"Heluo?" Aiden looked at the door of the infirmary. Heluo was taller than Meiluo. Although he hid his body behind Meiluo, half of his head was exposed.

This woman didn't seem to believe that they couldn't aim at her vitals, but that no one of them dared to hit her like this - anyone who shot her like this would be fatally injured.

Hailuo didn't react to this title, but asked a random question: "Where is that guy?"

"Who?" Aiden asked.

Although he was calm on the surface, he was quite surprised in his heart. Hero was actually asking him questions - this madman seemed to have really returned to normal.

He listened to the report for a while before coming and knew that Hailuo had woken up and was in a bit of an abnormal state. He also grabbed a gun and took Meiruu Jinnu hostage. But he didn't know that Hailuo could actually talk normally.

"Of course it's the master behind you, that damn bitch who likes to play tricks behind your back. I remember you believers call her the 'Great Goddess of Conspiracy'?" Hailuo suddenly raised his head and shouted into the air, "Hey, hey, Are you watching? Do you like to see me talking to the dog? "

Veronica and the other prison guards suddenly looked confused. Hero had only been normal for a minute or two after waking up, and now he started talking nonsense again.

However, Aiden realized the problem. Helo seemed to have recovered his memory, remembering Melfilia's control of the Blood Moon Order to destroy the Temple of Vengeance.

But the tone of his words didn't quite sound like Hailuo himself.

Precia said before that there is another personality sleeping deep in Hailuo's consciousness, and that personality seems to be awakened...

"You all get out and close the gate." Aiden gave the order in a deep voice, "I will handle it here."

The riot control team members all looked at Aiden in surprise. Only Veronica repeated the order without hesitation: "Everyone exit the area and close all the gates!"

After saying that, she whispered to Aiden: "Sir, be careful not to get too close to her. She can control other people's bodies for about three seconds... That's how my gun was taken away. I'm sorry."

Aiden had an idea as soon as he heard it. This seems to be the "betrayal" power of the "hatred" power. The power that "Hailuo" can now use is not only rebound damage.

"I understand." Aiden replied in a low voice, "We'll talk about throwing the gun later."

The prison guards quickly retreated and left along the corridor. Soon, the sound of iron gates falling was heard at the end of the corridors on both sides.

"Boy, what are you planning to do?" Hailuo asked.

"Are you Hero or the Nemesis?" Aiden asked directly.

"What do you think, mortal?" Hailuo smiled ferociously, "Do you think you really succeeded in killing me?"

Meirujinu looked back and forth between the two of them in surprise, the goddess of revenge...the god served by the Temple of Vengeance? Does she really exist? Is this warden negotiating with a Dominator?

"Nice to meet you. I didn't expect that a god has been imprisoned in our prison. But please don't say 'you'. I am not in the same group as that sect." Aiden raised his finger and pointed at Meirujinnu. , "How about letting the hostages go? I'll stay here and talk to you alone about what you want to know."

"Warden!" Mei Liujinu immediately showed a moved expression.

She was a little lucky. It seemed that she was still valuable in Aiden's eyes. When she was being held hostage, Veronica didn't care about her life or death, but the warden still had the heart to save her life. .

Hero didn't reply at all. The hostage was in her hands and she could let them go or not. There was no reason for her to do whatever Aiden said.

At this time, Aiden added: "It's okay to kill her if you don't want to let me go. This woman deserves to die. Anyway, this hostage is of no use to you at all. Believe it or not...it's all thanks to you to hold her hostage." It’s her, otherwise I would really have to worry about it.”

"Warden!?" Mei Liujinu's eyes widened.

"Ivansa's treatment plan is already available. Even if I have any problems in the future, I can contact Lamia. Although it is a pity that you can't continue to contribute to the development of medicine in this world, but in order for us not to bow to the evil forces And the sacrifice is considered a worthy death." Aiden waved his hand to Meliu Jinu, "I will remember you, Queen Ant Meiliu Jinu."

"You—" Mei Liujinu almost cursed.

Hero looked at Aiden suspiciously, and Aiden met her gaze nonchalantly, pulled out his gun and said, "Do you want me to shoot her first before you believe that this hostage is just a burden to you? I Just want to talk to you alone."

Meirujinu immediately stiffened.

Hailuo snorted softly and let go of Mei Liujinu.

"Escape as soon as you are saved. Go around the right corner and get to the gate." Aiden pointed to the side.

Meirujinu glanced at him dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to stay here for long, so she could only run to the end of the corridor angrily.

There were only two people left on the scene, and the amalgam golem behind Aiden.

Aiden looked at Hailuo and said, "Then, Lady Goddess, let's go in and talk -"

Hailuo suddenly raised his gun in the middle of his words. Aiden immediately raised the gun reflexively and fired. Although he was a step slower, his movements were much faster and he was far more skilled with guns than Hailuo, so he had to go first. The trigger was pulled.

There was a gunshot, and Aiden knocked the gun out of Hero's hand.

"Goddess, I just want to chat with you, what are you doing?" Aiden asked.

"You are related to the goddess of conspiracy anyway. Just looking at you makes me feel the rage of revenge surge up uncontrollably." He Luo said as he strode forward, not caring about the gun pointed at him, "Let me leave some wounds on you first, and then we can talk!"

At this moment, Aiden suddenly remembered what Melifilia said about the goddess of vengeance in the past. Although this goddess is different from He Luo and can talk, it does not mean that her brain is normal.

Aiden remembered that Veronica said that the other party has the power to control other people's bodies for a short time, and this power seems to be limited by distance.

"What a willful goddess." Aiden sighed, and seeing He Luo getting closer to him, he began to recite the words of God.

The word of "punishment"!

Aiden pointed at He Luo and loudly announced the content of the punishment: "Exile!"

A square "door" suddenly opened behind the goddess of vengeance, leading to a dark void space.

The goddess of vengeance who was walking forward suddenly lost her balance and fell backwards. The opened "door" had a strong suction force directed only at her, and sucked her in.

At the same time, a similar door opened in the infirmary in the distance, "spitting" the goddess of vengeance out.

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