The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 451: Survivors of the Cult

Aiden thought for a while and asked another question: "Professor Dodge wanted to stop Gestas from pursuing this project. Why didn't he choose to make this matter public? Or just kill all the people related to the project?"

With the Hand of Annihilation, the black magic mastered by Professor Dodge, and the possible divine words, it shouldn't be difficult for him to assassinate a political figure.

"Perhaps, he wants to completely prevent the restart of this project." Heinz gave his own guess. "The empire has made such a start, and the kingdom's military has given this research progress. As long as the conditions are met, there will be many forces involved in this project. interested."

"But he has been there for at least two years. Has he made any big moves in the past two years?" Aiden asked.

"Really not, he seems to be very patient, which is a bit hard to explain." Heinz also agreed with Aiden's doubts.

Aiden fell into deep thought again: Is Professor Dodge planning a time-consuming plan to completely eradicate this demon research project, or does he have another purpose?

I'm afraid only he knows this. The intelligence channels Aiden currently has can only touch Harrison Dodge from the side.

Heinz stared at him for a while, then suddenly said: "The Cult of the Mother Goddess Feng Rang."

"What?" Aiden was stunned, completely confused as to why the name of this religious order suddenly popped up in Professor Dodge's topic.

"I remember that when the Fengyang Mother Goddess Cult was operating in the autonomous prefecture, you were the warden who participated in the suppression, right?" Heinz said.

"That's what happened. Why did you mention this all of a sudden?" Aiden was a little confused.

"Maybe they know something we don't know," Heinz replied seriously.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly." Aiden immediately frowned seriously.

"Actually, before Gistas learned of the existence of the project and infiltrated it, we discovered that the Mother Goddess of Feng Rang suddenly stepped up their sabotage activities against the empire's military construction." Heinz explained, "In the CIA During the two years of infiltrating the empire's research projects, the Mother Goddess of Fengzhen carried out two terrorist attacks on the project's military base. We speculated at the time——"

"The mysterious person who revealed the information to you also gave the information to the Fengxuan Mother Goddess Order?" Aiden continued.

The Order of the Mother Goddess of Fengran is a remnant of the old Lesai Kingdom. It was established for the purpose of restoring the country. Their enemies are the Dragon Spine Empire and the Gistas Kingdom, which annexed the old Lesai Kingdom. If someone creates conditions for them, they have a reason to cause trouble for the empire.

"In those years, the Order of the Mother Goddess Fengran attacked several important military locations in the empire, not just the research base of this project. According to our understanding, the Order of the Mother Goddess Fengran should not have that deep understanding of the infiltration of the empire's military secrets. There is a high possibility that there are insiders or intelligence agencies with outstanding capabilities who deliberately disclosed information to them.”

"They were probably used as guns, but not by you. Because in their eyes, you are the same enemies as the Empire." Aiden understood.

The intelligence department of the Gistas army would not think of using the Order of the Goddess of Fengran. The Order of the Goddess of Fengxuan hates both the empire and the Kingdom of Gistas. If they want to use them, they may get burned if they are not careful.

"Assuming that someone really disclosed information to them and even used it to be used by these terrorists targeting the Empire, that person should have a certain degree of hatred towards the Imperial Army," Heinz said.

"This is in line with our speculation about Professor Dodge's character."

Ten years ago, Professor Dodge was arrested and jailed, and then escaped from prison. At that time, he should have completely broken with the imperial military.

"Before we started investigating the empire's project, the Mother Goddess Order was already carrying out sabotage operations. The leaker has been in contact with them for a longer time. Maybe the people in the order know something." Heinz looked at it. Aiden's eyes, "You should have a better chance of knowing the detailed situation than I do. In my impression, there should be survivors of that cult."

Aiden nodded: "Father Bales, he is currently serving his sentence in the Iron Prison of Thorns in Silver City."

Aiden also has some connections with the leaders of Thorn Prison. Even if Father Barres refuses to visit, he can still meet with him and ask him in the name of investigation.

"One last thing. According to our investigation, in the five years from the time Professor Dodge escaped from prison to the time the Intelligence Agency took over the base, the list of officers we listed related to the project included about five senior officers. , disappeared mysteriously." Heinz added another clue.

"It wasn't your intelligence agency that did it?" Aiden asked. "Even if it's one of your own, you probably can't fully grasp the actions of the military intelligence agency."

"From what I understand, this is not their way of doing things. Their plan at the time was to infiltrate and hide, and then integrate the inside and the outside into one pot. How could they alert the snake before taking action?" Heinz said, "It seems that the Fengyang Mother Goddess Cult has not Demonstrated such efficient assassination capabilities."

"Professor Dodge did it? He does have this ability." Aiden thought for a moment, "But this is completely different from his actions in your country. Have Gistas officers been assassinated?"

"When the program was first established, an officer committed suicide, but nothing similar happened later," Heinz replied.

"It sounds like this assassin is more tolerant of you." Aiden said.

"You can try to follow up on the investigation, and I swear I told you everything I know," Heinz said.

"I'll just believe you for now." Aiden raised his teacup in response.

"It's almost time for the scheduled visit, so I should leave." Heinz looked at the wall clock.

"Is it going well?" Aiden asked casually.

Hearing this question, Heinz's expression seemed to relax a little: "The king can't do anything to us for the time being, but the old foxes in the opposition are not easy to control. They are all making conditions for Sera's title. Fortunately, these are all expected difficulties."

"If Her Royal Highness the Princess really has power, she should be able to stop this military project, right?" Aiden said.

"The premise is that we can succeed, but I think... probably before we can get through this road, this bomb buried in Luohui City will be detonated by someone." Heinz said meaningfully.

"I hope we can all escape from the explosion." Aiden replied.

Heinz nodded silently and left the office.

Aiden leaned back in his chair and thought quietly for a while.

Heinz went to visit the, he should also prepare to visit another prisoner.

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