The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 416 Heinz's Decision

After entering the wine cellar, Heinz locked the entrance from the inside and placed the lantern on the table.

"This place is indeed completely soundproof, right?" Aiden asked.

"What are you planning?" Heinz asked suddenly.

"I've shown so much sincerity, and you still doubt me?" Aiden pretended to spread his hands, "I directly brought the assassination target you wanted to you."

"Normal people can't do this kind of thing." Heinz glared at Aiden and said, "Let the prison inmates die outside? Are you going to send yourself to prison? Or just follow us to Gistas Politics on the spot? Take refuge?”

If Aiden handed Serra directly into their hands, it would undoubtedly be a dream for the Royal Police who were preparing to carry out the assassination, but for Aiden himself it would be almost a suicidal act.

The prisoner died in the prison he was in charge of. He still had a hundred ways to cover up the truth, but when he took the prisoner out and killed him, he had a hundred mouths and couldn't explain it clearly. When Serra took off the mask, Heinz was completely at a loss because he had never expected Aiden to do this.

"I have specially arranged a rare meeting opportunity for you two miserable couple. Don't waste my efforts. She is the one who wants to talk to you alone, not me." Aiden pointed at Saira, "Start from the meeting. You just kept staring at me and talking, and I could tell that you were avoiding her."

Heinz was silent for a long time before he turned his attention to Saira.

"I haven't seen you for a while..." He hesitated for a moment, but finally chose not to call the other party by his first name, "Your Highness."

"In your eyes, am I still His Highness?" Saira replied without hesitation, "You disappoint me so much!"

He was silent for a moment and let out a long breath: "I have nothing to defend, and I have no ability to protect you or fulfill my oath. These are all things I owe you, and if I can't pay them back, you have the right to hate me." I……"

"You can't do such an impulsive thing as dying with me. If you know you can't save me, why don't you just abandon me to protect your family's reputation?" Saira smiled sarcastically, "You have always been so sensible and know the trade-offs. ”

"You are very important to me, but the family's reputation is not insignificant, and the entire country...the kingdom is now being divided."

"Your family's reputation is earned by being loyal to the royal family from generation to generation, but I am also a member of the royal family, you fool!" Saira interrupted him before he could finish.

"Saira?" Heinz was stunned for a moment.

Saila's tone and strong attitude were quite different from the lovers he knew well. If Aiden hadn't consumed the divine word of "existence", he would have suspected that Sera had been dropped.

"People are not static, and she has gained some experience in prison." Aiden intervened in time, "Let's stop your complaints here, Count Hoffman, I will take Miss Lexia to the front Come, I have a proposal for you."

"What proposal?"

"Miss Lexia is preparing to fight for the throne herself, and she hopes that you can assist her as a staff member." Aiden said concisely, "Of course, not as a puppet or marriage prop for the opposition, but to truly seize the power and ascend the throne. !”

Heinz's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Saira in surprise. This was a decision that he knew Saira would never make.

Saira just nodded to him.

"You should be surprised. After all, you must know her. In fact, Miss Lexia hesitated for a long time in prison before making this decision... Don't look at me with that suspicious look, I have no interest in getting involved in your country. It's a mess. The main reason why I support Miss Rexia's decision is that I want to end this matter safely. Secondly, I don't want this matter to leave me with any future troubles," Aiden said, "No matter. Believe it or not, this is your only chance to keep her."

Heinz was in a daze for a moment. He tried to calm down the surging emotions in his heart, maintained his composure, and tried to think.

The new king already has his own party members in the country. It is not difficult to shake him. The opposition is a force, but they don't really want to support the old king's illegitimate daughter to come to power. Some people just want to step down for the new king, and some Want to support a puppet and take advantage of the opportunity to gain more power...

He had never thought about supporting Saira to ascend the throne, but he could foresee that only Saira would be held hostage by the opposition, and eventually become a political victim or a tool for marriage - just imagining that kind of future, he felt I'm going crazy.

It is not impossible for Saira to sit on the throne without being manipulated, but even with his support, it is still a very difficult road. Moreover, once Sera begins to fight for the throne, divisions and internal strife among the kingdom's nobles will be inevitable.

"Miss Lexia said you would change your mind for her." Aiden said suddenly, "But I won't risk my life and fortune on such an uncertain thing. Depending on your decision, I will take corresponding measures."

This was his warning that if negotiations broke down, he would use force to force Heinz to accept.

"This is not something as simple as talking about it." Heinz looked solemn.

"Is it easy for you to kill her?" Aiden said.

Heinz was speechless for a moment.

"When you have a dilemma, you always have to give up something. But compared to before, at least you have more choices now. Don't be dissatisfied and make a decision quickly." Aiden urged, "She made this decision for you, don't you have yourself? idea?”

His own thoughts... Heinz chewed in his heart.

This concept rarely appears in his life. As the head of the Hoffman family, he has always lived with the honor of the rules first, loyal to the royal family and the kingdom.

Once you offer your loyalty, sometimes you have to give up "your own ideas", even if it is a dirty job that you are unwilling to do. As the leader of the secret police, you must carry it out ruthlessly.

This is the way he is used to living. He thought he would always be like this until someone succeeded him or he went to the grave. But after the old king gave him that mission, everything changed. It was like adding color to the original black and white life. A girl pried open his cold heart and taught him feelings.

Protecting the girl was originally just the king's order, just the loyalty he was used to, but I don't know when, this mission became...his own idea!

Heinz moved his eyes to Sera and happened to meet Sera's eyes.

"Heinz, please." Sera looked into his eyes and begged, "For me, for us."

Looking at those eyes, Heinz suddenly felt an invisible wave coming towards him, washing away all the complicated thoughts, leaving only the pure voice in his heart calling him, as if... everything else didn't matter.

Without even realizing it, he said, "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, an explosion suddenly sounded, and the vibration invaded the entire underground in an instant.

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