The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 405 Division of labor and cooperation

Late that night, in the infirmary in the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison, Sera sat on the bed and looked at Aiden who came to visit her with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry to bother you, warden."

"Generally, prisoners who are sick can't enjoy the treatment of my personal visit." Aiden said with a smile, "To be honest, when I heard that you were sent to the infirmary because of dizziness and stomachache, I thought something serious was going to happen."

"The doctor said there was no sign of poisoning, it should be just a common cold. I feel much better after taking the medicine. I should recover tomorrow. Just let me go back to my cell." Sera said.

"Are you stupid?" Arsenal, who was standing next to Aiden, spoke up, "The bed in the infirmary is more comfortable than the cell. Many people want to pretend to be sick and sleep here but have no chance. I don't want to be infected by you in the room."

"But you can't be too far away from her. You should sleep here at night." Aiden looked at Arsenal and said.

"Then I'll find a bed farther away from her." Arsenal said.

"Don't be too far away." Aiden reminded.

"The prisoners over there...are they also feeling unwell?" Saira found that there were prisoners sleeping wrapped in blankets on the two beds on the right.

"There are hundreds of prisoners in a prison area. How many days do you think the infirmary will be empty?" Aiden saw Saira's worry, "Don't worry, there are people guarding here, and Arsenal will guarantee your safety."

"If you snore too loudly and get beaten, I will not only not stop you, but I may also help you." Arsenal said expressionlessly.

Saira couldn't tell whether the other party was joking or serious, so he could only whisper "Oh".

At this time, the door of the inner room of the infirmary was opened, and Mirujinu came out under the supervision of Veronica.

"You have done what you asked, warden." Mirujinu reported to Aiden respectfully.

Aiden looked at Veronica, and Veronica nodded slightly, indicating that she didn't see Mirujinu doing anything.

Let Mirujinu come here to give Hero the medicine safely. After the dormancy drug takes effect, there is basically no need to worry about her waking up within three days. During this time, Aiden can focus on the current events.

"Thank you for your hard work. Go back to the cell." Aiden waved.

Veronica took Miru Jinu out.

"Who is lying in the inner room?" Arsenal asked casually.

"It's Hero. She is mentally ill again. I asked Miru Jinu to come and give her some medicine to calm her down. Don't stimulate her. No one of you is allowed to enter the inner room tonight, otherwise you will be put in solitary confinement." Aiden explained simply, "The lights are off. Go to bed quickly."

Arsenal and Sera both lay down on the bed. Aiden left the infirmary. The gas lamp in the infirmary dimmed slightly. The prison doctor on duty entered the dispensing room. Only a female prison guard was sitting at the door.

Sera lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. When she started to feel symptoms after dinner, she immediately thought that she had been poisoned - after all, her life was being watched by someone. Fortunately, the prison guards sent her to the infirmary and found that it was a false alarm.

No wonder she suddenly fell ill. Since she learned from the warden that Heinz had come to this city, there had been no new news. Sera felt that she had entered a state of restlessness. She could not eat a few bites of food and was tossing and turning when she slept.

Fortunately, she fell asleep very quickly today. Maybe it was the effect of the cold medicine, or maybe it was because of the fatigue accumulated in the previous two days. After lying down, Sera closed her eyes in a daze.

Before her consciousness sank, what came to her mind was the advice that Arsenal had given her before.

"Why don't you consider breaking this situation yourself? Since you have the blood of a princess, you can take the initiative to fight for the throne. If your man is willing to help you, you should not be so easily turned into a political puppet."

At the end, Arsenal left a meaningful sentence: "Who said that only heroes and princes can hold swords? And who stipulated that princesses can only be prizes locked in a high tower?"

Enviable courage... but unfortunately she is a coward.

She tried her best to avoid the darkness of the political world, and suddenly she was asked to take the initiative to step into this world full of dangers... She was not mentally prepared for this at all.

If it were ideal, this path would indeed allow her to grasp a glimmer of hope in desperation and win the future she wanted - it would be impossible to say that she was not tempted.

But she was more afraid that she might have to face a more desperate fact: when she mustered up the courage to take this risk, Heinz, who seemed calm, was unwilling to accompany her to gamble everything and still insisted on standing on the side of the king.

Being a puppet of the opposition and an enemy of her former lover in the cold political world was really more painful for her than death.

Slowly sinking into consciousness, Sera finally stopped thinking and fell asleep.

The prison guard at the door suddenly stood up and saluted, and Aiden, who had left, appeared at the door again.

"Get to work, girls." Aiden walked into the infirmary, closed the door and said softly.

Arsenal and Precia both lifted the quilt, but there was no movement on the other bed where someone was lying.

"Fei'er?" Aiden called again.

Aiden stepped forward and lifted Fei'er's quilt, grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

Fei'er opened her eyes, looked into Aiden's eyes, and smiled awkwardly: "Ahaha..."

"What are you doing?" Aiden frowned.

"The standby time is too long, I can't help but fall asleep." Fei'er knocked on her head and stuck out her tongue, "Hey hey!"

Aiden, Arsena and Precia all looked at her with expressionless faces, and the scene became silent for a while.

After a while, Aiden patted Mayfair on the forehead: "Stop playing tricks and get to work!"

"Has she really fallen asleep?" Feier went over and looked at Saira on the bed.

"With sleeping pills and my hypnosis, she won't wake up even if you slap her now." Precia said.

The reason why Saira felt uncomfortable was because the food was given a medicine that could cause her symptoms. In the infirmary, the prison doctor "prescribed" to her not only the antidote, but also a sleeping pill.

"Really?" Fei'er raised a hand to Saira eagerly.

"You want a slap, don't you?" Aiden warned coldly from behind her.

"Just kidding." Feier pouted.

"Finish it early and call it a day and go to bed early!" Aiden whispered, "Everything will be divided and coordinated according to the pre-arranged script. Mayfair will be responsible for creating the dream, Precia will give her hypnotic suggestions, and Arsena will summon the evil spirit to possess her. Strengthening the influence of nightmares.”

"Well, nightmares are not my area of ​​expertise, and I don't like them either... I'm more used to having dreams that make people happy." Feier tilted her head, "How about she and her old lover have a happy time? "Getting along" dream, when she wakes up she will do anything to be with her old lover——"

Before she could finish speaking, Aiden slapped her on the back of the head with an expressionless face.

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