The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 452 Visiting the Thorn Prison

The next day, the Iron Prison of Thorns, the interview room.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Father Bales." Aiden greeted the prisoner opposite.

"The order is gone, and I am no longer a priest." Father Valles, who was sitting opposite, said calmly, "Also, if you can, please stop calling me by my last name. Call me Benedict or Benny." That’s okay.”

"Okay, Mr. Benedick." Aiden smiled and looked him up and down, "I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing in there? You seem to have lost a little weight."

The image of Benedick Valles was very different from when he was in the cult. His hair was shaved, he was wearing a red prison uniform, and he had become noticeably thinner, but he still seemed to be in good spirits.

Aiden noticed that there was a steel shackle around his neck with a magic-forbidden rune and a magic-forbidden stone. It seemed to be made of rare mithril and should be a special product. This shackle can not only seal the blood magic and necromancy that Barres mastered, but also completely eliminate the possibility of him transforming into a synthetic beast in prison due to its excellent strength. Once Barres transforms and expands, the steel ring will jam his throat.

Although in this world, the number of wizards who violate the Convention and study black magic is dominated by women, when it comes to all types of criminals, there are still overwhelmingly men. The Iron Prison of Thorns is a very large prison that can accommodate ten thousand people. It is more than twice the size of the Iron Prison of Roses, and the budget gap is far more than that.

Being able to use tailor-made mithril shackles individually for prisoners with outstanding physical abilities. In the past, the budget of the Iron Prison of Thorns always made Aiden full of envy. Fortunately, now the Iron Prison of Roses is considered rich.

"The food in prison is a bit poor, and there is a lot of physical work, but overall it's pretty passable." Bales replied calmly.

It seems that Father Valles has adapted to life in prison. When the incident of the Mother Goddess of Feng Rang came to an end, he was the only survivor in the entire order. Father Valles was once accused of being the main culprit in organizing the cult. However, with Aiden's testimony, the Inquisition submitted his "surrender" report, and his crime was eventually mitigated. The sentence was not short, but at least he saved his life.

"Thank you for agreeing to the meeting request, otherwise I would have to look for connections." Aiden said.

"I don't have many friends or relatives, so I'm glad someone comes to visit me. Is there anything you want to ask me, sir?" Barrez asked.

When the other party brought it up on his own initiative, Aiden decided not to beat around the bush: "I heard that your religious order once caused trouble in the empire seven or eight years ago?"

"Yes." Bales admitted simply.

"You attacked several imperial military bases?"

"That's right."

It was just as Heinz said. Aiden was not surprised and continued to ask step by step: "How can you know the location of so many bases and someone leaked the secret to you?"

"Yes, about eight years ago, a former imperial soldier took the initiative to find us." Barres continued to answer truthfully.

"Meet you in person?" Aiden was a little surprised this time.

"That's right."

When the mysterious person who leaked the information came to the Gistas Intelligence Agency, he just sent them an anonymous letter. But when he came to the Fengzhen Mother Goddess Order, he actually went to talk to them face to face.

It would be a bit abnormal if his true identity is Professor Dodge, because obviously it is more valuable to talk to Gistas in person. As a former imperial officer who holds military secrets, he has a lot of surrender value. Giestus Tarth shouldn't mind providing him with shelter. As for the Fengran Mother Goddess Cult, it is tantamount to a terrorist organization for these two countries. Under normal circumstances, he would not negotiate face to face without a special purpose.

"The former imperial soldier is quite brave to negotiate with you face to face." Aiden said.

"Mother doesn't like Imperial people, let alone soldiers. But that man seems to be a fugitive wanted by the Empire, and he has a grudge against the Empire." Bales tried to recall, "His name... I can't think of it. Get up."

"Harrison Dodge?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, that's his name." Being reminded like this, Bales suddenly thought of it, "You wanted to find out about him?"

It's really him! This was really an unexpected bonus - Aiden was overjoyed.

It was Professor Dodge who informed the outside world about the demon research project that was destroying the empire. Not only that, he also showed up in person during the process of contacting the Order of the Mother Goddess Toyohan.

"He, a wanted criminal, chose to interview you not just to inform you, right?" Aiden asked.

The actual controller of the Order of the Mother Goddess of Fengran is Sister Nevius, but the declared leader is Father Balles. Professor Dodge must have been talking to Balles at that time, and Naughter Naver should have stood aside and listened. Provide "advice" to Father Valles at critical times.

"Yes, he sold us the intelligence of the imperial military and put forward a commission at the same time." Barres replied, "He seems to know the intelligence of the authority and the capabilities we have. He asked us to use the materials he provided to create An artificial person without self-awareness.”

"What material did he provide?" Aiden asked.

"A few preserved hairs. He wanted me to use those few hairs to recreate the body of the original owner." Barres replied.

"You agreed?"

"I agreed. I asked him to leave the materials, and then my mother used the divine words to reproduce a body from the hair. According to the man's request, we let the body grow to about eleven or twelve years old, and then gave it to him the next day." Bales explained.

"Eleven or twelve years old..." Aiden immediately realized the key.

About ten years ago, Professor Dodge's son "died of illness" at the age of nine. The professor came to the Mother Goddess of Abundance eight years ago. If his son was alive, he should be eleven or twelve years old.

"Does the artificial man you created look a bit like him? I mean..." Aiden asked further.

"They are related by blood, they should be father and son." Before Aiden finished asking, Bales gave a very confident answer, "The power of 'reproduction' can make people vaguely sense blood relationship."

"What does he want an empty shell for?" Aiden asked.

The reproductive body that reproduces and grows rapidly with the power of "reproduction" basically has no consciousness of its own. At most, it will obey the will of the power controller like a worker bee. Professor Dodge asked the cult to create only a cloned body of his son.

"I don't know. We just gave him what he wanted according to the agreement and didn't ask too much." Valles said as he recalled, "But when I told him that this quick-growing reproductive body would have a lifespan of less than a year, he was very disappointed."

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