The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 421 Your double-dealing does not surprise me

In the long and narrow living room, single sofas separated by small tea tables lined the walls on both sides. Heinz and Saira sat side by side with a round tea table in the middle, and Aiden sat opposite them.

"To be honest, Count Hoffman, your duplicity didn't surprise me. After all, to a certain extent, it was also the result of my guidance..." Aiden said, "But isn't your move too awesome? Just kill them all when they come out.”

"Otherwise, we will wait until they contact the king via telegram to immediately remove me from my post and then purge my subordinates?" Heinz replied calmly, "I have to gain time to negotiate with the opposition before returning home."

"You speak those accusations against the king without changing your face." Aiden teased.

"I have to give my subordinates an explanation. To suddenly make everyone accept such a drastic change, we need a sufficiently exaggerated reason." Heinz looked directly into Aiden's eyes. "You disdain my approach? Okay, I understand. But Please don't have any expectations for the moral level of a spy chief. The concept that has been instilled in me since I can remember is that there is only one 'right' in this world, which is to use all means for the advancement of this country - other than that All morality can be discarded. Framing and killing people are nothing. I am used to doing dirty work. "

"So in order to prevent the internal division of the aristocratic class, you can even kill your lover." Aiden nodded, "But now your position is completely opposite. It was obvious that you were still working for such a 'tyrant' just a few minutes ago. Now he has turned the spear and struck without hesitation.”

"Since Serra is determined to fight for real power, ousting the current king as soon as possible, or asking the king to give up the New Deal, can also prevent the split. Either let him be finished, or he must lose the reason to move Serra. Political struggle wants To protect yourself, be the smartest or the toughest, choose one.

"I understand this. What I mean is that you changed too quickly." Aiden said, "To be honest, your behavior makes me wonder when you will change your stance again."

"It's not so much that I became faster, but that I found my true thoughts. I actually still want to protect Saira, but after thinking about this, I have nothing to hesitate about." Heinz replied , "It's a bit excusing myself by saying this, but when I was performing the assassination mission, I was really in pain..."

"I still believe this. Compared with the way you used to clean those 'imperial envoys' just now, your method of dealing with me is much gentler." Aiden smiled and nodded, "It makes me want to thank you. Please be merciful, if you were so ruthless in attacking me from the beginning, I might be a little bit overwhelmed."

"You are so humble. When it comes to playing politics, manipulating people's hearts by guiding people to make their own choices is much better than repression and brainwashing. If you hadn't added fuel to the fire, how could Saila and I have gotten to where we are now?" Hai Inz changed the subject as he spoke, "I guess... you also used the same method to give Saira hints, right? Otherwise, with her character, it would be impossible to make such a decision so quickly."

After hearing this, Saira looked at Aiden in surprise. The series of strange dreams, as well as the scenes that coincided with the dreams and reality - looking back now, maybe... it was not a "precognition" at all.

Aiden didn't even look at her: "I think I did a good thing."

"I have to admit, at least for now, I am grateful to you." Heinz lowered his head slightly, "Allow me to thank you."

"There's no need to just say thank you. A thank you gift is the most practical thing." Aiden looked at Heinz and said, "You know what I want."

"If Mr. Jarrod is willing to exchange..." Heinz said, "I hope to get the secret technique that can change the appearance."

"You may not be able to use the 'secret technique' I teach you," Aiden reminded.

"It doesn't mean that I won't have the chance to master it in the future, I just think that kind of power is valuable." Heinz replied.

"If it's a fair deal in this matter, then you still owe me a favor." Aiden said seriously.

"You can make other conditions," Heinz said, "as long as I can meet them."

"Okay, it just so happens that I have two people I'm looking for in Gistas..." Aiden also accepted the conditions.


"It involves some secrets. Let's talk about it in detail next time you come to visit the prison." Aiden said and glanced at Saira, "Don't worry, there will still be a long time to come."

Heinz couldn't get Saira out of prison right away. Until he paved the way for Saira to return to the country, it would be safer for Saira to stay in Aiden's prison.

Now as the princess's staff member and Saira's lover, Heinz can only meet Saira through "prison visits" in the future.

"That's fine." Heinz nodded, "Then, Saira, I'll leave it to you for the time being."

"Don't you have anything to say to her?" Aiden reminded again, "Obviously this is the time when you really meet again."

Heinz was stunned for a moment. This man who had always been steady and calm showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

He looked at Saira, who also glanced at him cautiously.

"I'm sorry," Heinz whispered.

"Don't apologize." Saira suddenly replied seriously.

Heinz subconsciously wanted to apologize again, but then he realized something was wrong and couldn't accept it for a moment.

After a while, he said: "This road will be very hard, Saira."

"Won't you stay with me?" A faint smile finally appeared on Saira's face.

"I will, but the things I will do will be the same as before. For you, I may do some things that you may not be able to accept... In this country, the road to power is not so clean, but don't worry, these I will do it for you..." Heinz said hesitantly.

At this time, Saira suddenly turned her head to look at him and interrupted him: "I will accompany you too."

Heinz was stunned. For a long time, a calm smile appeared on his face, and he nodded towards his lover: "Okay."

Then he looked at Aiden.

"Is that all?" Aiden asked.

"That's enough." Heinz replied, "After I finish handling the aftermath here, I will change my identity and visit your prison tomorrow."

"I hope you don't get kidnapped by the Inquisition or the Mounted Police." Aiden joked.

"One last thing, Mr. Garrod..." Heinz said suddenly, "Although I can probably think of your answer, I still want to ask, are you interested in entering politics? If you are willing to come to Guise Tas serves as His Highness Serra’s staff. Can we arrange a much higher position for you there than here?”

"Since you have already thought of my answer, let me refuse." Aiden smiled.

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