The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 428: Just make do with it

Nemesis didn't show any interested reaction to Aiden's proposal: "Do you think if you say the same thing in another way, I would nod?"

"It's not the same. What I mean is that if you don't like me, then we won't cooperate. There are no conditions or contracts between us. But our enemies and purposes partially overlap. It's just an exchange of intelligence and we promise not to attack each other. , these won’t cost you anything,” Aiden explained carefully, “Don’t you want to know where your enemies are?”

"Where are they?" the goddess of revenge asked immediately.

"As long as you tell me something I want to know, I'll tell you part of it," Aiden replied.

"What if I refuse?" asked the Fury.

"I won't do anything to you." Aiden replied, "This is your freedom, but you have to miss the opportunity to know the information you want to know."

"Then I'll think about it." Nemesis replied without hesitation.

"Many times, considering it means rejecting it. I'm not sure what kind of 'considering' you mean." Aiden asked carefully.

"I think refusal will directly reject you, boy." The Fury combed her hair a little with her hands, "I just woke up, and my head is still a little confused. I need some time to sort out my memories... It's not the right time for me to make a decision. Take care of the patient, okay?"

"Well, a patient took a gun from one of my men and took a hostage... I can understand that you are at least willing to cease the war?" Aiden said.

"If you let me take a hot bath, I can tolerate the stench of conspiracy on your body for a while." The goddess of revenge said, "This body has not been washed for a few days."

"Well, the water in the bathhouse is relatively warm, so we'll make do with it. The prisoners have complained many times, but at least it's not ice-cold. The boiler is difficult to control. In order to prevent burns, we have to limit the temperature." Aiden answered.

"Sustain? Do want me to understand?" The goddess of revenge showed displeasure in her eyes.

She was once a worshiped god, but this man wanted her to compromise with the temperature of the bath water?

"No, you misunderstood." Aiden waved his hand, "I don't need you to understand, I just want to explain it to you. And one thing I want to explain, you'd better cherish this opportunity to take a bath, because I'm afraid there will be a period of time when you You can't do a good wash like this because you're going to be in confinement."

"What?" The goddess of revenge opened her eyes in disbelief.

"You snatched my men's guns, shot at the prison guards, and took hostages. This matter is very serious. It's so serious that even if you just let go of the hostages and surrendered, I can't pretend to be confused... Please don't interrupt me, let me I'm done." When Aiden saw that the other party was about to speak, he made a gesture, and then continued, "This matter will extend your sentence. Of course, this matter is the work of the adjudication office, and I have to do it out of duty. The punishment according to your prison management regulations is, at least, ten days of confinement.”

"Prison management regulations?" Nemesis didn't respond.

"I don't know if you remember, but this is a prison, and prisons have prison rules, my lady goddess."

"By the way, speaking of this, do you have Hailuo's memory? Oh, no, even if you do, that lunatic has not received prison training. That's just right. During your confinement, I will take the time to make it up for you. I hope you Cooperate," Aiden said.

"Prison...I seem to have remembered..." the goddess of revenge tried to recall, "I am here, locked in a cage, fed regularly, and occasionally sent to take a bath with shackles, and you actually treat me like Locked up like a pet?”

"With all due respect, Heroine is the most comfortable prisoner in my prison. She doesn't even need to do a job." Aiden replied, "Fortunately, you can still communicate normally now and can live a happy life in prison." A normal life - by prisoner standards, of course."

"You want a god to accept the rules of a mortal prison?" The goddess of revenge smiled, as if she had heard a cold joke.

"Well, saying this may offend you a bit, but I still hope you can recognize the fact. You are no longer a ruler, you are just a mortal who retains a little power." Aiden said calmly, "Secondly, if you are Dominator, then I can only use another set of standards to guard you - believe me, you won't like it. You know that this is a mortal prison, which was established to maintain the order of mortal society. If you are above the rules, the rights in the rules will not apply to you.”

"It seems you don't know me very well, boy. There are many people who have offended the goddess of revenge, but the only ones who haven't taken revenge yet are that bitch and her bitch. Everyone else has regretted it. I guess you don't want to be One of them?" the goddess of revenge said coldly, "Affected by authority, I tend to hold grudges, and... I tend not to be particularly rational when it comes to revenge."

"We probably get along very well when it comes to holding grudges, but if you have to remember such a small thing, wouldn't the situation be too small, Goddess? And you have frankly said that you don't like me, so why should I please you? What's more, I don't have any Necessary, because you have no choice in this matter, I will use the "Wordless Code" to limit your power." Aiden took out the "Wordless Code" and started writing immediately.

As long as the two powers of "betrayal" and "revenge" are sealed, it is basically difficult for the goddess of revenge to pose a fundamental threat to this prison.

"You really have no respect for God at all." The goddess of revenge frowned.

"If I were a god, after the Goddess of Conspiracy has given me so many favors, I should kneel down and lick her feet, or beg her for sex like a madman, instead of thinking about getting rid of her." Aiden closed the code after saying this.

"This is probably the only thing I like about you." The goddess of vengeance smiled sarcastically.

"So, is there anything unclear about what I said before, goddess?" Aiden performed a respectful tone.

"Hmph, I'll take a shower first to sort out the memories in my head, and I'll talk about the rest later." The goddess of vengeance chose to put the issue aside.

"As long as you follow the rules while doing these, it's good that the confinement room is relatively quiet now, and you can recall it there." Aiden said, "By the way, I have another question, what name should we call you in the future?"

The goddess of vengeance lowered her eyes and thought for a while, and gave an answer: "Just use the original name of this body, you can call it what you originally called it, the name doesn't mean much to us."

"Okay, prisoner 3020, He Luo." Aiden snapped his fingers, "I will arrange for someone to take you to take a shower right away."

"Get me a new set of clothes." He Luo sneered.

"I really need to get you a new set of clothes." Aiden looked at He Luo's prison uniform.

The orange prison uniform will be upgraded to red from today.

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