The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 404: Spiritual fragments of the goddess of vengeance

For a moment, a terrifying coercion enveloped Precia, and the damaged memory images were forced into her consciousness.

The first picture is looking down from the high altar. A woman dressed as a priest kneels on the ground with a group of believers dressed as mercenaries; then the picture jumps to show that the entire temple is burning, and a group of people dressed in dark red The cultists in robes and masks were fighting each other with the group of mercenary believers who had just worshiped. The corpses of both sides covered the entire temple; the next picture showed a blood-stained cultist weakly supporting himself and raising his hand to point. The scenes in the memory are filled with women's screams of pain; the last scene is of the woman dressed as a priest standing on the steps of the altar, with her back to the burning pillar and her arms raised to pray to the scene.

In this last scene, Precia finally saw the face of the priestess clearly. She was... "Crazy" Hero!

The pictures that people recall are basically from the first perspective. You cannot see yourself without using a medium such as a mirror.

At this moment, Precia suddenly realized that the owner of this consciousness was not Hailuo, but a more powerful unknown existence, which had been sleeping in the deepest part of Hailuo's spiritual world!

In the intermittently recited words of the other party, all the broken pictures began to distort, and then mixed together, turning into a whirlpool. Precia felt herself trapped in it, and fear emerged uncontrollably, making her unable to think normally.

Before her consciousness was completely swallowed up, her remaining sanity allowed her to choose to interrupt the spell.

Then her consciousness broke.

When she opened her eyes again, Precia found herself lying on another hospital bed, and Aiden was standing next to her, looking at her suspiciously.

"Awake? Are you okay? What happened?" Aiden asked.

"I just..." Precia stood up holding the hospital bed and glanced at the hospital bed on the other side - Hero was still sleeping soundly, "Have you passed out?"

She only remembered that she was forcibly expelled by a powerful will, during which she seemed to have peeked into someone's memory, but due to the mental shock just now, she only remembered the last scene.

"It was just a few seconds of unconsciousness. You woke up just as I was about to call someone." Aiden replied, "I saw you stood there for a while after casting the spell, and suddenly you covered your head and screamed, and then fell down on this on the bed.”

"Spiritual backlash." Precia murmured as she recalled, "There are other people's spirits in this lunatic's subconscious."

"Other people's spirits?" Aiden narrowed his eyes.

"There is a small fragment of spirit attached to her body. Although it is only a little bit, it is very powerful..." Precia paused here and hesitated for a long time. Finally, she told the truth, "This is definitely the word of God. The effect. I heard the guy speak the divine words, but it seemed that he didn’t speak completely..."

For a moment, Precia wanted to hide this matter. But then he doubted whether this kind of concealment could deceive Aiden - Aiden obviously knew that there was something hidden about Hero. If you tell Aiden truthfully, you might be able to get some information.

"Did that so-called mental fragment drive you out?" Aiden immediately asked, "'She' woke up?"

Melifilia once told Aiden that when she manipulated the Blood Moon Order to attack the Temple of Vengeance, Hero tried to sacrifice herself to save the life of the Goddess of Vengeance, but failed due to her design.

The goddess of revenge failed to be resurrected, and only a few spiritual fragments remained in Hailuo's body. Although Hailuo was not dead, she completely lost her mind, and in return, she got a little bit of "revenge" power.

What Precia found was probably the spiritual fragment of the goddess of revenge.

"Do you know anything?" Precia asked, staring at Aiden.

"I know." Aiden answered bluntly.

"You know that you still let me risk my life?" Precia frowned.

"I didn't know that thing would react suddenly. You see, she was fine when you checked her mind last time." Aiden spread his hands, "It doesn't do me any good to put you in danger. You are just a good person to me." A valuable person."

"It's just a tool, right?" Precia sneered.

"Even a tool man is a useful tool man. I won't just throw it away if nothing happens." Aiden smiled, "Without you, a great spiritual expert, who should I look for to replace you, that succubus?"

"Stop being so glib and explain to me what's going on with this guy first." Precia asked, "You must know something!"

"Some things are confidential, and I can't reveal too much." Aiden spread his hands, "I can only tell you that this guy is from the Vengeance Temple. Have you heard of it?"

"An armed cult that serves the Nemesis?" Precia frowned slightly, "I seem to have heard Abigail mention it a long time ago, but we were not sure at the time whether the so-called Nemesis was the real ruler."

"To be precise, the Temple of Vengeance is a religious mercenary organization, and Hailuo is the priestess there." Aiden answered.

"Could that mental fragment come from..." Precia came to her senses.

Aiden didn't speak, just nodded.

The spiritual fragment of the goddess of revenge in Hailuo's body seems to be showing signs of awakening, which is probably why Hailuo suddenly started targeting him. The remnant soul of the goddess of revenge influenced Hailuo, making Hailuo feel some signs left by the goddess of conspiracy from him... This explanation is probably the most reasonable.

Precia swallowed her throat. It was the first time she was so close to spiritual authority. To be honest, she wanted to study it carefully, but the risk was obvious - just now her spirit was almost fragmented by the spirit of the goddess of revenge. Devour it.

"If you don't want to die, don't use any crooked ideas, and be stricter with your mouth." Aiden saw Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, and then started to ask, "There are signs of the mental fragments residing in her waking up. Will this make her happy?" Did she awaken some strange power, or was her body snatched away by this borrowed guy? "

"Theoretically, it's impossible. The mental fragments and the remaining consciousness are too little. The main reason why they were able to drive me out was that the emotions were too strong... I can feel that her heart is filled with strong hatred." Pu Lei. Thea thought about it seriously, "But, to be honest, I'm not sure what will happen. After all, the theory of black magic cannot be used to explain authority."

"I don't have time to care about this guy now..." Aiden sighed.

Events don't always happen one by one in order, but his energy is limited, so he must deal with them in order.

"Just in case, let's tie her up first." Aiden thought for a while and made a decision, "First finish the task for the night."

He remembered that Mirukinu seemed to have developed a less effective dormancy drug based on the suspended animation drug. It can make people enter hibernation like a bear. There is no need to eat for about three or four days, as long as it is rubbed on the lips regularly. Just some water to rehydrate.

Now, the priority is to solve the problem of the escaped princess.

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