The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 430 The power of

The next day, the corridor of the solitary room.

"In such a small room, you want me to sleep sitting on the toilet?"

"Believe me, this is already a lighter sentence." Aiden moved a chair and sat in the corridor, looking at Hailuo through the square window above the confinement room. "While it is still relatively quiet, I will give you Make up for the jail training. I hope you can remember the rules written on this piece of paper. Please memorize them.”

After finishing speaking, Aiden stuffed the paper into the food delivery window below.

Hero didn't even look at the piece of paper, he just stared at Aiden expressionlessly: "Is this your original joke?"

"Don't imitate me. I ask you to memorize the rules so that you don't have to live in a room so small that you have to sleep next to the toilet, and you can move around like other prisoners." Aiden spread his hands, "If you stay in the solitary room from now on, , or have been locked on a shelf or wall, of course there are no rules to remember. "

Hailuo did not continue the topic and asked: "Boy, where is the goddess of conspiracy?"

"You ask, are you ready to agree to the deal?" Aiden asked in turn.

"I've probably gone through my memory, and now I don't feel so strange to you. The smell of you disgusts me, but... it should be fair for you to make deals with others. Otherwise, those prisoners will not be willing to accept your instructions. ." Hailuo said, staring at him.

"Thank you for your fair evaluation." Aiden nodded.

Nemesis obviously also inherited the memory of Hero's life in prison, and she still has some impression of him.

"Then, since it was you who proposed it, you should give in first, kid." Hailuo said, "Tell me, where is my enemy?"

"I can't tell you right away where the goddess of conspiracy is, but I can tell you first about Mr. Xueyi - the man who took away your divine power. My intelligence shows that he is in Luohui City in the south of Gistas." Aiden replied .

Of course, he couldn't reveal that Melifilia was under this prison. Regardless of whether it was a secret of the Inquisition, if the Furies knew that the mastermind behind her downfall was under her feet, God knows what this madman would do. Order something.

"Is this information reliable?" Hailuo asked suspiciously.

"The source is considered reliable. The most recent intelligence update was a year ago. I am now using my own intelligence network to verify it." Aiden replied.

"Can your intelligence network find a person in a city?"

"I happen to have a very solid intelligence network in this regard." Aiden answered confidently, "You can relax."

Heinz Hoffmann is currently busy negotiating with the forces in the country that are opposed to the king, paving the way for Serra to return to the country. However, the Royal Secret Police has also deployed a large number of manpower in Luohui City, where the Republican Party is active. He has already used telegrams to contact reliable departments responsible for searching for suspected cults and the whereabouts of Mr. Blood Clothes. Even the local heresy trial agency has joined in.

Mr. Xueyi, alone, had been aware of it in advance and might have had a chance to completely avoid arrest. But if he formed a cult to find Professor Dodge, there was no way he could hide it.

While Serra is still hiding in his prison, Heinz will probably still pay attention to his requests.

"What's that damn maggot doing in that place?" Hero continued to ask.

"I've already given in. Now it's your turn, ma'am." Aiden spread his hands.

"What do you want to know?"

"Can you tell me specific information about the authority of 'hate'?"

"You just answered a question and you want me to reveal my cards?" Hailuo said coldly.

"It's not yours, it's the maggot's that you just scolded." Aiden spread his hands, "I want to kill him, and you want to skin him. Only by telling me the information about authority can I defeat him. "

"Pay attention to the way you speak. It sounds too conspiratorial." Hailuo frowned in disgust, "You do want him to die, but you are not prepared to let me take back my power so easily."

"It depends on the situation." Aiden replied, "Anyway, we are all using each other, don't care if I have an agenda. Communication must be back and forth to be called communication. If you only ask questions, it is just an interrogation. . And with all due respect, you don’t have much information to exchange with me.”

The Goddess of Vengeance is also a ruler with different thinking than ordinary people. If she takes back her power, the danger will probably not be much lower than that of the Goddess of Conspiracy. Moreover, now that she is occupying the body of a prisoner in his prison, Aiden cannot rashly cooperate with her directly.

Hailuo was silent for a while and then said: "I can tell you one of the powers first. Which one do you want to know?"

"Betrayal." Aiden chose this option without hesitation.

This power is the most dangerous of the abilities that Hero has exerted before, and it is also the one that Aiden least understands the details and principles of. Unlike "revenge", which must be launched passively, and "sacrifice", which must be actively sacrificed by someone, "betrayal" seems to be able to directly exert control over others.

"'Betrayal' of power? Are you most wary of this?" Hailuo replied lightly, "Actually, this power is not a big deal. To put it bluntly, it just reverses people's mental tendencies."

"Please be more specific," Aiden suggested.

"To put it simply, it is to turn a person's idea into the complete opposite, to make a person who wants to go east suddenly want to go west, to make a loyal dog turn into a vicious dog that attacks its owner, and to make the lover turn his back. Love. The deeper the betrayal, the deeper the hatred." Hailuo explained.

"I heard them say that you controlled their bodies at that time? Is that also the power of 'betrayal'?" Aiden asked.

"Yes. I applied my power to their subconscious, making them subconsciously do the opposite of their conscious mind. The more the conscious mind knows what they shouldn't do, the more the body will prioritize doing that thing." He Luo said with a malicious smile on his face, "That is, let the body betray the mind, and force a person to take the initiative to do something they would rather die. It can make the bravest man take the initiative to kneel down to the hated enemy, and it can also make the most loyal woman take the initiative to undress the person she hates, but it can actually preserve their pain."

"Subconscious..." Aiden asked, "Hearing you say that, this power has many uses?"

"Depending on the level of power and proficiency, it can do a lot of things." He Luo nodded, "The human spirit is a collection of various desires: wanting to eat, wanting to drink water, wanting to satisfy sexual desires, wanting to be respected, wanting to see the smiles of relatives, wanting to see the pain of enemies... and even the survival instinct of wanting to survive. Imagine reversing one or more of these desires - what a wonderful result will appear?"

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