about whether to make further investigations or just withdraw from it.

She actually didn't care much about this extra task that Aiden had given her, but this was the first time she had seen such a rare case, which aroused her interest as she specialized in studying mental magic.

The rare multiple personalities described in legends and classics... could they really exist?

Just as Prescia was still hesitating, the figure in the mirror suddenly "spoke" and "spoke" a broken language that humans could never utter or understand.

Prescia was horrified - although it was not complete, this pronunciation... was like the words of God!

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