The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 423 Signature of the ‘Watcher’

The next day, the library in the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison.

"...In this way, with the help of the watch elves, the princess lifted the curse on the brave man. The brave man who escaped from the wizard's control said to the princess in frustration: 'What a terrible thing I did. I failed to kill the wizard. Instead, I almost killed you. I am no longer qualified to be your knight. Please allow me to leave.'

However, at this time, the princess picked up the discouraged brave man's sword and said: 'Whether you are qualified or not, it should be me who has the final say. Since you can't do it alone, go together. I have understood that my own destiny should be saved by myself. My knight, are you willing to accompany me to kill the evil wizard and lift the curse on me? ’

The brave man was surprised at first, but then he laughed in surprise: 'You are the bravest princess I have ever seen, and I am willing to follow you to the death! ’

So the brave man embarked on the journey to defeat the wizard for the third time. No one knew whether he succeeded in the end, but this time he held the hand of his beloved princess on the way. "

Arsena finished reading the story in a tone without any inflection, then raised her face to Avansha who was sitting opposite and asked: "That's it, what do you think of this story?"

Aifansha tilted her head: "Your voice when reading stories is much worse than the instructors and others, there is no emotion..."

"You're no different from me, right?" Arsenal retorted expressionlessly, "I'm just asking you to evaluate the story."

Today, Afansha applied to borrow books from the library alone after class. Seeing that there were only two of them in the library except for the prison guard, Arsena left Afansha to ask her to give her opinions on the story she was preparing to submit. .

"I think the story is very good." Aifansha nodded.

"Okay, then I should be able to pass this time." Arsenal let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you really want to contribute to "Children's Dream"?" Aifansha asked.


"What pen name are you going to use?"

"Guardian spirit." Arsena replied. "

Aifansha thought for a while and said tentatively: "Congratulations?"

"The submission hasn't been approved yet, what's the point of congratulations? Just wish others success at this time." Arsena corrected calmly, knowing very well that the killer in front of her had no understanding of the world.

"I wish you success." Aifansha said as the other party taught her.

"I'd like to lend you some good words." Arsenal gave a normal response.

"Then, if you succeed, can you help me get an autograph from 'Watchmen'?" Aifansha suddenly made a request.

"You can't contact other authors just by submitting your manuscript successfully." Arsena said, "And it is said that even the magazine does not know the contact information of 'Watchman'. 'Watchman' has always submitted manuscripts anonymously to different mailboxes in the city. magazine."

"Is he from this city?"

"I can't tell for sure. Didn't he himself say that he collected those stories while traveling around?" Arsena shrugged, "To be honest, I kind of want his signature too."

From Arsenal's perspective, the fairy tales submitted by "Watchmen" are remarkable in terms of storytelling and depth. Even as an adult, she likes them quite a lot.

Even if those stories were not created by him, he must be a knowledgeable traveler to have collected so many good stories. I really want to chat with this person in person...

At this time, the two prison guards guarding the door saluted together. Aiden strode into the library and saw the two people at a glance: "Avansha? Why are you here?"

"The instructor said that my grammar homework was not good and asked me to borrow a reference book to read." Afansha answered honestly.

"That's it, come on." Aiden nodded.

"The warden came to borrow books?" Arsena asked.


"It's strange." Arsenal said.

"I lived in prison for a few days and forgot to buy last week's weekly. Now that I can't buy it, I suddenly remembered." Aiden said, "There are some here, right? Last week's "Line Man Weekly"?"

"That weekly magazine that is full of villains' books?" Arsenal asked.

"It's a comic," Aiden corrected.

"It's too late, she just borrowed it." Arsena pointed at Avansha.

Aiden turned his attention to Avantha.

Avantha looked at Aiden, took out the magazine from under the reference book she borrowed, and then carefully hid it behind her back.

"I won't steal it from you." Aiden smiled helplessly, "I will still abide by the first-come, first-served order."

Afansha thought about it, hesitated for a while, and finally handed the magazine out again: "Here."

"Huh?" Aiden was a little surprised.

"I still want to do my homework and borrow it tomorrow." Aifansha said, "You go first."

Aiden looked at Avantha thoughtfully for a while. This girl seemed to be more humane than before.

"Okay, thanks, I'll return it as soon as possible." Aiden smiled and took the book.

"Warden, please register. Even you must abide by the library's regulations." Arsena handed over the borrowing registration manual and asked Aiden to sign, "Don't forget the deadline."

"Got it." Aiden casually signed his name on it.

Arsenal looked at it and said, "Warden, this signature is too sloppy. Please sign it again."

At the same time, in the back room of the infirmary, Hero was tied to the hospital bed with his eyes closed.

After being injected with sleeping pills, her heartbeat and breathing were reduced to extremely low levels.

And now, the effect of the drug gradually faded, and her body was slowly waking up.

In the depths of her consciousness, the images of past memories flashed repeatedly, the burning temple with corpses everywhere, the masked man, the priestess singing hymns...

A voice asked and answered itself outside these images.

"Is revenge really meaningful?"

-How many things in this world are really meaningful?

"Why should the high and mighty God care about the worship and offense of mere mortals?"

-Hate is equal, for everyone.

"Why talk to yourself?"

-Because there is only "us".

"'We' are crazy?"

-Does it matter?

"Who are you?"

-Who are "we"?

"Do you accept your own ending?"

The broken self gathered together at this moment, and suddenly emerged from the deepest part of consciousness like a whale rushing out of the water. This reborn personality shouted the final answer:


Hero suddenly opened his eyes.

What appeared in front of her was a snow-white ceiling.

The body was heavy and weak, and the consciousness seemed to be filled with lead, and it could sink back down at any time.

"I am..."

While thinking about herself in a daze, He Luo looked around and finally confirmed that this was a strange place.

"What the hell is this place?" She frowned and whispered to herself, with neither dullness nor madness in her eyes.

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