The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 456: Cause trouble as soon as you come out

"Have you figured out the reason?" Lamia looked at Aiden.

"It's simple. Professor Dodge is not satisfied with the results of the Empire's research, but he may be looking forward to the results of Gistas, and Gistas has indeed made some breakthroughs." Aiden spoke out his speculation, "He doesn't want to destroy Gistas's 'infection' plan, but wants to steal the research results to stabilize his son's symptoms."

The Intelligence Bureau of the Kingdom of Gistas implemented the "infection" plan. Only one officer disappeared at the beginning. After that, whether the plan encountered a bottleneck and was shelved for a time, or a major breakthrough was achieved and the plan was restarted, Professor Dodge, who was stranded in Luohui City, did not take action like the Empire did.

In other words, Professor Dodge may have tried to stop Gistas' research at the beginning, and after Gistas shelved the project, he ignored it. But when the Gistas military achieved a major breakthrough and restarted the project, he changed his mind and began to wait and see the progress of the project, planning to snatch Gistas' research results at the right time.

"Boy, your brain has become faster... That makes sense, that is, he is always monitoring the base of Gistas. Unfortunately, even if he knew this, Qiqimora would not be able to wait for him there." Lamia said.

"I think I may have met him several times in the base, but we couldn't see each other." Qiqimora said.

"But he will attack that base sooner or later. He will not leave no trace when he acts in Luohui City. Be patient, we will find him sooner or later." Aiden said.

"But Qiqimora, even if you find that guy, how can you get the Hand of Annihilation? That guy is a well-known public enemy of witches." Lamia said.

"Public enemy of witches?" Aiden was a little confused. "Does Professor Dodge have such a reputation? He is just an instructor and scholar behind the scenes in the Empire."

"Yes, he is a senior scholar, so he is qualified to participate in such a terrible project, but he has participated in more than one secret project." Lamia laughed sinisterly, "The Empire has used some witches who have committed serious crimes to conduct some unknown experiments in the past, and Professor Dodge is the host. Have you not used your intelligence network to inquire about such things?"

"He was on the special attention list of the assembly, just like you in the past, sir, some radical witches in the Empire want to kill him." Abigail said calmly.

"So that's the case, no wonder he didn't ask you for help." Aiden nodded.

Abigail should have had a considerable accomplishment in the power of "life" at that time. She can stabilize her demonized state, and should also be able to provide help to Professor Dodge.

"Oh, that idiot is just scaring himself. When he was arrested by the Empire ten years ago, we removed him from the threat list. Pursuing forbidden knowledge, what he did is no different from what we do, just with a different name. Ten years ago, how many great witches really wanted to avenge other witches? Those two idiots, Precia and Vera, were just apprentices at the time." Lamia said.

Aiden thought about it, and his goal was not actually on Professor Dodge. His goal was just to prevent Mr. Bloody from getting the Hand of Annihilation. As long as Mr. Bloody couldn't get it, it didn't matter who had the Hand of Annihilation.

So he shouldn't help Kikimora seize the Hand of Annihilation. The Hand of Annihilation is not necessarily safer in Kikimora's hands than in Professor Dodge's hands, and he doesn't need to create unnecessary enemies for this.

"I have an idea, Kikimora." Lamia suddenly proposed with a smile, "Let's grab the research results in that base together, and that Dodge will naturally come to us. Then we can negotiate with him to get the Hand of Annihilation, how about that?"

"You only choose things that are beneficial to you." Kikimora could tell that the first person to benefit from this plan must be Lamia, "This base keeps the dirtiest secrets and is heavily guarded. It's not so easy to take it down, and the warden won't help with this matter."

"Hehe, even if he is willing, he can't help much. Even if he has an intelligence network in Gistas, he can't have an army." Lamia glanced at Aiden.

Aiden didn't reply. It's not that there is no armed force that can be used.

But the Vengeance Temple is basically a group of terrorists, and the foreseeable control method must also go through Hero.

Although he also wants to destroy the inhumane base, the most urgent thing for him is to find Mr. Bloody Clothes first.

"Sorry, I have collected enough intelligence here. I have to speed up the search for my enemy..." Aiden replied calmly.

An unexpected knock on the door broke into Aiden's ears - someone came to the office to find him.

"Sorry, I have some work to deal with." Aiden said goodbye to the other members of the meeting, "You continue the discussion first."

"Goodbye." Abigail and Qiqimora waved to him.

"Don't forget what I said, kid." Lamia reminded.

"Got it." After saying that, Aiden disconnected.

The scene in front of him flashed, and Aiden saw his office again.

"Come in." He shouted to the person outside the door.

Veronica pushed the door in and saluted him: "Sir."

"What's wrong? What happened to He Luo?" Aiden asked.

Today, He Luo finally came out of the confinement room. Since she has recovered her basic sanity and is still quite honest in the confinement room - of course, the main reason is that her main power has been sealed by the "Wordless Code". At her request, Aiden allowed her to act like an ordinary prisoner and not have to stay in prison all day, but at the same time, he also asked the prison guards to keep an eye on her actions.

At this time, He Luo should be out on the playground with other prisoners.

Veronica reported: "The news that she has recovered her sanity has spread among the prisoners, and many people have contacted her..."

"As expected."

"Then she began to preach to the prisoners who gathered around her." Veronica continued.


"Yes, she is preaching the doctrine of the 'Goddess of Vengeance' everywhere. I think it's better to report it to you first."

"It is indeed necessary." Aiden sighed. Before the goddess of vengeance came out, he repeatedly emphasized that the other party should cooperate, but the other party showed a default attitude. As a result... she started to make trouble as soon as she came out.

The "Wordless Code" sealed Hero's powers of "revenge" and "betrayal", leaving only one "sacrifice" - this power is not terrible when used alone, but it will become very difficult if there are loyal believers.

He immediately stood up from his seat: "Take me to the playground to have a look."

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