The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 413 Hongmen Banquet

"With your strength, the number of people shouldn't be a problem." Daly used a fork to put the last piece of strawberry cake into her mouth.

"It's better to use your Shadow Fiend for group fights." Aiden glanced at her, "If you are accidentally shot dead, I will help you get revenge."

"This kind of thought is really touching. Of course, if the warden can allow me to order another berry pie, I will definitely be moved to want to marry you." Daly blinked at Aiden.

"No, it's agreed to be just one dessert." Aiden refused categorically, "Also, it's your turn to report."

"Alas, my heart is broken." Daly sighed regretfully.

"Hurry up and tell me!"

"Okay, okay. I controlled the cat to climb through the window and walked around the house. I found that there were not many people in the house. The whole hall was empty. There were two people guarding the first floor, two people cooking in the kitchen, and one person standing by the window in the corridor on the second floor. The corridor on the second floor was inaccessible. I wanted to climb the wall outside the house to see the situation in the attic, but..."

"The dog patrolling in the yard found her and chased her up immediately. The man holding the dog pulled out a gun and killed her." Precia added while scratching her dark chocolate pancake with a fork. Her possessed bird demon witnessed the whole process in the tree.

"Don't talk as if I was the one who was shot to death." Daly touched Precia with her arm.

"Even the cats were not spared. The guards were very nervous." Aiden thought for a moment. "Six people entered the carriage this morning, and there were only a few in the house... Did you pay attention to the amount of ingredients in the kitchen?"

"Quite a lot, I think it can feed at least a dozen people."

"It's a bit unreasonable for a fortress with troops to not have this number of people." Aiden nodded, "Are there any locked rooms?"

Daly shook her head: "I dare not confirm it. I can control the cat to jump up and press the handle, but I can't close the door when I go out, and what if there is someone in the room..."

"Okay, then are there any rooms that look suspicious." Aiden said and added, "On the first floor."

"There is a room that looks like a storage room, on the west side of the house, and there is a person sitting on a chair guarding the door."

"The winery is built on such a high ground, there is no reason not to have a cellar." Aiden looked at Precia, "Did you see an entrance to the underground in the yard?"

"I didn't see it directly, but there is a small wooden house that looks like it is used to store tools." Precia replied.

"There are entrances and exits inside and outside the cellar. This cellar is very large, and there is probably an escape route. The underground of this stronghold is their main activity place, and the people above are all guards and logistics." Aiden nodded, "It's easy to defend and difficult to attack, it's simply a military fortress. It's OK, it's a little bit of a gain, if we can find the exit of their escape route, it will be perfect."

"Warden, there is a question I have always wanted to ask..." Daley suddenly asked.

"Hmm?" Aiden responded subconsciously.

"What's wrong with you and Chichimora?" Daley asked.

"You seemed to be very close before, didn't you?" Precia continued, "This kind of reconnaissance mission, Chichimora can handle it alone, and it must be more detailed than us, why don't you look for her?"

"Sure enough, they broke up?" Daley tilted her head.

"Break up?" Precia also said.

"You witches are really the same." Aiden shook his head, "She is not in the autonomous state now, I can't ask her for help for the time being."

"So that's why we have the opportunity to eat the desserts on Street 7." Daly nodded, "Thanks to Kikimora."

"Yeah, thanks to Kikimora." Precia echoed.

"You should thank me for paying the reward!" Aiden knocked on the table with his knuckles.

"Then warden, what are you going to do? The place chosen by the other party doesn't look very safe." Daly turned the subject back.

Aiden thought for a while and shook his head: "We can't expect them to be as stupid as the pirates to jump into our home ground. Let's consider what tricks they will play in this place."

"I don't think you are stupid enough to jump into such an obvious trap and die." Precia stared at Aiden and said, "You must be profitable by doing this. These soldiers... are related to "that"?"

"Warden, can you reveal it?" Daly also came over with interest.

"I'll tell you before the action." Aiden chose to give them only a positive answer for the time being, rather than specific information.

He really wanted to get the divine word from Heinz, so he was ready to take the risk to go to this appointment.

Heinz took the initiative to expose such an important base to him, and bluntly proposed that kind of deal, just to test his attitude.

The Royal Secret Police's mission has been frustrated continuously, and it is no longer possible to act so drastically. If Aiden chooses to inform the military and police department to take down this base, perhaps the assassination will be stopped directly, and Heinz will leave the autonomous state as soon as possible.

Heinz was betting that Aiden was so actively involved in this matter because he had the purpose of obtaining the divine word. So he thought Aiden would not let him leave easily before he got the divine word, so he thought Aiden would find a way to attend the Hongmen Feast.

He was right about this.

"Are we all going together?" Precia asked.

"I won't force you to do that. You can make your own choice." Aiden looked at Precia meaningfully, "But I will consider the extent of your reformation based on your assistance."

"Isn't this the only way to go?" Precia frowned, "Humph, the prisoners in the entire core area are not as evil as you alone."

Nominally, Daley and Precia each have a little divinity stored in Aiden. The condition Aiden gave at the time was to see how they reformed in prison, and then consider returning it to them when they are released from prison.

"The same lineup as last time? Arsenal too?" Daley asked.

"It's better to be prepared, but we need to add one more person." Aiden thought for a while, "It's the prisoner who has been living with Arsenal recently."

"From my observation, that guy is an ordinary person. You specifically asked Arsenal to protect an ordinary person. I guess it's that group of people who want this guy's life?" Precia frowned, "Are you asking her to die?"

"It's to 'die', only in this way will they relax their vigilance." Aiden smiled, "And, if we are lucky, we may be able to get this done without bloodshed with her."

Precia was still a little confused, but Daley nodded: "That means you, the warden, already have a plan, right?"

"I guess so."

"It's a good thing to have a plan, and good things should be celebrated." Daley picked up the menu with a smile, "Let's order another large dessert for the three of us to share, and then leave after eating."

"Don't come on, drink this cup of tea and go back to prison!"

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