The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 45: People who can only survive in a cage

There was a knock on the door, and Aiden answered: "Come in."

Veronica opened the door and walked into the office, saluted Aiden at the table: "Sir."

"Tell me, what do you want to ask about?" Aiden sat on the chair and looked at his subordinates and asked, "Is it about Ivantha?"

"You...see it?" Veronica was a little surprised.

"When I was talking to her earlier, I could always feel your gaze. You really care about that child."

"Sir, I heard before that you asked prisoner 3201 to help you?" Veronica asked cautiously.


"What do you usually ask her to do?"

Aiden thought for a while: "The duties I gave her were basically to suppress prisoner riots, or to catch prisoners who escaped from prison, and like today, let her keep an eye on other prisoners. I told you, right? That kid is my gold medal fighter."

"But isn't this kind of thing the responsibility of the riot squad?"

"We are very short of manpower. If you have joined the riot control team, you should have seen it. Now the prison has more than 2,000 inmates. How many people are there in the riot control team? Moreover, the number of riot control personnel required in the core area is larger than that in other prisons. There are too many areas in total, so if we don’t use prisoners to help, you might not even get any sleep.”

"But to be honest, I think it's a bit... inappropriate to let such a young child take on such a task, right?" Veronica chose her words carefully.

"In terms of the degree of danger, she is many times more dangerous than the task I gave her. According to my assessment, the task I gave her is not too difficult for her." Aiden replied calmly. .

"With all due respect..." Veronica swallowed, and finally plucked up the courage to speak her mind, "Aren't you... using her as a tool?"

"That's true. Objectively speaking, I am indeed treating her as a tool." Aiden nodded without hesitation, admitting it neatly.

Veronica's eyes widened. Aiden's "frank" answer was completely beyond her expectation, and she was speechless for a moment.

After a while, she finally managed to hold back her words: "Then this and -"

"What's the difference between this and Meiliu Jinnu who used her as a murder tool? Is that what you think?" Aiden answered for her, "The difference is huge. Meliu Jinu used her as a murder tool. It’s illegal. It’s legal for me to use her as a tool to maintain prison discipline.”

"Does this make sense?" Veronica still couldn't understand.

"This is not the best approach, but it is indeed feasible." Aiden answered still calmly, "To put it bluntly, a prison is a place where criminals are punished and taught how to live by abiding by the law. The child can only Understand the way to survive as a tool, then I will teach her how to be a tool that can be tolerated by the law. The same is true for using violence. Criminals will not be tolerated by society, but law enforcement officers will. "

"But, can't we let her learn to be an ordinary child? She is only less than fourteen years old now, so there is still room for further education, right?"

"This may be useful for ordinary juvenile delinquents, but it is meaningless for her." Aiden stared at Veronica for a long time, and finally said quietly: "Veronica, the reason why we provide reform education to prisoners is to Giving the prisoner a chance is not just to impress himself. Everything must start from the prisoner himself.”

Veronica was stunned.

"I have a friend who once devoted himself to a job, which was to educate teenagers and girls who have committed crimes. He believes that those children have gone astray, and they just have ideological and moral problems. As long as you sincerely influence them and correct them, This can make them realize their mistakes and become good-hearted from now on," Aiden said calmly, "So, he opened an institution to gather those children and give them ideological and moral lessons. There are other courses in the academy.”

"Isn't that great?"

"But he was ridiculed by the children on the first day. Many children laughed at him for not knowing anything and only talking about general principles. As a result, not many children were willing to cooperate with the education class that my friend took."

"How could this happen?" Veronica was very surprised.

"Because he has never thought deeply about the root causes of those children going astray. In fact, in that institution, only a small group of people are like what he thinks, and the environment where most children come from is very problematic. Yes. Some people have parents who are not around to discipline them, some people have been domestically abused since childhood, and some even have parents who are criminals and have been forced by their parents to beg and steal since childhood. Some people have always lived in a distorted environment, even if they have been corrected. Concepts cannot change the environment they are in, but he thinks that his preaching can cure the disease. In the end, it is just what he takes for granted. "

Aiden told the story with an expressionless face. These were actually his two years of experience working in a juvenile detention center.

Seeing Veronica reminded him of his younger self.

"In the end, my friend realized that instead of using his own ideas to forcefully correct those juvenile delinquents, it is better to be more realistic and let them understand that they will be punished for doing bad things, and teach them to learn to live in society in a normal way. ——As long as you don’t commit crimes, it’s the most practical thing for those children.”

Veronica blinked thoughtfully. She was also an orphan. If she hadn't been taken in by a good orphanage, she might have gone astray.

She chewed on the deep meaning of these words carefully and asked carefully: "So, you mean that Avansha..."

"Avansha is a completely different alien from ordinary people. She will never live like an ordinary person in her life. It doesn't make any sense for her to correct her ideas to be like an ordinary child."

Aiden said seriously.

"As long as she still has the skills to kill, this society will almost never let her leave this prison. There are so many people outside who want to use her as a killing tool. She is...a person who can only be allowed to survive in this prison. All I can do is teach her how to survive in this prison."

"Then this world is too unfair to her. There is no chance for her at all."

Veronica lowered her eyes with some sadness.

As a werewolf, she can still change her fate through hard work, but Avansha's life is a one-way street to despair - either a killing tool or a prisoner.

"She has no chance when she is born into this world, I told you." Aiden thought for a moment, and suddenly added the second half of the sentence, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Veronica raised her face again.

"Unless the Mirujinu who trained her is caught." Aiden folded his hands, "If there is one person in this world who can give Avansha a chance to become an ordinary person, at present, it can only be her."

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